Minister Utrena Johnson


Spartanburg, SC

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Outreach Deliverance Church
College Attended (optional):
USC - Union & SC State University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Utrena Johnson’s auspicious journey from being a single mother, college drop out, and manically depressed, to a place of promise and prosperity is the making of a good story ~ her story…
A native of Union, SC, Johnson understands first hand how limited opportunities could dwarf one’s view of limitless possibilities. Refusing to allow geographic or mundane thinking to define her present or shape her future, Johnson set course on a journey to rise above her circumstances and become a daughter of promise.
As a method to rebuke the negative comments of a local police officer, Johnson wrote her first play, “Lord Lift us Up” in 1998, and it was then she came to understand the power of telling a story that could mold the destiny of those experiencing it. After a brief hiatus to complete college, give birth and to nurture her three children through their primary years, Johnson returned to her passion of writing and has been a trail blazer in her own right ever since. Eight stage plays later, Johnson is the game changer in gospel play writing.
2008 proved to be a bench mark year for this determined playwright. Her company’s vision expanded and her then brand – Utrena J. Productions could no longer carry the weight of the mantle she possessed.
Accepting that her Ministry was global and her umbrella was to extend coverage to other aspiring artists daring to walk by faith and not by sight, Truth Communications Worldwide was birthed. Its, core mission to educate, empower, and inspire life long spiritual growth via gospel stage plays, books, DVD’s, movies, television, sound tracks, and concerts. Flowing in this vein of hope, TCW rounded out the year with the production of its first commercial DVD, “3 Dimensions of a Man” starring Hollywood great – Clifton Powell and Tony Award nominee, Samantha McSwain.
2009 was just as rewarding for this young - viable entrepreneur. In high demand - disappointing none she starred in her first feature film movie entitled, R.A.W by Russell Blackley. To accentuate this blazing career Johnson released her ninth stage play, Reality Check. In 2010 this driven actor, playwright, director, and producer sees no wavering in sight. Propelled by the spirit of excellence she showcased her tenth stage play, See Me in February and will folllow wiith the dynamic presentation of the eleventh, Love on a Two Way Street in Apriil 2010. Trailing with her first novel soon after. Tenacious and contagiously humble, Johnson is building a legacy – understanding at this stage in the game, she no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. She doesn’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. She now lives by faith, run with patience, and work for a cause that’s bigger than the universe itself.
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop T.D. Jakes, Pastor Jamal Bryant, Elder Randi Howard, & Eddie McConnell

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