Benjamin D.Gaye
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  • monrovia
  • Liberia
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Profile Information

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
paynesville city
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Church Status:
Youth Pastor
Church Name:
church of christ
College Attended (optional):
out of high school
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
i thank you all and hope to work with everyone as a christian
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chosen one

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 12:01pm on March 14, 2011, hilda said…
At 2:45am on March 14, 2011, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…
At 4:33pm on March 14, 2010, Michele Mundy gave Benjamin D.Gaye a gift
Hello, Bro. Benjamin Gaye. Have a blessed week!
At 1:06pm on August 21, 2009, Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah said…

1 .Our/Your God is the one who is greater and mighty than all in Jesus Name.
2. Confess and declare the truth of God, saturate yourself with the Word of God, declear

What His Word says, declear His promises, declear who He is, and declear His Names etc in

Jesus Name.

3. Starting at the point of your problem, let God know what you are going through or

Facing in Jesus Name.

4. Cease all trust in your own strength, but see God as your sole resource and, submit

Yourself in Jesus Name.

5. While you are waiting on God, keep praising Him; get in His presence in Jesus Name.

6. Always, it is written, is your final word to use end all your enemies in Jesus Name.

7. Your breakthrough is on the way coming. It’s right around the corner! In Jesus Name.

8. God will show to you that, He is taking control of all the rest in Jesus Name.

9. Hold on trusting God, He will pull you up, and pull you out in Jesus Name.

10. Henceforth, expecting good things and to tune in to what God is saying to you in Jesus


10a.”Big picture” of your Life is now going to shine in Jesus Name.


1. Everybody stand on your favorite Scriptures and start quoting every morning for a

Month, then you will see some fire coming upon you, whether you are a Man of God or

Not, Bishop, Pastor, through that, you will see your breakthrough coming.


1. There was a Man of God, from Togo , West Africa , who speaks on Radio fm and having

a Church and Family, but along the line, the thing seems like a curse and the Church

and Members and Family started dying, himself could not sleep,runung from place to

Place and the Wife also was seriously sick, finally he got to me, Apostle Paul Johnson

Asamoah, and as soon as I gave him direction, the problem ceased, till date.

2. A Woman from afar in Ghana , was directed by her Sister, who seems to be a Member of

Power Life Prophetic Ministries, the Woman in question has HIV, that was the report

From the Doctor, she should prepared to die, that there is no way for her to be cured.

And she ran to God’s Servant, Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah, and immediately I

Prophesied, the sickness and every thing as gone from her body, she is free. John 8:32.

When the Son of Man set you free, you are free indeed. All the Glory must go to God.

Everyone is welcome to send his/her prayer request and support to the above mentioned person/Ministry, or
below address:
Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah,
Power Life Prophetic Ministries,
Box 55 ,James Town, Accra , Ghana ,
West Africa .
Tel: +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 +233(0)21312004 , +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 +233(0)244657468 , +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 +233(0)276166067 .
Rush here for your daily" Prophetic Word for you".You can Email or call for your requests.
Website: Listen to Apostle and other Great Men/ Women of God here.
Please help Join spread Jesus out here too.
Good News: 24hrs Children's prayers, 24hrs Adults prayers. Call or Email us today!!!!
Remember, Jesus is the answer to every problem in this World, please don't dulg,be under the Umbrella of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Note: We take this opportunity to pray for the Ministers/Churches,Bishops and their Wives,Business Men and Women,Presidents in each Country,and Families all over the World.
By Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

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