Imagine the impact the Kingdom of God would be having, If we would truly walk in the will of God for our lives (Matthew 28:16-20) as it pertains to the ministry of God’s Kingdom. As disciples of Jesus Christ we have a responsibility to look like and do as the LORD does in every aspect of our lives if we are going to truly make an impact for the Kingdom as God has called us to as His Kingdom ambassadors. At times this is difficult in our lives because of our own personal agendas, which prevent us from walking in and experiencing the fullness of God. We wouldn't have those personal problems that keep us bond and inactive for the Kingdom if we gave more heed to His word then our own agendas. Remember The LORD tells us to "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. This means we don't need to worry about our personal agendas, as when we make our agenda His agenda He will take care of all we need (Remember He shall supply all of our needs according to His riches in Glory By Christ Jesus Phil.4:19).

If we are active in going about God's business/ministry of the Kingdom, He will take care of ours, or those things which we have need of that often we allow to consume us. It is when we get self-absorbed that the devil has opportunity to neutralize us. Then we are of no effect in the earth, and for the Kingdom, and he (the Devil) just loves that. If he (the Devil) can't take your salvation, or keep you from coming to Christ, he tries to neutralize you.

Mark 4 describes how the Word goes out to people in the parable of the sower and the seed. It says that the weeds grow up and choke the plant. What weeds represent are the things that stop or distract people. When people allow other things in their lives to distract them from the ministry that the Lord has called them to, such as the lust of other things, the deceitfulness of riches, and the cares of this world, they become unfruitful and ineffective for the Kingdom.

Many times we have so much going on inside of us, and we are so wrapped up in ourselves, that we get neutralized by them (our concerns on the inside of us cause we have failed to trust God with our concerns and cares). If we can get beyond ourselves, then we can be fruitful and productive for the Kingdom and in our witness as God has desired for us.

If we are focused on ourselves we won't catch what the Spirit of God is doing and trying to speak into us. an example of this is like when we are all concerned about a situation, and the Lord speaks to it through a worship service or an angel of His, however, you didn't hear it because you were thinking about your situation rather than thinking and being focused on the LORD what then happens is we become ineffective for the moment of witness and evangelism that could be presented when we leave the worship service or in the worship service as sometimes the person next to you is the person God wants you to minister to and reach for His glory, as God is always trying to get our attention. We must continually ask the Holy Spirit to talk to us, show us things, and to work His works for His glory, so the Kingdom can continually have an impact and individuals receiving Jesus, and the fullness of God.

Also in Mark 4 the word went out and some of the seed hit the ground. The birds of the air snatched it up immediately. Many times that happens to people too because they don't understand something or they don't ask questions for fear of being talked about or sounding dumb, but no question or concern is a dumb one, just the one that isn't asked or lifted is dumb. Who cares what people think of you when you are seeking God, yes seeking may make you look crazy in the moment, but look at the harvest, and revelation that can come to your life after you have sought the answers from God.

"Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit of the Lord has to say." This is so important if we are going to be all who God is calling us to be as His children and ambassadors of His Kingdom. When you are in the presence of the Lord and God is there with you, you want to be hearing, you want to be discerning. You don't want to miss a thing that He's saying, as it is vital for our purpose, witness, and fruitfulness for the Kingdom. Have a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord, and make an impact for the Kingdom.

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