Todd Brown
  • Male
  • Mc Lean, VA
  • United States
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Rev. Todd A. Brown

Profile Information

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
First Baptist Church Chesterbrook
College Attended (optional):
Johnson C. Smith University and Howard University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Rev. Brown has been afforded the privilege of serving as Pastor of First Baptist Church Chesterbrook. He is enjoying the experience and loving the journey that God has him and the congregation on as they become “Disciples who walk with God, each other, and are impacting the World with the message of God and His Kingdom”, through exalting Jesus, evangelizing the lost, equipping the saved, and encouraging every soul in Christ Jesus.
In his spare time Rev. Brown enjoys reading a good book, watching movies, playing recreational sports (Flag Football & Basketball), enjoying family, friends, and coaching, and giving back to the community in any way he can. Rev. Brown is Married to Brandy Danielle Brown, and is the father of three sons (Raquan 14, Brandon 12, and Jeremiah 3), and Beautiful baby girl Kristin Alexia Brown (1) who he calls and has nicknamed his Lexi girl. The scripture that Rev. Brown patterns his life after is Proverbs 3:5-6, and his desire for life and ministry is found in Ephesians 4:12-13, that God’s people would constantly be growing and coming into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Jakes, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Paul Morton, Bishop Noel Jones, Bill Winston, Rev. Ronald Boykin, Rev. Warren J. Lesene Jr., Dr. Leonard L. Hamlin Sr., Dr. William Curtis, Dr. Robert Scott Jones, Dr. Michael Ross,

Sermon 11/23 (Mark 1:35)

Everyone has a daily routine that often consists of a little "me time" in which we do something that pleases self. This time is usually spent reading a book/magazine, watching t.v., listening to the radio, or relaxing. However, we often forget to set aside one on one time with God. Mark 1:35 (King James Version) tells us that "in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed."

We have to take advantage of the day and the time that God has given us and spend time with him. By spending time with God he will give us the instructions that are needed to complete the assignments that are assigned to us for the day! Often times, there are challenges that we are going to face and if we pray and seek God before the day begins we can be ready to deal with the challenges. On the other hand, if we don't spend that one on one time with God...we could miss out on opportunities or blessings because we didn't know hear from him or allow him to speak to us.

In addition, to spending one on one time with God, we need to find a place of solitary in other words we need to deesignate a place where we can really hear from God. This place of solitary should not be a place of comfort (i.e. bed, driving in the car, at work) it could be somewhere in your house. The word says that we should depart from the place of comfort so that we will not be distracted. You know it is easy to fall asleep when praying or reading the word if you're laying in bed or sitting at your work desk during your lunch! So we have to not only make time for God...but physically remove ourselves from all distractions.

Me Time means that you are alone with GOD..not bible study, church, fellowships, etc. We often say..."I spent time with God, because I went to church on Sunday or I attended the single ministry event." Yes, God will speak to us during those events, but sometimes he wants to speak to you when you are ALONE.

Just because you are ALONE it doesn't mean that you are LONELY! Remember that God is always with us! So just when you think you are by yourself or in a situation all by yourself..just remember that the Lord never forsakes us!

When you spend "Me Time" with God and truly communicate with God..(i.e. meaning you talk to him and then you listen) the following should occur:

1. Gain Clarity
2. Get Direction
3. Prayer can bring healing/ deliverance
4. We get encouragement/empowered
5. Get refreshed/cleaned (i.e. a refill)
6. Get annointing
7. Get acquainted with God's voice
8. Our sins are confronted and we have to deal with them
9. You get authenticated
10. He will give you power and strength

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Todd Brown's Blog

Preaching in desert places.

Posted on December 2, 2009 at 8:26am 0 Comments

"Preaching in desert places"

Matthew 3:1-3

Often times in life we want things to be easy and to go right, or the way we desire. We want to get along with co-workers, friends, associates, wives, husbands, just people period. We want to avoid the drama that life brings us at times and we all can fill in the blank for what our drama may be, which can sometimes feel and look like a desert place. One thing i have come to discover of late during my time of prayer, life, and ministry,… Continue

Work it out.

Posted on November 27, 2009 at 7:23am 0 Comments

Philippians 1:6 declares the following: “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ, developing and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you (Amplified).”

This word should be such an encouragement to us, as we daily walk with God. The reason for this is because this verse should constantly remind us of our responsibility to God, and His promise to us. This scripture is a promise so we… Continue

The Importance of Devotion

Posted on November 25, 2009 at 7:48am 0 Comments

Often times in the life of the believer we are challenged by life circumstances, situations, trials, tribulation, joy, happiness, moments of ministry and witness, and the list goes on and on. The question is, what can give us the necessary tools, equipping, and empowerment to make sure we are well able to meet the challenges of the day and still be a vessel God can use, and manifest Himself in us? It all begins and ends with a life of devotional moments.

To understand this a little… Continue

B.YO.B (Bring Your Own Bread) Mark 8

Posted on November 24, 2009 at 7:16am 0 Comments

When you have opportunity read Mark 8:1-8, which to some is a familiar passage of scripture that many of us know as the feeding of the 4,000. When it is read and preached individuals often celebrate how Christ took the fish and loaves of bread and created a feast for many. We see so plainly in the text that Jesus Christ (the Word Anointed) has the ability to provide the nourishment that we need when we walk with Him, and are obedient to following Him. But if you look into the fine fabric of… Continue

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At 3:07am on February 24, 2010, A.IMMANUEL BENJAMINE said…
nice to meet u I am pastor.a.immanuel benjamine from india please pray for us see pictures and vidios in our page amen its all from india

Find more videos like this on BABIYATHA MISSION INDIA

Find more videos like this on BABIYATHA MISSION INDIA
At 2:20pm on December 2, 2009, Todd Brown said…
"There is a way" Mark 2: 1-12
There are barriers that are set before us to keep us from drawing closer to God. Often times, we recognize the barriers so we just settle, because we don’t want to get our hands dirty. We are not willing to put in the work to remove or go around the barriers/challenges that we face. That’s why we have to be creative in our thinking by thinking beyond the barrier. God will reveal a blessing through you or to you but you have to deal with the barrier/challenge. We need to learn to move from pain to faith to hope! Detours (i.e. situations) will take us longer to get to our blessings…but we have to have a “Roof top” mindset like the paraplegic in the scripture reference. We have to remain patient and stay put sometimes. Don’t get discourage when things aren’t going your way….God wants us to seek him…there is something unique about seeking God….there is a blessing/breakthrough around the corner but we just have to seek him to get it. When you get your blessing/breakthrough/healing….everyone is not going to participate in your victory. There will be some haters around! But know that there is something great about being “you”! God wants to do something in YOUR life but you have allow God to lead you! So brothers and sisters be encouraged because “There is A Way”….and remember you have to have Creative Thinking!
At 1:27pm on November 26, 2009, Franky-D said…

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At 7:36am on November 25, 2009, Todd Brown said…
"The greater the size of your gift/gifts, the more you must dedicate time to developing your character"

Three Things learned from Noah:
1) Walk daily with God. Noah reminds us of the importance of how our obediene and faith in following God must far outweigh the worldly practices and fads. It's truly a blessing to think because of one man's righteousness that mankind was not completely destroyed. Staying rooted in the Word will help you to overcome the temptations of social acceptance just as Noah did. Spend time with God and get to know him better through worship, study, and prayer.

2) Recognize and Obey God's calling in your life. Colossians 4:17 says, "Take heed to ministry which you have recieved in the Lord, that you may fulfill it". Your calling or ministry is the accumulation of what God has invested in you so far through gifts and abilities. Take time to meditate on these things and seek the Lord in prayer to discover what God's calling in your life is.

3) Sacrifice always precedes success. God's calling in our lives will ask us to give up things and/or activities that have become routine or habitual to acheive the greater good. These choices are often necessary in establishing priorities in life to attain both personal and church goals. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, "Nothing worthwhile is gained without sacrifice."
At 6:31pm on November 23, 2009, Prophet T Lewis said…


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