I am going to turn hearts towards Me this year that you never thought could be. I will draw them by My love. This is what I intend for you to do on this earth...draw others to Me by your love. When will you realize that your man made religions, self-righteous and legalistic ways have no power in this world? Love is not about owning someone. Love is not about controlling or manipulating someone. Love is not about forcing someone to change through your own personal power. Genuine relationships are marked by submission to one another. You are to be the servant of all. This is what I have called you to. To be there for one another. Belonging to different cults, religions or churches should not separate you in any way. You are fitly joined together. Love is about unity. Love is about family. One family under one God. Just as I submitted myself to My Father even through death, so it should be with you. Many of you call Me Lord, but do I really have control in every area of your lives? Love never forces it's own will on another. I will never do that with you and so you should not do that with one another. I desire to see you walk in love, unity and freedom. Most of you do not know what true freedom is yet because you refuse to let go of your own ways, ideas and thoughts. This year will be a year of greater glory. My glory will hit this earth as never before! Will you be open to it? Will you truly surrender your all to Me? Are you truly open to learn new and hidden things which I am about to reveal and release to you? How much are you surrendered to Me? This generation has become hurtful and destructive because it refuses to let go and let God. When will you learn to truly trust Me? When will you realize that I take care of My own? What I do, I do perfectly. Love casts out all fears. Do you truly love Me? Do you truly love one another? If so, there should be complete trust and confidence. When will you stop listening to the reports of this world and wait on Me? This year will be a time of restoration, healing and prosperity. I have said it and I will do it. Do you believe? Be faithful to Me and I will be faithful to you. Be faithful to one another's needs and I will be faithful to your needs. Love one another as I love you. Work on your relationship with Me and with one another. Become one, in perfect unity, in this circle of love. Let not one fall in the cracks. Obey! Praise Me no matter what is happening in this world. For then you shall see My power fall! I am with you always, no one can snatch you from My hand. I Am that I Am! Come to Me and together we will shout the devil down. He is defeated! I say this day that enough is enough! I am raising a banner against your enemies. This is a time of great rejoicing. Lift your hands and voices to your God. Love overcomes all things! I am Love! I will never fail you! I in you and you in Me is called Victory!

1 Corinthians 13:7-8a} Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and it endures everything (without weakening). Love never fails (never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end).

Do we truly have a ''relationship" with our God? Do we take time daily to communicate with Him? Most of us have a relationship with ''busyness" and ''stuff." Many who are married cannot even communicate with their spouses. We are always looking for an easy way out and to find ''things'' that will make us happy even if it's for a moment. Our true happiness lays with our relationship with God. This is a joy, a trust, a love and a relationship that will be endless if we just put a little effort into it. Does it feel good to us when others overlook us or ignore us all together? No, it doesn't! We need to remember that God has emotions and feelings too.

We were all created to be channels of God's love. When God's love comes through us and touches another's heart they are changed forever. When we choose love we are choosing to respond to God. We all know that without communication there is no relationship. It's so important to be open to talk to God, to our spouses and to one another. We need to be real with Him and with one another. We shouldn't be wearing masks and saying we are just hunky dorey when we are devastated inside. And we should not be throwing God's word at someone who is hurting when they are looking for support, compassion and love. I swear, we have become so legalistic and religious that we are no earthly good to God. People need to see Jesus not religious hypocrites.

Now if we are to develop that kind of life changing love, we are to walk very closely with God. We need to focus on Him and others needs and not our own. If any of us have walked in this kind of love we have seen that when we take care of the needs of others God has always blessed us over and above what we could even expect. And on the other hand if we overlook others needs we too can expect to go without. The same is said of procrastination. When God puts someone needs on our hearts and we don't follow through right away, we can expect to wait on our needs. God is looking for those who will instantly obey. Why? Because He desires to open up the floodgates of heaven and pour so many blessings on His people that we will have no room to hold them all. And guess what? He will use you and me to do just that!

It's all well and good to say we will pray for people. But what about an outward reaction to help them? It is in giving that we receive. Sow and reap! Whatever we so, we reap. You can't sow love without getting love back. You can't sow into someone's needs without getting your needs met. We can't outgive the Giver...period. God desires to not only show His love to this world, but His generosity. As we give out, the increase will come. Be it love, food, clothing, money...whatever God puts on our hearts to give. It's up to each of us to listen and obey what God is telling us to do. We can start a powerful domino effect of God's glory in this earth! Look at what that motley crew of 12 disciples did! Imagine now with millions of Christians available to Him!

If we truly desire to walk in love then we need to daily draw close to Him to allow Him to fill us with His wholeness. Submission is the key! Obedience opens locked doors to us. Love will destroy every evil plan of our enemies. Are we truly ready for what God wants to do this year? We are not if we continue wanting things our own way and allowing people, rather than the Spirit of God, to lead us. God is calling us to a higher place in Him and with Him. Will we answer that call? Or will we continue to let religions, legalism, feelings and emotions to run our free will? If we truly want to be set free from all bondages then there is only One who can do this for. His name is Jesus! In Him are all the things we need to be victorious and successful. God is looking for a serious people. Are you that one? Remember, when we walk in love and unity, we will be a force to be recogned with. No powers from hell shall overtake us. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Are you ready to let go of all and truly let Jesus be the Lord in every area of your lives? I pray you are.Let's start submitting to God and stop letting other things and other people manipulate us. Let's take ourselves off God's throne. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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Comment by Tara Robinson on January 6, 2009 at 1:37pm
That was so put so well love is the source because God is love and if we don't understand love endures all things and give freely how can we be like God showing his example every time some one uses you cheats you lie to you you still have to love them. God taught me something a long time ago CAN WE LOVE ,LOVE ENOUGH TO GIVE IT OUT THIS MEANS IF YOU GET CUSSED OUT TREATED BADLY CAN YOU STILL LOVE, LOVE ENOUGH TO GIVE OUT IN SPITE OF HOW THE CHURCH MAY DO YOU OR DON'T SUPPORT YOU THIS IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT WHAT JESUS ENDURED FOR LOVE FOR US .
Comment by Eric Hancock on January 6, 2009 at 8:59am
I agree

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