Matthew 5:41} And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

How many of us are willing to go the extra mile? This is something God has really been speaking to my heart about in these days. God's Word says that people will know us by our love and also by our fruit. What kind of fruit are we putting out in this world? Is it a fruit that leaves a bad taste in someone's mouth? Or is it a good fruit that leaves a sweet taste and people wanting more? Well, let's find out! God has put a few things on my heart that I needed to look at and I hope will help you to walk this walk more faithfully.

The first thing God spoke to me about is how many of us are a person of good character? We should be since we are made in the image of Christ and constantly being transformed into His character. What does being of good character mean? It means keeping our word or promise to someone when we make them. How many of us have made promises or given our word to someone and never followed through? There may be some of us who have promised to pay back some money to people and never kept our word. How many of us have promised to spend more time with someone and allowed other things to take us over and never did what we were supposed to do?We may have told someone we would bless them with something yet dragged our feet to do so. Or else it just never took place. The list goes's endless! We need to remember that a broken word or promise is just as bad as a lying tongue in God's eyes and that is one of the things that God detests.

How many of us have actually gone the extra mile? Let's see.....Since becoming a widow I have seen and experienced things in my life and did surveys on widows and widowers. Did you know that most people who lose their mates also lose 75% of their friends? Even families have a hard time being there for them. I can count on one hand the ones who have really been there for me through the time of losing my husband. Some were there a couple of times then disappeared. Some have gone the extra mile and are still here for me. Grieving doesn't last just for just a couple of weeks. It's not a hurry up and get over it thing. It's however long it takes. Why is this going on in the Body of Christ? why is it so difficult for us to at least be able to pick up the phone and call someone?Because many of us have become complacent and just don't care, or we have become selfish and self-centered, or we are just too plain busy in our own lives or in our own things and haven't got the time to be there for others. What a sad statement! Or could it be that we just don't want to face what people are going through because we don't want to face the reality that one day we may be in their shoes? We don't like to be reminded of bad times we may have to go through. Do we? We don't have time to help those who are hurting, lonely, sick and in need? Wow! Let's face it, all these things are totally out of the character of God. Not to mention in disobedience of God's word on how we should be treating each other or doing His work.

Another place where we lack is when people leave our churches. It seems because they don't go to our churches anymore we want nothing to do with them. What has happened to us being united and fittly joined together? It doesn't matter what church we go to...we are still family, we are still connected! I've noticed when someone leaves a church, or stops attending, many people do not follow through to see if that person is ok or why they left the church. They want nothing to do with them. And many of those people are the very leaders of our churches. I'm not saying to be pushy by calling them and making them feel guilty about leaving or forcing them to come back. We are not religious or legalistic people. I am talking about showing some compassion and love by showing we still care. So many fall through the cracks because of our not following through. Many say they will call you, even go through the effort of taking a phone number, but it never happens. Do we really have an understanding on how much pain this inflicts on a person who is already hurting?

One thing God has really impressed on me all my life is when I help someone I shouldn't expect something back from them. One example is when I bless someone with money. I never expect them to give it back to me and I tell them that. Why do I do that? Because the Lord once told me that anyone who lends money to someone who is in dire need and expects their money back is not only putting that person in deeper debt but they have already gotten their reward. Their reward is to get their money back. I would rather God would bless me in whatever way He desires by not expecting my money back. And believe me, He ways that are over and above what I expected or that any human being can bless me. That is one thing that is wrong with some banks today and other loaning places. They charge so much interest that they cause God's people to be in bondage in ways that they just can't get out from under it. They will reap what they sow just as we will.

We shouldn't wait for people to ask us for help. If we are really praying, many times God will show us what we need to do. So many Christians today are afraid to visit the sick. " Oh my, if they're sick we need to stay away or we will catch what they have." Hello? Where is our confidence in our God and in the blood? What we do or don't do shows our maturity in Christ. If we can't go the extra mile each and every day then our walk has become very shallow. We are to be doers of the word not just hearers. It's not always up to the church leaders to reach out either, it's up to the many members of the Body of Christ. We are to be a church without walls. We need to continue the work Christ started...leading people to Him, praying over the sick, feeding the hungry, visiting the lonely, giving clothes to the naked. That is what impresses God....our willingness to be used by Him to show others His love, His generosity and His compassion.

If we are doing ''things" to see what we can get out of it, then we're out of balance. We should be doing things from our heart, out of love, and to help ease the burdens of another. We are to be a hospital for the hurting and wounded. A place of safe haven that people can reach out to. A peaceful place where people can come to and get release from some of the storms of life. And most of all a place where people can really feel loved. We need to be a place of love, compassion, understanding and most of all a place where people will feel respected. When love is in full operation through us we will see great miracles take place. Are we willing to fully lay down our lives and allow God to use us in ways we cannot even imagine? Are we willing to go the extra mile and love people as no human being can love? It's all possible with God's help. What is our motivation in our walk? That's a good question we need to ask ourselves. Soon, and very soon, we will stand before the Lord and be judged. Today may be the day. Are we truly walking the walk of a born again believer? Many of us think we are...but what does our fruit say? Again, are we going the extra mile for others? When we do, we will find great favor and blessings will come in our lives. If you really want to know the meaning of true love, go to the main page of my site ( and click on "What Is Love". The Lord gave me a beautiful revelation of it. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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