Romans 13: 10-11} Love does no wrong to one's neighbor (it never hurts anybody). Therefore love meets all the requirements and is the fulfilling of the Law. Besides this you know what (a critical) hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah).

I asked the Lord, as I usually do, what He wanted to share this morning. He, of course, brought it back to love. Are we truly walking in love? Would God be pleased with our attitudes? If we truly walked in love, God's love, there would be no strife or division of any kind in the body of Christ. Sadly enough, the prayer Jesus prayed about us being one in the Father and Son has not been realized to this day. We are so busy putting our quick judgments on one another, criticizing, hurting, walking in jealousy, and so many other negative things that it is really difficult for this world to see if we are children of God or children of Satan. Many of us, as children of God, misbehave badly. Some think they can hurt their brothers and sisters and never ask forgiveness and it's going to be business as usual. Not! God is watching and there will be a price to pay. We are to be accountable in all we say and do. That is what He will judge us on eventually. He will allow things in our lives to happen until we go to Him and repent and ask forgiveness of those we have hurt.

Has God ever pulled people away from you? What was your reaction? Was it to go before Him and ask what you did wrong? Or was it a fleshy and carnal reaction and you rose up in self-defense and pointed the finger at another to take the focus off you? We not only hurt ourselves when we are not open to correction but we hurt others. This is not acceptable to God in any way. It's time for us to really dig into the Word of God and become mature Christians. Otherwise there will be times we think we hear the voice of God when it's actually the voice of Satan appearing as an angel of light. Too often we forget that Satan knows the word better than we do and he knows how to use it against us to bring division. The word helps us to be come very alert and discerning.

We are living in a critical time when Jesus can come at any moment. Are we truly ready to meet Him face to face and give Him an account of our lives? Are we at that place where we can be confident enough to know that we did our best? God's love will perfect us and perfect our walk. When we walk in any negative thing that hurts the Body of Christ in any way, then we really need to allow the Holy Spirit to check our hearts. But most of all we need to be quick to repent and turn from our ways. It would be a good rule of thumb to remind ourselves that one day we will be face to face with Jesus and then there will be no excuses for any misconduct on our part. God is calling us to walk in unity and love, to be one with the Father, the Son, the Spirit and most of all with one another. He is calling forth His perfect Bride! God's word is very clear that when we have something against a brother or sister we are to approach them and talk about it. If they refuse to listen and continue on in their sin then we are to walk away and pray and let God deal with them. It's not easy to walk away from someone when we truly love them. But if God says to do it, then we need to do it. It's very important, however, for us to continue praying for them so that God may open their eyes to their sin and pray for deliverance.

I had no idea God was going to go this way today. But I am being obedient. Only the Holy Spirit knows what we need to hear. Also another thing God has put on my heart is the words: Get connected! Many people are not even going to church this day. God said not to forsake the assembling of ourselves. God is getting ready to move mightily in the ''corporate" body of Christ. It has already begun. For those who are not in attendance, you are missing out on a powerful move of the glory of God. God has connected each one of us together for a reason. Much is being revealed in this time. Find a church that is Holy Spirit led and filled and get connected. God is sending out a great warning on this. Let's pay attention and obey His word. The faithful will see great favor and blessings from God this year. Are you faithful? Are you faithful in all things? Remember, we are not to be just hearers of the Word but doers. God expects obedience from us in all things. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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