Matthew 6:33} But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right) and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

What is our first thought when we wake up in the morning? Do we even think of beginning our day communicating with the Father? Do we even think of thanking Him for His faithfulness? Do we even thank Him for us being here one more day? Let's face it, we take so much for granted. Since we're beginning a New Year and an exciting one, we should strive after and determine to seek God more than ever. Why? Because I sense in my spirit that we are entering a very glorious time. More glorious than any generation before us. But as usual, we have our part to do. We can't sit on our behind and keep on doing business as usual. We are to partake of and work on our relationship with God. We are to be doers of the word, remember?

Too often when we wake in the morning our first thoughts are on what we need to do this day. It's time we become mature Christians and turn our thoughts upward. God has so been trying this past year to get us to come to higher ground with Him. Yet many of us, unfortunately, have been stiff necked and refuse to listen or obey for that matter. Something exciting is about to hit planet earth and we are going to miss the boat if we do not come out of our complacency. God is searching the earth to see who He can trust and count on to do His work in this coming year. He is about to reveal Himself to the world through us and through things He will allow to happen. He is determined not to let one precious soul go to hell. We need to remind ourselves that we are His representatives. We are His eyes, His mouth, His hands, His feet and anything else He may need to use that we have.

Too often we are so focused on what this world has to promise that we forget the great riches and treasures that God has for us. I believe the Lord is going to shake up the churches this year and then it will overflow into the world. God is going to make Himself very real to everyone. He is going to prove His word! This is not only a New Year but it will be a new beginning for those who belong to Him. Because of Jesus Christ we have been given grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing. The sad thing is many of us have not tapped into the glorious things that await us because we have let the pull of the world keep taking us away from what God wants to reveal to us.

So for this New Year let us really determine to take time to be with God daily. Let us seek His kingdom first and hunt for those wonderful treasures that we have no knowledge of yet. Let us make this year's motto "TGIF....Today God is First." When God becomes first in every area of our lives we will be so blessed that the world won't be able to help but see that we are truly a chosen generation, blessed by God and kept by God. No weapons formed against us will prosper but be cast down. He will rebuke the devour in every area of our lives and He will prosper everything we put our hands to. He created us to have a relationship with Him and to praise Him. But most of all He is seeking those who will have a very sensitive ear to His voice this year and be quick to step up to the plate and obey Him. Will you be that one that He will use in very miraculous and powerful ways? If so, then we need to step it up church. When we take care of His business, He will take care of whatever needs we have. Let's stop playing church and become a church without walls. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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