
Has our heavenly Father given you instructions to build a ministry, a business, a family, a relationship but it seems like an insurmountable task? Well, I admonish you to remember Noah.

You see they mocked Noah because they didn’t see what he saw, nor understood that it was the Lord guiding him to complete such a monumental task that would take Noah years to complete it. The people scoffed at Noah simply because they didn’t understand who put the task on Noah. They thought it was Noah’s own doing; that it was Noah’s own plan and he involved his family in this insane scheme. His family had to endure the labor of Noah’s calling just as much as Noah did. This calling affected his loved ones as much as affected Noah himself.

What is most interesting about Noah's task was that God told Him this:

Genesis 6:8 & 14
8 ...but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord
14...make for YOURSELF an ark of gopher wood...

The Lord told Noah to build the ark so that he and his family's safety (and the animals). But in preserving that one man, God saved mankind.

Some of you have books to write, plays to write, music and lyrics to compose, businesses to start, ministries to build, political change to influence, families to restore. Like Noah, it may take you years to do it and most people aren’t patient enough to accept and continue a project that will take years to build.

What ark is God asking you to build? That book may minister to you FIRST before it reaches the eyes of a publisher. That play will release you from emotional bondage before the first actor learns one line. That song will cause you to experience peace and joy and the love of God in ways you can't ever imagine before one note is song or played by another musician. That business will crack open the seed of financial prosperity in your home before one customer or client is blessed by your services. That ministry will unleash an anointing that will bring you to your knees before you ever speak a word or lay one hand on those you are to minister to, your family will experience a restoration and reconciliation with one another in a manner so unexpected that it will blow your mind.


Even when others don’t understand


Even when it will involve self sacrifice of time, emotion, treasure and even cause you to forsake (for a season) family and friends. They may never understand because it is God’s plan, not yours. During the construction years, embrace those who come along side you and help you build the ark versus hinder you with words of doubt and disbelief.


Even with the world around you has never seen anything like that before and accuse you of doing your own thing.


Even when God’s instructions involve expenses and long hours of work and/or study

Pray for me as I pray for you. I’m building an ark that very few people understand because it is not something God told them to do. It requires, many many hours of solitude and study. They haven’t heard the voice of the Lord about the specifications of this ark, they only see me hammering, carrying the wood, working long hours, studying all the time. They only know that I am not around them as much as I use to be, but I must BUILD THE ARK!

Remember, the ark Noah built saved his family and insured the salvation of humanity!


~Minister Tracy Curtis~

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on January 19, 2009 at 11:49am
Well bless the Lord! Unless the Lord builds the house we labor in vain... but HOW does He build it? He builds it by giving YOU the blueprints and the instructions. YOU have to go get the materials that he requires BUT He makes those materials accessible to you. He builds through YOU!
Comment by Bishop Dr. Peggy Kendrick on January 19, 2009 at 10:41am
Thank you Minister. I too have an ark to build(Jabez Support Group) I have been feeling like I am building it alone. All around me is trouble. Misunderstanding, lack of funds in my life, and now problems with health. I needed to hear your message this morning.
Comment by Bishop Jonathan Scott on January 19, 2009 at 10:01am
Thank you for obey God today i need it,i must continue to build when ohters think i do not what iam doing but its the Lord doing and instruction i must follow. God anwers my reqeust from this article

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