"Strive to possess your souls with a higher estimation of the will of God. As self-worship is your danger, bring yourself into the presence of Jehovah, and the idea of man's majesty must fall before Him." - S. Wilberforce

"The main object of the believer's life is to please God and promote His glory. Thus what cannot be done for God's glory (i.e. in honor and thanksgiving to Him as our Lord, Creator, and Redeemer) should not be done at all. We honor Him by obedience, thankfulness, reliance, prayer, faith, and loyalty to Him. Living to the glory of God must be a primary direction of our lives, a guide for our comforts, and a test of our actions." - The Full Life Study Bible

In 1 Corinthians 10:31, the Apostle Paul boldly stated - "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

In essence, what he was saying here was that the primary motive...the general rule that should regulate every man's conscience and practice...or the one maxim of which no Christian should ever lose sight is this - to act as to honor God as the Great Creator, Redeemer, and Lawgiver. In other words, in all actions, plans, schemes, desires, and doings - the believer should let all be done to the glory of God.

That constitutes living for His glory...honoring Him in all relations ...obeying His laws...constantly expressing total dependence upon Him... always attempting to advance His plans and interests in such a way that others will also desire His glory to be seen and manifested... and always making it the aim of all actions and works.

He who will promote the glory of God will practice habitual holiness...resolve never to be guilty of sin... walk in strict obedience to the Lord's commands for his life...and avoid being careless or negligent in his Christian duties.

In all of his plans and purposes, he will constantly give a due recognition of God's authority, ownership, and great love for him.
When he glorifies the Lord, he is said to make Him glorious or declare Him to be glorious. He will do this by - seeking to know Him... constantly acknowledging Him in all his ways... loving and serving Him...and delighting in Him. He will think highly of the Lord...esteem Him above all others...and choose Him as his chief good in life.

In his speech, he will strive to glorify the Lord by displaying a conversation that is truthful, pure, temperate, reverent, benevolent, and devout.

It cannot be stressed enough that the first thing that every saint of God who strives to live for the glory of God must do is live without sin. He who sins does not glorify God for sin is the greatest robber of His well-deserved glory.

The great law of the universe is this - to do everything for the glory of God.

Read what others have written about this crucial subject -

"This is the ruling motive in the Christian's life, not just having his own way about whims and preferences..." - Robertson's Word Pictures

"Moreover in all things, even in eating and drinking, we ought to seek the glory of God, and do all to His glory..." - John Darby's Synopsis

"...even when thou art employed in eating and drinking, and in the business of life, thou shalt not design thy body profit, but that thou mayest be strong to do the will of thy Creator." - John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

"No deeds of ours add to or detract from God's glory. He is Himself the source of His own glory. When we do anything for the glory of God, it is to bring His glory out." - Biblical Illustrator

"Even the best of men need to be admonished, to be more and more diligent in all their actions, to do everything to the glory of God: not with a superstitious anxiety or burdensome preciseness, but with a cheerful application of everything that occurs in life, to the promoting of truth and virtue among men." - S. Clarke

"If he would glorify God, the average state of the Christian's soul should be a happy one. Christians should sing while they work, as birds while building their nests and gathering food for their young." - W.H.H. Murray

"I fear that half the lives lived are frivolous lives. Not a few are living without an object. How dare you live in idleness (you call it leisure) when the best voices of the world are calling for help? How dare you fritter away your time in self-amusement? Help some one; lift some one." - Biblical Illustrator

Sad but true - many are not seeking to make the glory of God their main objective or aim in all that they say and do. Many are seeking their own glory. It has become the end they never lose sight of - the gratification of their personal vanity.

In John 7:18, the Lord Jesus said - "He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh His glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him."

Those who are striving to bring honor to God in all that they say and do - who give themselves to Him and live for Him - have no appearances to keep up nor do they have any self-interests to secure. They act only to promote the glory of God and to induce others to love and obey Him.

The Lord Jesus said of this humble man who is not seeking the applause of men - "...the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him." In other words, he is not a fraud, imposter, cheat, or deceiver - there is no dishonesty in his conduct nor any insincerity in his heart.

On the other hand, the self-seeker - who is the self-speaker - who pushes his own ideas and blows his own horn - is filled with deception and falsehood.

"The main object of the believer's life is to please God and promote His glory. Thus what cannot be done for God's glory (i.e. in honor and thanksgiving to Him as our Lord, Creator, and Redeemer) should not be done at all..."
"This is the ruling motive in the Christian's life..."
"...we ought to seek the glory of God, and do all to His glory..."
"Even the best of men need to be admonished, to be more and more diligent in all their actions, to do everything to the glory of God..."

O Saint of God, is this your main objective? Are you living to the glory of God? Is this your primary direction in life?

If not, then the chances are that you are living for self and walking in some measure of deception and falsehood.

"I fear that half the lives lived are frivolous lives..."

Is yours one of them?

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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