One could argue and say that that’s not how we see it. I would say, what world are you living in? We are the minority but represent the majority in:
Petty crimes, murder, rape, fatherless ness in the home, high school dropouts, baby mama drama, death from aids, black on black homicide, joblessness, sexually transmitted disease, multiple babies and multiple fathers, low self respect, low morals, thievery, unwed teenage mothers, just to name a few. I realize that America in general are plagued by all of the above which includes people of all races, but I’m not talking to them, I’m talking to black people. They need to deal with their issues and we need to deal with ours. Why are we the majority in so many things that don’t matter and considered horrible. For all of you that seem to ignore what the world thinks of our people I will give you a sneak peek into the minds of white America.

What is the source of all this mess. Let’s keep it real people and stop making excuses for the mess in our race. When is someone going to step up to the plate and start talking more about this crap until a solution is met. When are we going to stop covering our eyes and ears and ignoring this messy existence we have as a people. Are we going to just wait until we are all extinct. Get real and stop looking at other people and look in the mirror. We have got to take responsibility. The problem is our people are oversexed. Baby after baby being born out of wedlock with 80% of black families being unwed mothers and multiple babies. I know that I’m going to lose many readers right here but lets face it. It’s the truth.

I grew up in Detroit and have seen so much stuff that I could write 100 true life stories of the horrors on the streets. I come from a town where a young man will blow your brains out just for looking at him the wrong way. The young women are also very cut throat. Now you put these two together in the bed and 9 months later you have hell on wheels. Most of these babies go unloved and they know it and thus they are the next generation of killers from the crib. By the time he becomes a killer, daddy is long gone, either dead or in prison and momma has had more babies that are half siblings growing up to follow suit. Momma has spent most of her life pampering man after man and breeding more and more bad seeds. She’s usually not in a position to love these kids and trust me, the kids know it. If this is not you then I am not talking to you. But if any element is true then own up to it and fix this stuff and stop this crazy mess.

Our young girls are breeding hazardous detriments to society. These young men have lost their minds with all this senseless murdering. But yet when our daughters get pregnant by one of them, we expect society to embrace her and understand her situation. Her situation is that she should put a lock on her vagina and stop letting any one in. This is against GOD AND YOUR OWN BODY. We use to be a people that respected God and now all of a sudden we have booted him out of our lives and can’t figure out why each generation gets worse and worse. We are so bent on being entertained while our children are dying in their sins. Preachers are pimping and daddies are wimping. Mothers are tricking, but not for money, for attention. Many times from anyone. I spoke to a young woman whose boyfriend molested her 8 year old daughter and gave the child a venereal disease and because the mom had a child by this man she didn’t want to lose him. She insisted that someone else must have done it. Despite doctors telling her the condition of her child whom is now severely traumatized she still refuses to implicate him. He is now in prison on other charges but her foolish mind is the reason why her daughter is suffering. Even though the baby said, mommy your boyfriend did this to me, mom says, no he didn’t case closed. Well thank God for intervening and getting him in prison for something else. At least now he is away from this little girl.

Black women if you are not married please stop having all these babies and raising the next generation of degenerates. If you have already had children then start raising them PROPERLY IN THE LORD and stop fornicating and having more. Get rid of this loose butt mentality and treat yourself to some respect for a change. This generation cannot continue this way. The reason I am coming down so hard on the young women is because we already see a historic pattern of fatherless ness which shows that men walk away all the time. Stop giving your body up for moments of pleasure and then crying when your heart gets broken as if you didn’t know it was going to happen. You see the pattern so wake the heck up and get real with your self. Stop being so easy and sleazy and telling people to mind their own business. It’s not so easy to tell people to get out of your face when you’re being abused by this man or dying from aids. Also, we will not get out of your business when it’s your sons growing up and blowing other peoples brains out. Many of our own loved ones have been victimized by these degenerate children.

Jennifer Hudson’s family was traumatized when her sister married one of these low life degenerates. While many of us sympathized and experienced some of her same woes we won’t acknowledge that we as a people are doing this to ourselves. Did you notice how his mother looked young enough to be his sister and defended her son to the end. Jennifer Hudson’s family is now devastated because some chick opened her legs 20 something years ago and pushed out an evil bastard.

Another thing about the black race is, we act as if we don’t believe aids exist. It is now the number one killer of black women and the number two killer of black men next to homicide. It seems that we are okay with this because we refuse to talk with our children about this. We don’t tell them not to have sex because we’re to busy worrying about the next time we’ll enjoy sex. Let’s face it, men don’t like marriage and why lessen your chances by giving it up to him so easily. A real man would wait any how. A real women would make him wait. I know that this is a foreign concept in today’s times but it’s not too late to start again, especially for our daughters. Quit this mess before we send ourselves into extinction. You can ignore me if you want but things will not get better for our people until we take a stand against this mass of immorality. Our people have historically turned away from the truth when it’s presented. There were so many blacks hating on Bill Cosby for speaking the truth. He was simply telling it like it is but we made a stand against him because we can’t handle the truth.

Our young girls 6, 7 and 8 years old listening to lustful love making, rump shaking, hoe hopping songs that adults have no business listening too and we can’t understand why they are becoming sexually active at 10. Many parents allow their young daughters to dress like whores and think nothing of it because they dress that way too. If you look like a whore, walk like a whore and dress like a whore, then chances are there is a whore within. Ladies it’s time to kick the whore out and walk upright. God will withhold no good thing from you if you walk upright. Get off your back and close your legs and save some for the husband that God can give you if you adorn yourselves accordingly. Now for those of you that feel there is no hope for that, trade your loneliness in for a life with Christ. He can and will be better to you than any man.

Stop making excuses for mediocrity. Excuses only breed more excuses. You know the bible says:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I know this was directed at the Jews but we being spiritual Jews (grafted in) it goes for us too. The key here is if we do our parts God will do his. We need to really focus on what was said here. Humble yourself, pray, seek his face, last but not least TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS. At that point God will move on your behalf. God won’t bless while you’re in your mess. If you feel like you are blessed and you’re living in sin then you’d better check the source to make sure SATAN isn’t deceiving you with gifts. The scripture says a man's life doesn’t consist in the abundance of the things which he possess.

Black people living up to the name black. What does black mean anyway? Well here is black according to Webster:

: dirty , soiled 5 a: characterized by the absence of light b: reflecting or transmitting little or no light 6 a: thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked b: indicative of condemnation or discredit 7: connected with or inv...

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Comment by T.L. Hawkins on March 10, 2009 at 4:10pm
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Growing up in Detroit, I KNOW you've seen some things. Well, I'm in the other "D" (Dallas) and I could tell you some things to make your skin crawl. You are SO correct in saying it is time to take a stand against all this WICKEDNESS going on. Where did we go wrong? Truthfully speaking, we went wrong with God. We took prayer OUT of school and put metal detectors IN. We didn't physically do it, but we sat back with our eyes and ears covered and allowed it to happen without so much as a word. We don't take the time to TRAIN our children to be CITIZENS anymore. Sadly, our people suffer from "WILLIE LYNCH SYNDROME" and are too blind to see that WLS "IS" a ver huge issue within our race. From slavery times, we were taught to hate ourselves and one another for reasons that we now refer to as discrimination. Lighter vs darker skin, curly vs kinky hair, Father vs Son, Mother vs Daughter, Education is a mockery because we're nothing "BUT" this or that (negative). We have over extended the EXCUSE "the white man ...." or "the man...". We have choices and decisions. What do we choose? What are the choices? The choices are: (1) To be a part of the problem (2) To be a part of the solution.
How can we be part of the solution? By NOT turning our heads and a deaf ear. By NOT allowing the youth and young adults to get out of control. (I'm OLD school and DON'T spare the rod!!!) . We have to be the voice of reason for the "degenerates". We have to NOT let our children watch any and everything or listen to any and everything. We MUST have a relationship with God and make him FIRST in our lives. What do you choose today?

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