Amos 8: 11-12} Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but (a famine) for hearing the words of the Lord. And the people shall wander from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord (inquiring for and requiring it as one requires food) but shall not find it.

We don't think about it much today that some day we might be without the Word of God, but according to God's word it will happen. Imagine for a moment being without the nourishing word of God! We need God's word to strengthen the growth of our souls and to keep us spiritually alive! God is not a man that He should lie, everything He speaks of in His word will come to pass. We have become so selfish and self centered these days that we are not really focusing on the things of God. More and more the world is turning away from God. More and more the world is hating those of us who are Christian. The world wants to do away with God, with His Word and with us! Why is this happening? Because many Christians today are living for self rather than living for God. We have missed the mark.

What mark you may ask? The one where God says in His word that if we, as God's people, would humble ourselves and pray, He would heal the nations. We are so busy filling our own materialistic needs and lusts that we have put God and His commands on the back burner. God is no longer taking first place in our lives and in our homes. We have become rebellious and disobedient. God is allowing things to happen in the world to wake us up and shake us up. The earthquakes we are seeing today is nothing compared to what is coming. Unless we truly seek Him with all of our hearts, unless we put Him back into every area of our lives and give Him first place in it, the things that are coming will really shake us up. When are we going to realize that when God is first and foremost in our lives that He can and will SUPERNATURALLY take care of whatever it is we need? It's His promise to us!

More earthquakes and devastation is coming, what will it take to get us to turn back to God and to obey His commands? If anything, we should be a living, walking testimony of who God really is. We should be sticking out like a sore thumb in this world and bringing conviction to the masses and drawing them back to Jesus. Yet many of us choose to live like the world and are not recognized as God's own people. We need to do a very deep heart search and find out exactly where we are in our walk with God. I asked the Lord what He wanted me to share today and this sharing is what He gave me. It's not an easy sharing, but I am being obedient. And believe me when I say this sharing is pricking at my heart also! He desires to use us in magnificent ways. He desires to strengthen us and fill us with so much of His glory that nothing will shake us up, but we will shake up the world because they will not be able to help but see Jesus in us and through us.

What will it take for us to get back on this narrow path and truly walk side by side with Jesus? What has taken first place in our hearts over Christ? These are questions we need to seriously look at. So many Christians today are deceived in thinking that hanging around with a few Christian friends is not forsaking the assembling together of ourselves. Don't be deceived! An assembly is a large body of many people who are dedicated and disciplined to come together and give God the praise and worship He is due! To grow together in unity, harmony, love and Godly power. It is a body of people who are put together for our own protection and to bring healing and deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit . We need to be connected to a church and under some authority that is Spirit led. God is moving and many of us are missing this move because we are so busy ''doing our own thing." Why do we have to wait for something devastating to happen in our lives before we turn to God?

We love to worry about where our money, food, clothing and other things will come from. Did not God say to seek Him first and His righteousness and then ALL things would be added unto us? We are not walking in the kind of faith and trust that God desires us to walk in. Too many of us are giving in to our own emotions and thoughts, we haven't died to self yet. And present company is admitting to this. I"m tired of giving into my emotions, aren't you? We need to allow Him into the deepest parts of our souls and do some house cleaning. Let's ask Him today to set us truly free from things that have overtaken us and oppressed us. Let us ask Him to blow on the flame and get a raging fire going for His kingdom. Complacency and laziness has become a serious disease in the Body of Christ. It's time to eliminate it and become shinning beacons in a world that is getting darker day by day. Will you be truly submissive and willing to be the salt of the earth? Will you become a humble servant for the Lord and get your eyes of self and see what you can do to touch another's life? Those who desire to be great in God's Kingdom must become the servant of all. Are you willing? LOVE...this is the greatest gift the Lord gave us to fight off every evil that comes at us. Prayer and praise...what a powerful weapon. Let's use these more and more on a daily basis and watch what God will do. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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