Steppping Out Of Self Mode Into Servant Mode

Proverbs 19:7} All the brothers of a poor man detest much more do his friends go far from him! He pursues them with words, but they are gone.

God has so been speaking to my heart about how His children are becoming more selfish and self-centered. We are allowing the enemy to get our eyes so much on our problems that we are not stepping up to the next level God wants to take us to. What is that you might ask? Becoming great in His Kingdom by being the servant of all. Many of us have seen and heard of problems going on in a brother or sister's life and what have we done about it? Oh, it's wonderful that we pray. After all, that's the easy way out for us. God is calling us out to be a hands on generation so that the world can see Jesus ,His love, His generosity, and His caring and His forgiveness through each one of us. If we become uncaring like the rest of the world what good are we?

Personally I love to read "The Message" version of the bible. All bible scholars are saying that this is a wonderful interpretation of God's word. I like it because through it God speaks to me right where I'm at. I don't like the King James Version because the more I get to know Christ the more I believe He speaks to us right where we are at...not with a bunch of thous and thees. If we do some research on the King James Version we will find why it was written and who it was written for. It was for a certain period of time when that was the language. The Message makes it so simple to understand..especially for those who are unbelievers and those who just don't get the Bible. It's for this generation!

The same Scripture the Lord had me share today is put very simply in The Message Bible: When you're down on your luck, even your family avoids you...yes, even your best friends wish you'd get lost. If they see you coming, they look the other way...out of sight, out of mind. How much more plainer can God speak? How many of us are not even keeping in touch with one another? How many of us have looked the other way when someone we know was in trouble of some kind? Do we help them out or do we totally ignore them and walk away? When we do something, do we do it out of love expecting nothing , or do we expect something in return? Let's face it, some of us can't even pick up the phone when times get rough for another. What a sad statement for the Body of Christ. And then we have those who are so into their own problems, busy seeking material things and so many other things that they totally stay away from the Body of Christ. We need to remember that Satan's strategy is to divide and conquer. Then he comes in for the kill!

The Lord also put it on my heart that we need to stop tearing down our President and our government and start praying for them! We can bless or curse with our tongues folks, it's time to mature spiritually. We need to intercede as never before for them, for one another and for all the people God is bringing into our path. We complain against people from other countries coming to our nations and stealing our benefits. Hello? Did we ever think that just maybe God is bringing the harvest fields to us since we are too lazy to go to them? We need to stop murmuring, gossipping, complaining and tearing down. It's time to truly be the salt and light of this earth and behave as children of God should. Everyone deserves the right to know about Jesus and salvation. Where would we be if no one told us about Him? Many are going to hell because we are too focused on self to do the job God has called us to do. We really need to repent of our behaviors and to seek God with all of our hearts. Then and only then will God provide for all our needs....spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and yes even financially. Are we ready to humble ourselves?

We shouldn't have to ask people if they need help. If we are truly praying for them we should get a hold of them and offer them our best. Many of us are missing the mark in the love department. Love is unselfish and not self seeking. How many of us can say we fit that description? We really need to learn to humble ourselves to God and to one another. How many of us can say we have truly become the Servant of all just as Jesus was? If we are honest, not many of us fit that bill. Many of us are in lack in areas of our own lives for this reason. Once we step up to the plate and become a servant for the Lord and for one another we will find that in giving out is when we get blessed....over and above what we may even expect! So let's become very sensitive to the Spirit of God in these days. Let us step up to the plate and become an outreach for those who are hurting and need help. Let us not ignore this call from our Lord and Savior. One day each one of us will have to give an account of what we did with our lives. Are you truly ready for this? Food for thought! God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could

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