The course and sequence of events in your Christian life are as certain and necessary as the processes of nature. All is in progress. Be sure of it. God wants you to foresee what is at the door.

"As in the kingdom of nature there is a chain of causes, so in the kingdom of providence there is a consequence of one event upon another."

"As we may lawfully prognosticate the change of the seasons when second causes have begun to work, so we may, in the disposal of events, expect something uncommon when God is already raised up out of His holy habitation; then stand still and see His salvation."

"The beginning of the working of second causes assures us of the progress and perfection of it...There is a certain series in the works of providence, as there is in the works of nature."

"He charges them to look upon these things as neither doubtful nor distant but as sure and very near."

"The things revealed must shortly come to pass; they must come in their own order, in the order appointed for them."

- all of the above quotes are from Matthew Henry's Commentary

In Matthew 24:32, the Lord Jesus said - "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh." Here He was using the illustration of the fig tree to prophecy the coming events on Jerusalem. He was attempting to draw the people into an understanding of the signs of the times - by using the simple events of nature.

In Luke 21:29, He proclaimed - "...Behold the fig tree and all the trees."

He then proceeded to say in verse 30 - "When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand."

This discourse was given on the Mount of Olives where fig trees were in abundance. This common tree of Judea had a lesson to teach - a parable. The result? The people were expected to "see and know of their own selves..." what the fig tree was saying.

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree..."
"...Behold the fig tree ..."
"...see and know of your own selves..."

The fig tree puts forth leaves usually in April. Whenever its tender branches would begin to swell and put forth buds and leaves - it was a sure indication that one could expect the March winds - followed by the April showers. In other words, winter is past...the spring is come...and summer is right around the corner.

What does this process of nature have to do with you?

Matthew Henry stated - "...There is a certain series in the works of providence, as there is in the works of nature."

In the "kingdom of nature," there is "a chain of causes" - "a consequence of one event upon another." Winter comes before spring...spring comes before summer...summer comes before fall. and fall comes before winter. This course and sequence of events in nature is certain and necessary. All is in progress, and we can be sure of its issue.

In the spiritual realm, things are similar. Just as one experiences the different seasons in the natural realm, even so does one experience the differing seasons in the spiritual realm.

Right now, you may be facing the "winter" season of your life where everything around you seems lifeless and bare...all dreams seemingly are lost...all activity is at a standstill... and loneliness and despair are here to stay.

If that be the case, the Lord Jesus has a word of instruction for you today. It is this -

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree..."
"...Behold the fig tree ..."
"...see and know of your own selves..."

The "sap" in your "fig tree" may - at this time - be bound up and congealed - resulting in no sign of life whatsoever. But the time is very soon when the "Son of righteousness" will draw near and - through His mighty influence - juices will return from the roots into the branches - causing the young tender branches to swell and open with buds, leaves, and then fruit - indicating that summer has come once again.

God wants you to carefully observe what is going on in your life at this time. He wants you to be fully aware of the "chain of events" and the progress of the season.

"...see and know of your own selves..."

You need not that any should teach you. Just simply look, and you will know.

And having done so - live under the sense of what is coming.


May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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