Perry Stone, Molech, & The Cursing of Blacks and Obama!

Hi believers, well, I used to watch Perry Stone's weekly show. I delighted in his teachings on the relevance of the original Hebrew customs just as I delight to hear sincere people anywhere enlighten us to Christ's magnificent truths that was first 'cast to the ground' by the Roman entrance into Christianity and second, carried on to this day by the European/American white religious hierarchies of the world.

Yes, Perry was my man. For the most part, he did not abuse his platform to promote right-wing politics as that which is the 'will of God.' Well, I only started watching him this year so if he had, I wasn't aware of it. Throughout, the months I watched him, I did hear a flicker of right-wing gibberish here and there, but for the most part, I thought he did an excellent job in using 21 minutes to teach on the Bible before using the last 9 to pimp the cost of his videos. Yes, he peeked our curiosity with 'bits of the truth' then told us if we wanted to learn more of the Word of God's Hebrew ancient relevance we'd have to pay for it. Such is life!

Within the last month or so, I have had to altogether stop watching both, Perry Stone and Jack Van Impe. Their fangs are out, and it's against none other than our beloved President Obama. Oh, and now, according to 'Perry Stone, It's also against blacks who voted for him. Yes, Molech, Obama and Black People' was the topic of his 7/26/09 rebroadcast shown on the Christian Television Network.

it seems, Blacks are impoverished because we supported Obama. We are not Christ-like according to the racist, demented mindset of these crippled, blind, bigots. According to Perry, Obama signed a bill that would support 'worldwide' abortion. I doubt if the bill was signed to do that and would love to hear Obama's side of the signing in of this bill.

Well, anyway, that's where Molech comes in. He had a big statue of Molech on his television show. Yes, just bought a big old evil Idol statue and put it on his make-shift stage platform. He then explained that during ancient Biblical history 'Molech' was the 'false idol' that the evil masses sacrificed their children upon which of course, wrought the wrath of God. He's right ofcourse, according to the Bible that's exactly what happened and should have happened to any people who purposely slaughter their children in the name of a false idol. (Lev. 18:21; 29:2-5).

Perry declared that when Obama signed this bill in question, it was tantemaunt to 'throwing children to the fire of Molech.' Yeah, no kidding, he really is warped enough to believe such nonsense. For the record, there is no government forced abortion in America. Obama nor any righteous person advocates women aborting their babies. No 'throwing the babies to the Idol Molech' can compare to what those people did in the Bible Nor is it right to twist Scripture to make it seem that 'one is promoting Molech' and baby killing. It is wrong. It is sniful. It is evil to do such a thing simply because one doesn't agree with the idiotic stance of the Christian right when it comes to resolving the issue of abortion.

For the record, I pray women will keep their babies and know God will provide a way for them if they call on Him. I do, I sincerely do. God bless the babies in the womb.

Anyway, there is more than one way to resolve the issue of abortion. The way to end abortion is to do a mass out reach to women who are committing abortions. It is NOT to curse people who vote Democrat and believe the issue of abortion can be resolved OTHER ways. It is the Christian right who has failed to utilize those other common sense ways and instead chose to unleash a spirit of 'hate' upon Democrats who will not warp their mindset to see things the way the Christian right perceives them.

Yes, it is the leadership of the so-called Christian Right who are the real 'evil' in the land, in as much as they decided to use the issue of 'abortion' as a political football to entice their masses to vote Republican. They have sinned greatly before God as they took a 'demonic' stand and unleashed it as the only way to resolve the matter of 'abortion.' Where's there outreach to women? Why not bombard the television and radio airwaves with truths' of God's love for women and the baby in the womb instead of 'hate Democrats' because they are 'liberal' and want abortion to remain on the books? Why not call out the women who are freely carrying on in this matter? They are the ones who will have to answer to God for committing abortions. The Christian should be addressing women and not a political party who they don't like. God's wrath is upon the Christian right for not taking some of those millions they get and building 'baby towns' where mothers can go to live and get schooling and job opportunities in order to take care of their babies.. Etc.

Dear people, do not let the 'satanic' stance of the Christian right deceive you. For that is what they are, 'deceivers.' At least, with regard to this issue. Christ is not a Republican or Democrat. Christ did not call us to put our faith in a political system. Indeed, throughout the Bible the religious, and political systems are denounced by Christ. Whereas the Republicans and their filthy mouthpieces with the likes of Rush Limbaugh are 'blessed' by the so-called Christian right as the answer to all America's woes, the bulk of which the Republicans brought about.

This is why many of my posts denounce the so-called Christian right and their wicked, ungodly, political stance that has wrought the death of our soldiers who were illegally sent into Iraq/Old Babylon to build it up for the Anti-Christ. At least, that's what Perry, Jack Van Impe, and that ridiculous Hal Lindsay have been preaching for decades. It's now a historical fact, Bush/Cheney and the Right wing in these end-times, lied and deceived in order to build up Old Babylon as the economic headquarters of the soon coming Anti-Christ. This blatant glaring truth is never, do you hear me righteous people, NEVER spoken against by the Christian Right.

However, Obama has been blasted subtly and now overtly ever since he took office. Well, spiritual warfare consists of fighting our enemies where they aim at us. The Christian Right is the one that is using 'politics' as a weapon to promote their right-wing satanic hate. We true believers must then counter it by using ''the truth of God's word to show up their 'political' deceit.

Perry in mad, deceit, decried every believer who voted for Obama. Correction, every 'BLACK' believer who voted for Obama. He said, nothing to the millions of whites who voted for him. He inferred, we voted because Obama was black. Well, not exactly, we voted because we were horrified at Bush/Cheney and the Katrina catastrophe. We were horrified at the open attack on the Middle Class that was causing blacks to lose jobs. We voted for Obama because he declared he would get our beloved solders, too many of them African/American, out of Old Babylon/Iraq that Perry and the other speakers all say will be the 'economic headquarters' of the Anti-Christ. We voted for this intelligent, sincere, man who spoke upon 'change' and when blacks saw that whites were willing to give him a chance, we voted enmasse for this black man and his beautiful black wife and daughters. You betcha' we did. We voted, and in so doing, prinicpalities of white hatred was hurled to the ground. We a people whose ancestors' were slaves could do no other in the eyes of a Just and Mighty God who alone pulled this miracle off. Oh, yeah, Praise God we voted! Praise God, Obama won!

Nonetheless, according to Perry Stone, 'we African/Americans are bad. We are not of God.' In this case, he strongly decried the 'poverty' among blacks as a result of us voting for 'bad Obama.' Bad Obama did not out of a spirit of satanic greed, bring this country to near economic collaspe, rather bad Bush/Cheney and the right wing did this evil of which Perry did not rail against.

Bush/Cheney went after the middle class to altogether alleviate it. God's word repeatedly states that 'he is the father of the poor, widows, orphans, working class i.e. wage earner,' and to attack them is to attack God. This is what the Republicans did during their eight year reign and the Christian Right blessed this 'evil' before God, Yet anything Obama does to straighten it ou, is cursed as anti-Christ. Naw, their not racist. That's sarcasm, ofcourse.

Listen, unfortunately the church has not dealt with the demonic spirit of racism that is entrenched in the heart, soul, mind and spirit of white America, or at least, the bulk of them. Perry doesn't realize that his stance is that of an arrogant, hell-bent fool when it comes to politics. He's of the madness of the Christian right. They are not 'right', they are 'wrong' and the god of this world has blinded them to the madness about them.

I was flipping the channels last week and dared to stop to hear the mad mutterings of Hal Lindsay. He actually, with a satanic glaze proclaimed that 'Liberals look at he, and his republican brothers like Rush Limbaugh and dare to call them racists, when they are not racist, rather, the Liberals are.' Well, In the first place, 'liberals' aren't the only ones to look upon their racist nature for what it is. Whew! See what madness has overtaken them?

God has turned them over to a reprobate mind because they refuse to yield to the truth. Instead, it is none other than the Christian right who unleashed this division in America when they wrongly took their 'hard-core' stance via making abortion a political football, in order to pimp right-wing politics.

It is therefore incumbent upon believers to speak against their madness lest their twisted voices be raised to do more satanic damage than they have done in the last 8 years. Again, there has been little to NO condemnation of Bush/Cheney and the Republicans who murdered our beloved soldiers when they illegally sent them in to build up the Iraq/Babylon economic center for their soon coming anti-Christ. If anything, that's offering 'our children to the fire of Molech"

Yet, Obama signed a bill, of which we all should wait and hear Obama's and the Democrat's reasoning as I am sure it is sound and was not designed to 'slaughter the unborn' to that big old Molech Idol that Perry convenienly got his hands upon. Obama is about elevating all the masses. The Republicans were/are about elevating the rich at the expense of the masses. The Republicans are responsible for the millions who lost their jobs. As we follow the news, we see, people are so broken by it that there is now an increase in mothers and fathers killing their children and themselves. Perry nor the right wing would never, ever rightly blame the Republicans nor denounce their 'white' followers as 'bad' or 'anti-Christ' or 'not of God' for voting for all this evil unleashed by Bush and the Republicans.

Yet, our beloved President has barely held the reigns of power 6 months and Perry Stone is now using his show to promote 'hate' for Obama and dare accuse black people who voted for him to be 'out of the will of God.' He is mad, satanically mad.

Yes, wrath is coming upon America, for sure, unfortunately our beloved country with good opportunies has been decimated by the Bush administration. They sold America to these foreign enemies who have sinisterly brought in their army. I, once heard John Hagee proclaim, 'you have robably shaken hands with a terrorist and don't know it,' meaning, that's how many Bush/Cheney administration allowed to come in here. Yes, for love of a dollar, those satanic possessed, greedy males would sell this entire country to foreigners.

All these Republican evils are blessed by the Perry Stones, and other poor, deceived souls of the Christian Right. As so, we must withstand their madness. As anyone in their right mind could see, Perry was waaaaaaay out of control. They are mixed up and deceived to the core. They use Scripture, NO, they 'abuse' Scripture in order to promote their madness. Black people as you can see, that madness is getting waaaaaaaay out of control as this man, Perry Stone has decided that his right-wing warped mind is right and ergo, we BLACKS ARE DECEIVED AND NOT OF GOD.

This arrogant, wrong, defiant stance if continued could very well lead to a race war. It will break up the black churches with good sense, from this white barbaric false church mentality that is deceived and deceiving. I'm telling you, Perry Stone openly declared his warped stance as 'right' and as so, blacks who voted for Obama are now seen as the enemy.

The answer is to 'cry aloud and spare not' in order to show up their satanic lunacy for what it is in order to destroy such a dangerous disposition, People please understand, this is a very dangerous 'racial' stance this foolish man and the Christian right has taken. We, as blacks, must counterattack as it will very much lead to 'division' for no one in their right mind is going to agree with Perry and the Christian Right's outlook on the matter of Obam and abortion. They are wrong! They always were! They went about this matter via promoting hatred of 'liberals', 'democrats' and any and all who refused to buy into their mad stance as the only way to deal with abortion. Now look where their evil mindset has come to, 'open attack' on black people and Obama.

This hateful stance could lead to one of their nutcase followers seeking to hurt our dear President. It could and probably already has begun to lead to 'division' and 'racial tension.' The Bible says, ' there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof leads to death'. This 'leads to death' way is the mindset of arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant Christian right leaders with the likes of Perry Stone. I reitierate, it is a real dangerous disposition that Black clergy must arise, unite and denounce. The weapon of our warfare is 'truth'.' Speak the truth against the Christian Right's hypocrisy as it will demolish them and save lives.

Black people, Perry, who I once adored, showed his true face and it was stenched and entrenched with the demonic spirit of white racism of which he hurled against 'we black people' who RIGHTLY voted for Obama. People wake-up!
'And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free' Let's let it this time, let's full-force unite and let it!

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