11 Yr. Old Malia Obama Sexually, Racially, Assaulted By Conservatives

Hi all, the deplorable site 'free-republic.com' has attacked President Obama's 11 yr. old daughter Malia for of all things, wearing a 'peace sign' shirt during their visit to Ghana, Africa.


They stated such garbage as 'street whore,', 'when will she have an abortion,' 'Michele uses 'monkey noises' to communicate with her daughter', etc.

Yes, this is the overall white racist republican mind-set who is nurtured by the so-called Christian right. This is what they have bred. A group of end-time demonic, filthy beings who the Christian right bred to think they are 'Christ-like' for withstanding President Obama.

The Christian Right or so-called insist that their demonic outlook on political matters is that which 'pleases God' when nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, could be further from the truth.

The owner of this conservative right wing site and its' followers many of which are high-profile right wingers of the so-called Christian right sought to justify their madness via pointing out that the 'media' didn't 'denounce those who spoke against the out of wedlock pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter.'

However, what these deluded, anti-Christ, as the Bible calls them 'people of the prince (anti-Christ) to come' liars and deceivers choose to blind themselves to is this (Dn. (9;26). It was they who lifted up the sanctimonious, self-righteous, banner against Bill Clinton's personal sexual discretion and declared, 'anyone who is immoral is not fit for public office or, if there family member is immoral they are to be stoned.' I guessed they would have stoned King David (2 Sam. 11).

Yes, the Christian right and the conservative, republicans raised that anti-Christ banner. As so, when Sarah Palin steps on the scene as the 'voice of the right-wing' it just stands to reason that the glaring pregnancy of her 17 yr. old would be pointed out by the so-called 'bad, secular, liberals.'

They didn't raise such a hypocritical, anti-Bible standard rather, the right wing, conservative, republicans. Palin's daughter simply became 'exhibit A' with regard to the conservatives and the Christian Right's hypocrisy. In other words, they reaped what they sowed.

But, to attack an 11 yr. old black girl for nothing more than having on a 'tee-shirt' is to show the world and all with 'eyes to see' the depth of madness about these right-wingers.

It is a pedophillic rape of one of our little black daughters and should be denounced from the pulpit, in the media, etc. by all black self-respecting clergy. Indeed, by all black self-respecting people. It is no different than bombing the Birmingham 4 black daughters during the Civil Rights era.

Believers we have got to unite and put a stop to their evil. For as you can see, the right-wing, Christian right breeds such abominations and calls them 'holy and upright' before a Just God who despises their wicked nature that they insist on referring to as that which is 'Christ-like.'

Ergo, I hereby, publicly denounce them. May true believers join in and do likewise.

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