"Preaching in desert places"
Matthew 3:1-3

Often times in life we want things to be easy and to go right, or the way we desire. We want to get along with co-workers, friends, associates, wives, husbands, just people period. We want to avoid the drama that life brings us at times and we all can fill in the blank for what our drama may be, which can sometimes feel and look like a desert place. One thing i have come to discover of late during my time of prayer, life, and ministry, is that God uses these desert situations or dry places for His glory.

Deserts are dry places with little to no vegetation that to the common person don't produce too much life, but God has called us like He did John, to come preaching, declaring the wonderful and majestic glory of His Kingdom in the desert, in order that a desert, or dry place can turn into an agricultural surplus of God's glory and provision for others. Deserts may be tough for us, but it is often used to make us more dependent on God, who will supply all of our needs according to His riches in Glory. It also makes us more dependent on the Spirit of God to lead us, feed us, empower us, and give us the necessary things to do battle with the the demons that are trying to make advances against us, and others. Before i can preach in the desert i must first be able to survive in the desert.

To survive in the Desert, i must have a good supply of water(Spirit). now we know that out of our belly's shall flow rivers of living water(the Holy Ghost), and even as Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, He told her that He would give her water that she would never go thirsty, so as long as i am drinking of the things of God (being continually filled of His Spirit) I have what is necessary to survive my desert places, and if i am surviving in my deserts, those who occupy the desert with me will begin to inquire of my survival tactics which will bring us to the moment of preaching in the desert.

To preach in the desert we must have recieved a life changing message from God, and share it with others (which can be as simple as your testimony) that prepares people to recieve Jesus Christ, who is the giver, and sustainer, of life itself. As i preach or spew out the water that Christ has put in, God comes through the power of His Spirit and nurtures and grows that which He has allowed us to plant. So as you go to, and through your desert places make sure you have taken a good supply of water (Spirit) that God can go to work through you in the dry places. Have a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord.

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