Galatians 6:1} Brethren, If any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual (who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit) should set him right and restore and reinstate him without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.

Matthew 18: 15-16} If your brother wrongs you, go and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Most people who cause problems in the church are people who have a dominating spirit using them. This can take the form of bitterness, strife, gossip, control, rebellion against those in authority. When these things are in operation in a church it can really wear down the pastor, not to mention destroy the church. Like it or not even Christians are used in this manner. People can appear to have a form of righteousness, well meaning workers who are involved in service. The problem is they are there to create problems, bring division and their hearts are not right with the Lord. They serve their own agendas many times rather than the things of God. When people operate in this and they are confronted they usually turn the tables around on you and make you feel as if you are the problem. Many times they are not open to be corrected or rebuked. They have an attitude of "How dare you confront me!" They are very defensive and refuse to listen.

What is especially dangerous is if the person is in a position of power and not broken or submitted to the will of God. They can and will become an instrument for demonic powers. This has happened in many churches where the pastor has been so worn out and discouraged that they have been driven out of the ministry. This is why it's so important to confront the person right away. If they are not open to listen and be corrected then they should be asked to leave. It is so important for everyone in the Body of Christ to be very attentive to the voice of God and to become very discerning. This way people who are shown things in the Body of Christ can warn the pastor as to what is going on or to what is heading his way.

One time I belonged to a church and there was such a person in that body. This person was intimidating everyone and causing them to leave the church. That person came after me but I stood my ground. I prayed, I sought God and then I went to warn the Pastor. I wasn't the only one who saw this in operation and went to the Pastor. They in turn prayed and sought God in the matter and God showed them. That person was dealt with and believe me when I say a lot of demonic plans were destroyed when they had to ask that person to leave the church. If that person doesn't open their hearts and submit themselves to God then they will continue in destructive ways and go from church to church.

Also if we see someone in the body that is in sin, we are to go to them and tell them, but do it in love and gentleness, not with an accusing or harmful spirit. Sadly enough I have seen many not listen. They look at the person who is delivering the message rather than going to God and asking them if there is any truth to what they are saying. Let's face it, demonic spirits will use Christians and others to chase people out of the church. They will also tap into people's feelings and emotions to get them to separate themselves from the Body of Christ. That is Satan's favorite area to hit. Our walk is very shallow indeed if we do not determine to push through and persevere. We miss out on so many blessings when we are not connected. We also walk away from God's protection through that Body.

Many people feel they are not accountable when they don't get into God's word. News flash.....not getting into God's word will not stop you from going through trials and tribulations. God allows these things until we get back on track. Not to mention that you will not be prepared for spiritual warfare when it does happen. The only one who desires to keep you away from God's Word and from the Body of Christ is Satan. And he will use whatever works to accomplish this. Sadly enough many Christians are so carnal and fleshy that they give Satan victory in this area rather than giving God glory by being determined disciples. Are you just talking the talk or walking the walk today? Did your salvation stop at being saved? Your salvation is a daily working out. It's a walking hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. It's obeying all of God's commands and one of them is studying the Word to rightly divide and to show yourselves approved unto God. It's giving Satan a black eye on a daily basis by refusing to give up. Today God is calling us to walk more and more in the Spirit realm. But we can't do this on our own. We are to cooperate with the Spirit of God. We are to be connected to the Body. That is where the power is! Doing your own thing will bring destruction. Allow God to search your heart today, listen to what He has to say to you, then obey. Be quick to repent of wrong doing and wrong attitudes. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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