Have you ever gone shopping and purchased a beautiful skirt (women) or handsome suit (men) only to arrive at an event or church and someone else is wearing the same outfit?! One time, I bought a really “diva-licious” skirt. Man it looked great. I attended an event and what did I see, someone else wearing “MY” skirt! “What is this? Darn, I should have worn something else.” When I thought about it, I smiled because we both looked good in the skirt. And it only proved that we shop at the same store. After all, that store had more than one skirt in that style and that color. “My” skirt came in different sizes to fit different people. In truth, we BOTH looked good in OUR skirts!

In the kingdom of God, we sometimes believe our callings and spiritual gifts are ours alone. We feel “no one else around me has MY gift”. So, we make sarcastic remarks towards each other such as:

“You are just trying to be like me”
“Why are you doing what I do?”
“Find your own calling”

And my all time favorite:
“God didn’t call you to do that. You are out of order.”

These attitudes demonstrate that we fail to realize it is the SAME SPIRIT that has called some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. Not ONE person but SOME people. (Ephesians 4:11) You may have heard of this referred to as the five-fold ministry. More than one person has what you have. Why? Because we all shop at the same store. (or we at least should be)

Ephesians 5:11 – Be ye imitators of God…

I should not be offended by your calling and you should not be offended by mine because we are imitating God not each other. If we do imitate one another, remember the Apostle Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. If our ministries are similar in any way (as if we are wearing the same clothes) it is because we are shopping at the same store. God is the original pattern (source) from which all garments (ministries) are made.

1 Corinthians 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

And guess what, none of this can be done without God. Salvation is an humbling experience and we must continue to humble ourselves for the rest of our lives. Being led by His Holy Spirit means it has nothing to do with you and your agenda because it is all about God’s glory and we should acknowledge Him and give Him thanks and praise for all things. (Ephesians 5:20)

So, if what I do looks the same as what you are doing, then to God be the glory. We are on one accord and need to keep shopping at the same store!

But wait, there’s more. There’s a flip side to every coin. The other extreme is when you purposely covet another person’s gift. Don’t desire to BE another Juanita Bynum or another T.D. Jakes. Be who God has called YOU to be. You may be called to teach an adult Sunday School class but you want to be over the Youth because you see that the Youth teacher gets more accolades and attention and you want that for yourself. (Read Romans 12 – the entire chapter). Walk in your calling and wear your own garments because they all come from the same store…the same Spirit, the same God. Seek your kudos from the Lord, not from other people and not to please yourself.

to judge another’s use of their gifts and calling

to want or desire those same gifts and callings.

Remember, in all that we do, we should be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3)


Lord, whatever You say do, I WILL!!!

Remember, God wants you to have
The Attitude of Gratitude.
So TAG someone today.

TAG, You’re It!!!

~Minister Tracy Curtis~
Founder, TAG Ministries, International
Houston, Texas

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on April 15, 2009 at 2:59pm
well alrighty then my brotha... encourage yourself as David did. Remember who you are and work that!!!

you betta not hold nuffin against me... I'll pinch you in the arm like mama use to do in church LOL

I was just trying to clarify some things since the past couple of weeks folk have been up in arms over blogs and what not... you know I am not about all that mess my brotha..

Anywho... enjoy your week. It's beautiful here in Texas!!!
Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on April 14, 2009 at 7:04pm
Hey Leigh, how are you?

As for your comment, f I knew what you were talking about I could adequately respond to your comment. This blog I posted, I wrote two years ago for another site similar to this one. I posted it here on BPN in response to a message my pastor will preach on this coming Sunday. His message reminds me of the blog I posted two years ago. I don't do that childish blog-wars thing that you have seen here on BPN. I don't have time to be talking about people in "coded messages" in a blog. I leave that to the folks on the playground at recess.

This message (She's Wearing My Skirt) is not aimed at anyone in particular here on BPN. If I had an issue with a specific person... I would address them privately. If I have an issue with something general in the body of Christ, then I blog about it publicly... as I did here.

Now, if what I have said hit you in a particular way, then I won't apologize for it hitting you or anyone else. As I said, it was not aimed at any one person...but was a general message. I allow the Holy Spirit to do the convicting .....after all doesn't He do that better than anyone else.

If something I ever writes hits ya my brotha, just say OUCH and keep on keepin on LOL.

Luv ya!

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