When we study the character of Elijah we come to an account of him in a certain place after he had just experienced victory against the prophets of Baal when the Lord sent down fire from heaven. Obviously he was going through a battle in his mind.

1 Kings 19:3-4 (MKJV)
3 And he saw, he rose and went for his life, and came to Beer-sheba of Judah, and left his servant there.
4 And he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree.
And he begged for his life, that he might die. And he said, It is enough.
O LORD, take away my life. For I am no better than my fathers.

We understand that every action starts in the mind, that is where the real battle begins this anointed prophet of God should have known that if God could send down fire from heaven surely no mere mortal like Jezebel the queen needed to be feared. But because of what was going on in his mind,what he saw he had a victim mentality rather than a victor’s mentality. The other thing we noticed was he left his servant behind. How many of us when we are going through do not want to be around others but be by ourselves we stay away from church and the enemy has a field day because we are by ourselves he really can speak to our minds. Elijah never received an instruction from God to leave were he was he made the choice to go were he was. We must allow the Lord to order our steps.

1 Kings 19:5-8(MKJV)
5 And as he lay and slept under a broom tree, behold, then an angel touched him and said to him, Arise, eat.
6 And he looked, and, behold, a cake was baked on the coals, and a jug of water at his head. And he ate and drank, and lay down again.
7 And the angel of the LORD came to him the second time and touched him, and said, Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you.
8 And he arose, and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb the mount of God.

After he received a touch from God he was able to move from the place of were he was emotionally to a place to were he were he needed to be spiritually. Not only was Elijah ministered to spiritually but also physically he was told the journey was great and what he received caused him to go on a forty day journey. When God ministers to you what you receive will be enough to take you to were God will have you to be.

Galatians 6:8,9
8For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

How can we hear God say he is with you and then after winning a successful battle against the adversary be are plagued with depression and oppression and discouragement? If we look is a mirror what do you see sometimes what is going on in the inside is not reflected on the outside.
We must remember that we have been programmed over the years to react to certain things a certain way. But when we allow the Word of God to the work on us when the enemy comes to attack us we will recognize his ploy and respond rather then react. We will be able to say I see what your trying to do and I will not fall for your sneak attack this time. When we are battle weary we often make mistakes in what we choose to do rather, than wait on God we move in haste. God wants us to walk in the Spirit we must not sow to the flesh for the end is destruction while if we sow the Spirit the reward is eternal life. We must not be be weary and give up for at Gods appointed time we will receive the reward God has for us.

Battle fatigue can be experienced by all, these are some of the signs:-
v Critical

v Wrong choices

v Walk contrary to God’s command

v Failure to recognize the attack of the enemy

v Fear

v Failure to see correctly in the situation we are in.

v Trust in natural senses rather than walking in the spirit

v Confusion in your mind “I Can’t think straight”

We must remember everything starts in the mind that is why if our minds are not renewed because of our failure to embrace the Word of God and our choice to walk in disobedience to God we sin. Let us be like our Saviour knowing when it is time to go aside with God and allow him to minister strength to us so that we will know the mind of God concerning all matters.

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