Sometimes I don't always get to expound on the word or things going on around me in my own writings and have to share the awesome works of others..I was dealing with a issue relating to friendship. I found myself caught in the middle of a situation...Now do I react to what one was saying and tell why the other one was truly not being truthful in what they told the other one and therefore betray what was told to me in confidence even though now this same person is telling the person lies that would make me like I did something wrong by not telling ..and even reveal something that was said and done by the second party that hurt me when it was told to me yet I never said anything about it in all he years I have known it and I remained friends with that person after giving it and them over to the Lord.

I found myself at a point again of prayer and forgiveness because hat was what was needed concerning the whole situation which developed from one friend doing something to help the other out of a bad situation and now the enemy wants it to look like much more was going on ..Although quite angered by the actions of all concerned...I remained faithful just to pray and put my anger aside and decided again just to let God work it out and strangely the next morning God gave me this I shall it with you:

The Power of Prayer
By Tanya James

Recently I found myself very disappointed in someone I considered a good friend. They did something to me that I felt (and still feel) was totally unacceptable and it was hard for me to swallow. I knew that I needed to forgive them and let it go but I just couldn't wrap my head around it at the time.

Not wanting to hold a grudge, I began to quote any and every scripture I could remember (and maybe a few I made up) on forgiveness. But it seemed the moment I stopped quoting scripture, I got mad all over again.

Throughout that week, I kept rehearsing what happened and when I shared it with my husband and my sister, I got even angrier - it was like every time I told the story, the fire was being fueled. So I decided that I needed to stop talking about it because that was not helping the situation.

I'm sure you have all been there before ...maybe it wasn't a friend, perhaps it was a sibling, a co-worker, a neighbor or even someone at church. Whoever it was, they crossed you in some form or fashion and raised your blood pressure. You found yourself on this never ending cycle of anger because you couldn't quite let it go.

In time, I realized that forgiveness is very hard in our own power... and at some point, I cleared my head and took it to God in prayer ...and yet again, God amazed me with his ability to bring an inner peace in the midst of any situation.

Prayer is by far the greatest weapon we have. Prayer causes you to change your perspective on things.

While in prayer, God reminded me of the many times I had turned my back on Him. The many times I had disappointed Him. Yet, not once has He held back his forgiveness towards me.

He also reminded me that no one except Him is flawless, so I must not put people on a pedestal or expect them to never let me down. Yes, we expect certain things like respect from our friends, however at some point, we have probably all disrespected someone we cared about. How is it that we expect people to always be willing to forgive us but when the tables are turned - watch out!

Through prayer, I realized it was alright for me to be hurt by the situation, but it wasn't alright for me to dwell there. God healed my wounds and gave me the courage to step back out and not allow this situation to dictate my mood, attitude or behavior towards the person who offended me.

There is something to be said about the power of prayer time I won't wait so long to use it!

© Tanya James all rights reserved.

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Comment by Evangelist Val Robinson on March 17, 2009 at 11:37am

Praying For You always!

Awesome...Woman of God..thank you for sharing that..often times we may not understand the habits of others or the reason they do the things that they do..but just like you have showed here..there is a reasonable explanation..what a awesome testimony of how..he (your husband) was decreeing and making a way for things that you had no idea would come to past in such a awesome manner) May He rest in peace knowing that His acts of love still continue to make a way today and every day of your life. I am so sorry for your loss but even happier that He left so much behind t keep you in perfect peace! God Bless!
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on March 4, 2009 at 12:16pm
The smallest things.....................

It always took so much patience to ride in the car with my husband. He seem to always drive 50 miles per hour in any zone and I on the other hand drove 65+. Often time people would cut my husband off and he would always yield the right away. My husband many times had the right away.

One day I asked him being impatient "Honey why do you always let people in front of you? He replied, "because one day my wife (meaning me) may need to get in and I want them to let you in then he would pray that they would let me in.

My husband died Aug 5, 2007. Today when I'm driving I have no problems getting in. People yield the right of way to me. I see the results of my husbands simple prayer.
Comment by Evangelist Val Robinson on March 3, 2009 at 10:37pm

Amen ...Thank you this is how I feel as well you articulated that so well...seems like folks are bothered because you got it and they want it..but what we have can't be madam it's earned and well deserved..through prayer and going through...

Like you I call on my Spiritual Father like I would my fleshly Father had He lived and was around..every little thing huh..isn't that what we are supposed to do if we learn o call on Him with the small stuff then when we are bombarded with the big stuff we are not easily discouraged or led astray because of our fears and not knowing that if He handled that small thing surely He will do the same for the bigger things..since nothing is impossible for Our Father!

Thank you for your comment and connecting here with me..I'm encouraged by your words of wisdom! Amen Yes Jesus is always there and I thank Him for that!!!
Comment by Spirit on March 3, 2009 at 4:26pm
making prayer a priority in my life is important. my husband tells me i bother God with every little thing. my opinion is, He is there waiting for me to call on Him. somethings i don't have to handle. i will hit my toe on a chair and call out to God. yet i will watch as my husband struggles in the flesh to handle a situation in "his own strength", and he waits until the last minute to call out. i chose not to live that way. scriptures tells us time and time again to call on Jesus. so why don't we? God hears and answers our prayers. sometimes we see it, others we don't. i use to live in Ohio in a high rise apartment. when i would have to go to the store in the middle of a storm, and my car was parked "right by the door", i would pray..."Lord, please save my parking space." some times the same parking spot was there, others it was not. and when it was not, i knew it was for a reason (maybe someone else needed more than me), but i knew it was for a reason : )

i am glad to see you are learning the power of prayer. don't ever hesitate to call out to Jesus. He is always there.


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