What difference does it make what NAME you call the Heavenly Father and Jesus As Long As You Call Him?

What difference does it make what NAME you call the Heavenly Father and Jesus As Long As You Call Him?

Hi blessed believers I want to speak on how important it is for believers to "know" that it's not "what" name you refer to our God by, rather, it is important 'that,' you call on Him. He will hear you and answer you. I want all believers to rest assured in this truth as we use this wonderful BPN site to Lift up our Heavenly Father, and our Savior Jesus. Every 'righteous' voice counts!

In fact, it's a great sin against our Heavenly Father to denigrate any voice lifting up God, who is truth. Those who do it, are doing it in great and utter ignorance and in fact, are of a pharisaical mad spirit and know it not

Don't get me wrong, all who've gone to a Bible school or been taught the 'deep' insights within the Bible know that it is enlightening, healing, and fascinating to learn the Hebrew root words, names and meanings of Elhohim, YHWH, YAHSHUA. We praise our Savior for giving us understanding. However, we do not condemn those who do not have that same insight for the Bible tells us that 'we go from glory to glory' (2 Cor. 3:18). The important thing is that we are 'headed' towards the heavenly domain where the Almighty alone will do the judging.

In fact, Scripture says, 'we all see through a glass darkly right now, but in that great day' we will know and see all' (2 Cor. 3:18 PP). As so, how can any sane, rational, so-called educated person condemn anyone for not calling the Most High and our Messiah by the name or term they deem is the only effective name? They can't. That's how come you know such are not sane, rational, or educated in truth with LOVE. The Spirit of the Most High is comprised of LOVE and TRUTH (Jn. 14:6; 1 Jn. 16-18; etc.).

A woman's love for her child is a good example of God's Love and embracement of all who call on the Most High out of a sincere spirit. A mother's child may not be able to properly say 'momma or daddy' but the child is still loved and embraced by the mother or father. In fact, they are adored all the more for the simplistic innocence in their heartfelt cry to their mother.

This is how it is with our Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior Jesus. They love us and know if we call them Heavenly Father, Yahweh, YHWH, Jehovah, Elhohim Jesus or Yahshua that we are calling them out of a spirit of reverence of their Deity. As such, fear not, any talk to the contrary because it's just downright foolishness.

Just look at the Hebrews of the Bible, Moses asked God what was His Name and He said, "I AM WHO I AM" (Ex. 3:14). Is the Almighty going to punish us because we don't call Him "I AM WHO I AM?" No, that's absurd.

I mean honestly, if we are going to be 'sticklers' to the letter of the law instead of walking in the liberty of the Spirit, we will miss the glorious relationship our Heavenly Father seeks to have with each of us. Besides, if we adhere to this ridiculous, preposterous argument that 'we can only know God if we call Him by His Hebrew Name,' then we would all have to learn Hebrew in order to pronounce it properly in that language. Again, ridiculous to condemn believers because they don't call God by the technical name.

Oh, and think about this, what language did the original man and woman Adam and Eve speak? What Name did they call the Most High? The Hebrews weren't in existence then to either spell out or call out God's name according to the Hebrew language.

I mean honestly, such who speak along these lines make the Most High out to be a cruel, trickster or a 'Rumplestiltskin' of sorts. Yes, the old childhood fairy tale that has the little gnome of a man promising to grant a wish if only the 'girl' can guess his name.

"Today I skew, tomorrow I'll bake, and after that the child I'll take; I'm the winner of the game: Rumplestiltskin is my name." lol

I heard someone say, 'God spelled backward is DOG' Well, YAH, in the English language spelled backward is HAY and Hay is for horses. See how silly that is? What is the spelling of God in other languages? The Bible tells us that God created all the languages at the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9).

Bottom line, in all these matters, it is important to LIFT UP GOD THE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT as best we know how. It is important to be humbled and walk upright before a Just God not causing any to fall away from our Heavenly Father via condemnation by reason of the name all in sincerity refer to HIm as. Again, the main thing is that whosoever will call upon Him!

In closing, let me say this, If memory serves me right, in the 70's a wonderful black gospel folk song came out that spoke a beautiful ballad about a 'boy name Jimmy". I think the boy's name was 'Jimmy'. Maybe some of you will remember it.

Anyway, it went along these lines, the boy had been 'neglected,' was sick, destitute, orphaned. His young mind of course, did not understand how to pray but this one simple phrase 'Jesus it's Jimmy." The boy was criticized by a sanctimonious clergyman for the simple little prayer he daily repeated but, as the boy lay ready to cross over into the arms of His Savior, the sanctimonious clergyman audibly would hear the voice of God state, 'Jimmy It's Jesus."

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