Every Christian is a ‘dead man’! We died with Christ on the cross and we identified with His death through baptism. So, the Bible says you should consider yourself as dead unto sin but alive unto God. What is it about the dead? The dead does not know anything, the dead does not move, nothing appeals to a dead man. So, when it says, “Consider yourself dead unto sin,” it means don’t let it appeal to you any more. Romans 6:7 says, “For he that is dead is freed from sin.” Whenever you are faced with temptation, do as a dead man would do; refuse to be moved. In case you still don’t know what it means to be dead to sin, verse 13 says, “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God…” No matter how much you tempt a dead man with immorality for instance, he can’t yield or give in to it. He can’t participate with any part of his body, because he is dead.

Some people make baseless excuses that the reason they fell into immorality is because they saw a woman who was half naked. No, it is because they are not yet dead to sin. The problem is not how somebody dressed, the problem is the way you are looking!

Maybe you were once a heavy smoker; you were not only smoking you were a burner; everywhere you went smoke followed you, but now after New Birth, the smell of cigarette irritates you. Why? Because you are dead to it. It no longer appeals to you, you are free from it. There is no one as free as a ‘dead man.’ When you become dead to sin, then you are free indeed.Remember Apostle paul said,i die daily......1 corinthians 15:31.

“Consider yourself to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God.” That is to say, only the things of God should appeal to you; excite, move or get your attention. Life abhors vacuum, you are either dead to sin and alive to God or alive to sin and dead to God. As a matter of fact, it is your aliveness to the things of God that enhances your deadness to sin. The more you become alive to the things of God, the more you die to sin.

Lastly, “Consider yourself as dead…” means to see and treat yourself as ‘dead’ when it comes to the issue of sin. You have to change your mentality; see yourself the way God sees you, yield your members only to righteousness and you will never go down.

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