When I was in USA as the most poor person in USA did I see very much what was going on in the churches and I know God wanted me to see it how the churches treated a poor needy person.

I will tell you in another blog how I was treated of the at least 1000 churches I visited and most of the churches was those with only african american in them so I can understand that some thought I had no need as I was white but it shouldn't be that way anyway because we should not be like the world that often look at the color of the skin.

What I wanted to write here in my blog was about all those secretaries I met.

I ask for the Pastor and got his secretary when I wanted to talk about my ned and ask for help.

And it felt very strange to sit and ask if the church could help me, when sitting in front of a woman that every week paid for have her nails done and her hair too and that had those fancy clothes and jewlery and professional done make up.

" and how much food do you want from us " did they say with a no interested voice and face.

I answer : " I didn't wanted to have food, I wanted to talk to the Pastor how God made me come to USA" I said because I was thinking that the Pastor should understand that I had need for all kind of help.

But I was refused all the time of the secretary and it was in other ways I come close to their Pastor but in not that way so I could talk.

The secretary never asked me to tell them my story so I never come to talk to a Pastor why I was in USA because they were too busy to listen and say all the time...talk to my secretary.

Of the way the secretary treated me was I thinking that was an excellent place for satan to put his daughter or son there because they are like a closed door to the Pastors.

Most Pastors are too busy to see what's going on in his church.

I don't ask for a Pastor in a huge church to see if their is any new person in the church but I was in churches with not more than 50 people and in those churches should the Pastor notice if any new come into his church.

When I was in the church was I not as a shadow. Every time did I go to the altar and said thnk you for a nice preaching for them to see me and be curious who I was but they never said anything.

I was involved in choir and other church services but no one was curious why I was in USA because in the beginning didn't I speak to well english so they could tell I was from another country and they saw I was by myself and didn't knew anyone.

After 2 years away from my daughter and my country was my most need mental, I was hoping any of those church people could sit down and hear my story so I could get some relifes in to crying and tell them how much I was longing for my daugther but no one cared.

If I come in those time the church was open for needed people was it only food and clothes they thought I was in need of.

I had no fancy clothes or gold but I was clean and my clothes was no hole in and I was most in long skirt or dress when I visit the church so many times do I think I look like I had everything going on for me and I was in the food pantry to maybe sell food for drugs as many did.

I know all the tricks now because I heard and saw what the homeless and poor did and said too.

I come to know very much about drugs as I lived with people that did drugs many times. In Sweden did I worked as a teacher for people that was in programs for their addictions but I didn't knew anything about drugs, I was just a computer teacher.

But know I know and am thinking how they must have laugh about me not knowing anything what they where doing.

In Christmas 2001 did I lived for some weeks in a condamed house with some druggies and I thought I should freeze to death as it was no heat in the house and no water to wash me in. I was thnking about my daugther how she longing for me to be with her in Christmas because I was and am still a Christmas freak but in Christmas 2002 didn't I even had food to eat.

But then come one of the druggy men and said I could get some food at a friends house and it was a young woman in wheelchair that gave me so much Christmas food, fresh and warm so I could eat it for 3 days the food she said I should take with me home.

Then in spring did I passed her house and she was outside and invited me for a soda in the warm weather and when I sat and talked to her did I hear God's voice and he said I should go down and touch her legs with my hands and she was healed from the paralyse she had in her both legs.

She didn't believe in God she said but still she gave me REAL fresh food and God gave her legs to walk on.

My daugther come and visit me in the summer 2002 and we visited this woman that sat in the wheelchair and she was out and was jumping around with the kids and told my daugther that I had healed her but I told her over and over it was God, I am only His tool. I hope she believe in God today.

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