IN ALL SERIOUSNESS. God has allowed Satan to turn up the heat down here on earth. Point blank, whatever is going to cater to our flesh, our carnal man, is going to increase. WHY? Because Satan's desire has been that no man becomes closer in relationship with their Creator. So In order to prevent a closer relationship with God, Satan has turned the heat up on everything that he knows will direct us opposite of God's direction.

Well, why is God allowing Satan to do this? Proverbs 17:3; A crucible for silver and a smelter for gold, but God is the tester of hearts. It's a test. It's not a test for Him, it's more of a test for us. It's God's way of showing us what's really, REALLY, REEEAAAAALLY in our hearts.

So I strongly advise you, whatever and whoever God has been speaking to about fasting from for awhile or getting rid of and cutting off completely, DO IT!!! If you're already rebelling against what you're reading then God has just showed you what's in your heart just now, disobedience.

God says "Stay in my word, stay in my will, stay in my way, stay in my presence, stay in Me, and this fire will not consume you because you'll be under my shadow. When the heat is turned up, you won't be consumed by it. But if you stay away from me, do the opposite of what I tell you and what has been written, not in my word or in my will and in my ways, then this heat is going to consume you and over take you from the inside out. I'm no longer tolerating lip service and doing right to be seen by men and pleasing people. It's all about Me. So get it right now, purify yourselves now. Because when the heat is turned up and your hearts desire rises to the surface, condemnation will be just as painful afterwards when the heat is turned down. And you will be saying to yourself 'Had I just went ahead and been obedient to God before the heat rose and went through the suffering and pain of denying myself to be covered under God's shadow'. Get yourself in position now to submit to me, because when this is over, you're going to see for yourself what I have been seeing for the longest on the inside of you".

One last thing, do me a favor after reading this? SPARE ME THE LUXURY OF GOOD COMPLIMENTS AND COMMENTS SAYING "GOOD WORD BROTHA" or "THANX FOR LETTING GOD USE YOU." This was not written with the intent of entertaining you or to show you how good I can hear from God or to show you how "deep" I am. I'm just writing this as warning. So please, for me, just read this, keep it in your heart, and keep it moving.

Thank You, God Bless

Ja$on Michael $mith

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