There has been a part of me that has been covered with excuses, blames, just straight out hiding and masking who's responsible for where I am right now. Until recently. I was backed up against the wall by truth. I hated every minute of it, no lie. The bible says that the truth will set you free, but it's hard to stay free when you're own lies and denials has been working for you for sooooooo long. I couldn't even sleep. Ever since that encounter with truth, I have made the choice to finally take responsibility for which one of me dies and remains alive, the "selfish and bound" me or the "free and truthful" me.

Have you ever experienced the excrutiating pain of breaking off oooooold thought patterns, beliefs, personal traditions and routine ways of doing things in order to be set free. These are things that you don't want noooooooobody to touch, talk or even speak on. If someone even reaches within the vacinity of these things, you're gonna come out swinging. It's like you're saying to people, "LOOK!!! This is the way I have been doing it, this is the way it's been done, and it's not going to change. I like it this way." I'll even fight the Spirit of God Himself if He even came close to touching on it. Whatever your "IT" is, if God has been touching it and you've been avoiding it, guess what? You're present state in life will never change until you change in that area that is so deeply rooted and to hurtful to even think about dismissing. No matter where you go in life, you're going to pass this same ol issue up over and over again. That's called "being lost". You'll wonder why it looks like every one else is prospering and going forward while you're still stuck in the same place. The reason will be you causing yourself to go the same loss of direction in life instead of changing. And God will not let up off of you in that area until you change.

Don't get it twisted, I'm being stabbed by the truth myself as I write this, so I'm wounded with you. We're both bleeding. If that issue is not dealt with, we'll (well you because I'm changing) be in that same position this year while everybody else passed you. You'll go into 2011 the way you are and will look back and will actually be pissed at yourself instead of playing the hate/blame game toward others like I have done for so many years......God wants His glory out of you. He wants to be magnified through you. He wants what is in you to shine this year. But how is that going to happen when you are still holding and protecting the very things that God disapproves of (ouch Ja$on...sheesh). I hurt my ownself with that one. Truth hurts, But I read in Proverbs that God disciplines the ones He loves just as a father would do his own son (Proverbs 3:11-12).

One last thing. God told me last year "Let the ugly out." If you let it out, it won't come back in unless you let it. So when it applies to the truth being told to you, if it hurts and you just can't hold the hurtful, jerk reaction responses to the truth, go ahead and let it out. No matter how it comes out. Just repent and submit to what you heard afterwards. God knows it's in you, so just let it out and get right......That's it "Get right, and get hurt trying."

When JESUS approached that man's son who was possessed by the demon, it's written that "the spirit threw the boy on the ground and convulsed him. {Luke 9:(42) 37-43}. Notice that before Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, "the ugly" was manifested.
If you want to be delivered, confess the thing that is holding you back and rebuke it with Spirit of God's word.

God Bless ya'll

Ja$on Michael $mith

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