But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom. 4:5...Therefore being justified by faith we have PEACE with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (vs2) By whom also we have access by faith INTO this GRACE wherein we STAND, and rejoice in HOPE of the glory of God..Rom 5:1-2..

People of God..gifts and callings are without repentance..So, though I go through various trials and tribulations that test my faith, and though at times, because the Lord knows my frame, that we are dust (Psalm 103:14), I get back into the race without entertaining the judgements of people who don't have the power over my soul, yet remembering the calling on my life that God has placed on me isn't by mistake..So, what does that tell me?? It is my intimate relationship with the Father that will have the anointing to flow through me....A title doesn't make me who I am, Traditions of men make the word of God of none effect..God Views the inward parts of a man...I am not great because you say so....the Lord puts me in high places to His glory for the sake of the kingdom for the souls...

So I don't live my life based on what someone thinks or says...My favor is divine that has been imparted into me from the Spirit of the Lord..Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life....We are striving for perfection towards the mark...Make NO room for the flesh...Keep it dead to sin in ALL forms so we don't err in the way..The Lord of Hosts is watching every minute, every second, all day everyday...We can fool people, we can try to use the grace of God as a crutch to sin and bringing to pass all manner of evil in this clay flesh...but the cloud of witnesses are watching. The Heavenly Hosts are watching..Most importantly, The Lord of Hosts is watching..He looks into the chamber of men's hearts to see if any wicked resides in it of those professing His name.

Who do you serve? Who's mark is on you? Are you a sheep or a goat? We are here to win souls..Not become callous to the spirit of Conviction commiting all manner of evil under the sun...THESE ARE PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH>>> We are the church so God isn't confined to a physical four wall institute....We ARE THE CHURCH...Present your bodies..(mind, body, and soul, emotions) a living sacrifice, HOLY and ACCEPTABLE which is your reasonable service...BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY...FOR YE ARE A HOLY PREISTHOOD...Be blessed saints of God...Watch, fight, and pray for one another with TRUE agape love not with lip service....but with a pure heart pray for one another fervently...God bless

Ambassador for Christ...

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