I believe one of the reasons God made day and night is not only for demarcation but also for the purpose of renewal, because at the end of each day, we rest, get refreshed and renewed to continue the race.So, there is a continuous process of renewal on a daily basis. Almost everything in life is made to require renewal from time to time.Whatever you use without renewal will soon get exhausted or extinguished, and this applies to our spiritual lives.

Often times we talk of ‘prevailing prayer’. The word, ‘prevail’ actually means to gain strength. So, when we talk about ‘prevailing prayer’, it means praying to renew or gain strength in order to have the upper hand in a tussle.

God is the giver of strength, as a matter of fact the Bible says He is our strength, but it is through prayer that we encounter this strength. Isaiah 40:28-29 says, "…The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary...He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength."

So, prayer is a spiritual adventure that connects you to the almighty God, and your weakness is exchanged for His strength. It is a spiritual measure that enables you to climb higher or above your challenges and oppositions. That means, you overcome or ‘come over’ whatever it is that has been putting you down. Prayer is a form of spiritual wrestling, and as we wrestle, we receive strength to prevail. Somebody rightly said, "When you kneel before God you grow taller before men."

In Acts chapter 2, as the disciples were in prayer, the Holy Ghost came down and they were filled with power. But in Acts chapter 4 they prayed and the place where they prayed shook, they were filled with the Holy Ghost again and great grace was upon them all. That means they gained more strength and in that strength, they went forth and preached the Word with boldness despising the threatening of the elders.

Oppositions will remain until you gain more strength to overcome them, don’t run your life dry! Don’t run your life empty till you become spiritually exhausted! Go for renewal! And the best way to renew or build up spiritual strength is by praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 20 says, "But ye beloved, building up yourself on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost." No matter how low you have dropped, you can renew your strength in God. Note that it says, "Building up yourself…!" Strength renewal is a continuous process. Greater heights await you, so you have to keep building up every day to get there. When you pray in the Holy Ghost strength is guaranteed. You will not suffer weakness again!

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