In the Garden Of Eden God, forbid man from eating from the Tree Of Life. Since then both man and woman have been indulging themselves with things that are forbidden by God. Things such as having affairs with married men and married women. Its a sin to have a affair with someone who is married and it also causes family's to break up. By getting to the root of this problem, I needed to do some research, to figure out why men and women cheat on their spouses and why do people knowingly have affairs with married people.
Most people cheat, because they feel their spouse is missing something they need or because their spouse is not as exciting as they were in the beginning of the relationship. Most men and women stray when they feel that their mate is not paying enough attention to them or satisfying their needs. Others cheat just because there have grown bored with the relationship and out peer pressure they seek something new and exciting. Some men would, cheat on a perfectly good woman and have an affair with a woman of the streets, just because of sexual pleasure they feel their spouse is lacking. Women would cheat on their spouse, just because she feels her mate is not spending enough time with her and does not pay enough attention to her, even if her spouse has a perfect excuse like, working and providing for the family. Then she would either have an affair with someone lower than her mate or with someone willing to do what her husband doesn't. People cheat, knowing that it is wrong and also knowing that there are consequences to pay for their actions, all of this for a few hours of pleasure and years of pains. I just wonder to myself when I see people married and single having affairs that are both sinful and wrong. Do they know the consequences of their actions? Don't they know that the husband or wife that they are having a affair with has a family or that even if they say they are going to leave their spouse, that they are lying to them? Don't they know God is watching them and vengeance's is his? Just like that fruit that was in the Garden Of Eden, having an affair is forbidden and it is forbidden by our Father in Heaven. So if you happen to see a man or woman that you are attracted to and they happen to be married or belong to someone else. Remember that they are only Forbidden fruit,not to be touched and only cherish by the ones who they belong too. So if your mate is not exciting enough for you;not paying enough attention to you; not loving you the way you want to be loved; just ask our Father in Heaven to give your spouse what your heart desires and then God will bless you and your spouse for being faithful enough to not indulge in the sins of the world.
Have a blessed night,
Hebrews 13:4
Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

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Comment by Tara Robinson on April 13, 2009 at 2:10pm
i wish my ex could read this blog now he stepped out and cheated and now he is living with the woman and she worked very hard to take him from me and he gladly went in spite of all that i say lord bless them because really they have no clue to what they sowed they will reap.
Comment by Anna on April 13, 2009 at 7:31am
This is an excellent subject that you have chosen... I have a few suggestions that I would like to add.

Each person before they marry should seek to find a mate with whom they are Spiritually,Intellectually Emotionally, Psychologically and Socially compatible. Too often after the fact, we find that the compatibility we thought was there, is not there. The needs we want our mate to fill, are left unmet. That is what often leads to infidelity, when a mate finds someone else filling that need, for friedship, intellectual stimulation etc, first via an "emotional affair" then comes full blown alienation of affection.

So what can that we each do at the present time to save a rocky marriage?

That the person who is praying, as suggested in the original message, should do some self introspection first, and ask the Father to open their own eyes to any fault or character trait or habit they themselves may have, whether it is excessive weight gain, "letting oneself go" so that they can be changed in whatever area is needed so that they can be more appealing to their mate... They can ask a trusted friend or family member to give them some truthful advice on how to make their own personal improvements.

They should develop an activity that they and their spouse can do together.

They can begin an activity that they can participate in together, reading the same book, tennis, golf, walking.

They can give their beloved small but regular gifts, "just because"

But more than anything, put the Savior at the center of your life, by praying and studying together on a more regular basis, which will increase your spiritual bond.

As it is written, "a 3-fold cord is not easily broken..."

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