Recently the same conversation has been coming up about my husband not feeling like I show compassion, He has been going through a rough spot in his life questioning his call to the ministry and also feeling like him has become weak since he has become a minister. When I ask him what can I do he says nothing but in the same sentence he says that I will go out my way to help any and everybody but when he needs me I'm not there. This is starting to weigh me down I don't want him to ever think that I will put anyone before him except God. Seeking the Lord for words of encouragement to speak over my husband.

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Blessings Sister Ymesa, It is the nature of Adam to blame Eve. We are the closest ones to our husbands and when they are going through they tend to blame us. Knowing that men have that tendency,( first seen when Adam said -the woman that you gave me Lord, it's her fault) will help you not to take it personally or feel you are the only one going through this. He is under attack by the enemy so don't lash out at him - look past the flesh and blood and begin to do spiritual warfare on the enemy harrassing him. You will have to really spend time in God's presence in the morning preparing for each day. Get your own wounds healed as you worship, forgive him, put on the whole armor of God and tune into what the Lord would have you do and say each day. Give your husband a little extra nurturing but most of all pray. Come against the spirit of depression, fear,and the lies of the enemy. Do your best to support him but realize his issue is not about you but his relationship with the Lord. Be encouraged, I am agreeing with you that the Lord will strengthen you both and bring you through this with victory. These resources may help him - The Power of Manhood, and Manwounds available on our website - Peace.... Pastor Ja'Ola
Praise the Lord Pastor Ja'Ola, I thank you so much for allowing God to minister through you to me, Since I posted this i began to go into prayer for the both of us. I know God is able i just have to wait on him to deliver in his time.

God Bless,
Hang in there my sister - when you know you have done your best and you are being obedient to the Lord concerning your husband and marriage; encourage yourself. Sometimes husbands will throw out blame but you don't have to catch it. Sometimes the accuser of the brethern will attack us through others to discourage us. Check with your husband daily about his expectations of you. Sometimes we have expectations but don't verbalize them but we get upset if they are not met. Some of his expectations will be realistic and something you can do and sometimes they won't but he will at least know you are trying.

Blesings and Peace
Pastor Ja


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