What do you guys think about it? Does Jesus mind?

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...There is also another big way to stop the excessive amount of abortions: MAKE THEM PERMANENTLY ILLEGAL!!...

Amen Brother.
But I dont hear you or the goons on the right jumping up and down when every last president before Obama did not make it permanently illegal.

Why do you 'black man' place a much heavier judgment on Obama - when Bush was guilty of the same thing. Stop the hate and just accept yourself.
Black is beautiful...Hah Hah! Yes it is.

Please everytime you write about an aborted child - place Bush's name in that post. OK?
1) I'm not "Right Wing". I said that before and I would fully appreciate it if you got that clear that I am neither Right nor Left Wing. Its actually insulting to me.
2) I have been jumping up and down about that for years, but you haven't even known me for months.
3) Bush wasn't for abortion. Obama made it his first priority to reverse the law Bush set in place, that is, make it legal for US tax dollars to be used for procedures in other countries world wide.
4) We talking all this black is beautiful stuff, but I'm a New Yorker. What does that have to do with anything? I'll be glad to tell you: Barak Obama is against my State's governor for the next election, a black man against another black man. ( http://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/obama-s-push-against-pater... ) I have accepted myself, and my blackness is neither greater nor lesser now that a black man is the President.
...Barak Obama is against my State's governor for the next election, a black man against another black man...

And I am a black woman against a black man ---> Michael Steele - for even the local dog catcher.
So in that way I am like Obama.
"...I have accepted myself,..."

Thats beautiful - now EMBRACE it.
Hmp...:-) He just won't quit will he? Do you think his foreign 'Trinidad/Tobago' heritage has something to do with it? A lot of foreign blacks are bred to acquiesce to white thought while cursing black thought. Just asking.
Hmp...:-) He just won't quit will he? Do you think his foreign 'Trinidad/Tobago' heritage has something to do with it? A lot of foreign blacks are bred to acquiesce to white thought while cursing black thought. Just asking.</</b>i>

O my goodness. Brother Trevor your roots are in the islands?

Now I see. I'm not even mad any more.
You have a free pass from now on when it comes to Barack...God bless
Newview, your comment was ignorant to the bone, Hers was so foolish it wouldn't be prudent for me to respond to it! You may find it amusing, and that female may find her words correct, but I am TRULY going to pray that the LORD judge and deal with it accordingly. Such insults cannot and should not go unaccounted for.

Even though my family has Trinidadian roots, I was born and raised here in NYC!!! I'm as natural a citizen as they come, and far less a racist and a bigot that that one over there!!!!
"...Newview, your comment was ignorant to the bone, Hers was so foolish it wouldn't be prudent for me to respond to it! You may find it amusing, and that female may find her words correct, but I am TRULY going to pray that the LORD judge and deal with it accordingly. Such insults cannot and should not go unaccounted for.

Even though my family has Trinidadian roots, I was born and raised here in NYC!!! I'm as natural a citizen as they come, and far less a racist and a bigot that that one over there!!!!..."

Calm down...
Because NOW that I understand your roots - I DONT believe you are expressing your distrust and angst of our black President as a result of the indigenous disease that so many black AMERICANS are so festered with.
Your feelings are rooted in something else.
So from now on - I WONT be discombulated by your hatred for Barack - our 44th.
Actually my heart is not so heavy anymore.

Bless you, Bro Trevor :-)
Newview, I never said nor expressed that I hated him. I clearly and fully expressed that I do not and will not support him. I never have and I never will. That is not a matter of hatred.
Newview, Trevor's comments to this your reply shows that he's 'infuriated' to a 'satanic' fault. In fact, he's been that way for quite a while or at least, for the last 5 or 15 posts we've discussed with him on the 'News an Events' section. Let's pray for him for something is wrong when you can get that upset over godly conversation about any given subject matter.

Well, I'm going to let him blow off some steam as from his reply, his 'infuriated' state seems targeted at me. I don't know why his soul is pricked and vexed against me as I like Trevor very much, always have.

By the way, I only mentioned his 'foreign' upbringing amidst living in NYC because of his constant 'hostility' at our 'joy over being proud of our black President.' It infuriates him even though we have repeatedly said, 'we like the man not only because he's the first black President but also, because he's intelligent and stands for helping the masses rather than kowtowing to the rich as Bush did and so brought this country to an economic collaspe.'

Reality is, the truth hurts Trevor, for some reason, it hurts him real bad. We've geniunely and will no ill-will, repeatedly answered Trevor's every argument with the truth and he can't handle it.

He says, in his 1-5 or 6 same old rhetoric that 'he doesn' understand why we call him right-wing.'

ANSWER: We have repeatedly told him it is because he 'rotes' right-wing, speaking of 'racist,' racist rhetoric as if it's the truth while miserably failing at seeking to refute the TRUTHS we put forth that constantly and repeatedly knocks down his arguments.

For instance, in his number 3 point, he says, 'Bush is against abortion and Obama signed that International paper.'

Now, I shall never forget YOUR answer to him over 20 posts ago on the NEWS & EVENTS section. You explained to him that the paper in which he is speaking of more or less allows 'all sorts of health treatments for women in 3rd world countries.'

One of the 'options' that is in there but rarely if ever used, is 'abortion.' However, we are talking about 3rd world countries where they usually come to get treatment for the many diseases that plague them as well as regular health care for the children hey have and the children they are pregnant with.

That whole program is 'cancelled' by Republicans because there is a line in there that says the health care worker can tell them about the 'abortion' option. That is just sheer evil in its finest form.

What Bush in reality does, is cut off 'ALL' health care because that one line is in there. All those poor people suffer and have no medical facility to go to because the Republicans or right-wing 'think they are doing God a service' when in reality they are depriving those people of proper health care. How many died as a result? Only God knows.

It is wrong to cut off a good program because that one line is in there. What's more, those people have different value system over there and as said, usually walk miles just to be treated for the rampant 'AIDS' and other diseases that afflict them and there poor children.

When Bush signed off that document all of that stopped. Yet, he's proud of it. In reality, what they did was cruel. They punished those people from receiving any medical care because that one line about 'abortion' was put in the document.

Obama immediately signed on, and all those little clinics were reopened to give regular medical assistance and probably food to those starving children.

Now, in the eyes of God, I think what Obama did is the right thing in that he is as Yahshua commanded his followers to do, 'saving lives, feeding the hungry, nursing the sick in the here and now' instead of cutting off an entire program because 'one' line is in there.

Clinton also signed that international bill. I daresay, if the facts were checked as to how many 'abortions' were had because of that one line, it would be 'nil.' For one thing, the understaffed physicians in those regions barely have the proper equipment to do basic check-ups on those poor masses.

Anyway, back to my point, you already explained number 3 'rote' to Trevor. I learned from it, did research on what it was all about and am enlightened. Whereas, here is Trevor, yet again, 'roting' that same right-wng gibberish instead of excepting the truth and becoming enlightened.

He's hell bent on being 'right' and well, that's just wrong. lol

He constantly 'rotes' the same rhetoric of the right wing and then gets angry when we describe his rotes as 'right-wing' rhetoric because, well, 'that's what it is!'

He then misjudges well, in this case, he referred to 'me' as the 'bigot, racist' for what? Because I withstand that right-wing, speaking of 'racist, bigotry'? As a believer, I'm supposed to 'withstand the lies and deceits of the devil.'

The devil is speaking lies and deceits through whom? Those right-wing mainly 'white' nazis. Now, in his mind, I'm not suppose to 'notice' their color or lack thereof, rather, he would have me rote, 'there is no jew or greek in Christ Jesus'. I can't, won't, don't, notice anything about where these 'fiery darts' of satan are coming from and for darn sure, it isn't about race. Me see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. It's the end-time, and world powers are changing and it isn't about race even though, the Bible clearly points out who the 'exact' tribes or races are who will be anti-Christ in the end-times.' Whoooosh!

Annnyhoo, let's forgive Trevor, and pray exceedingly for him.

By the way Trevor, it's okay, in fact, a good thing, to be proud to be black. We've come a long way as a people. There are racist, bigoted white right-wingers who would seek to make us ashamed of being black but as God showed via lifting up Obama, 'be black and be proud' in spite of their bigotry and racism, which by the way, 'I've never heard you put down them when it comes to white bigotry.' Now, Trevor may have, but as said, I've never heard it.

As for him finding offense in my comment of 'foreign' blacks well, truth is, some, no, a lot, do acquiesce to white right-wing thought. Since he, has repeatedly done that granted, amidst speaking some good points on black heritage then I thought the question fair-game and did not mean for it to be offensive to the point that he is 'pricked' and proclaiming to be 'calling down judgment on us.' Wow!

Hey, we don't even call down judgment on him as he seems hell-bent on stopping us from having any form of appreciation for black accomplishment. In fact, he, like many black-skinned republicans usually hate and denounce any and every African/American who are proud of what our God has wrought through the righteous among us. Straaaaaaaange, real strange.

Bottom line, I praise God for salvation through Yahshua Hamashiach. I praise God for delivering black people from the evil of white racism. I praise God for delivering women in the Western world from male sexism. I praise God for helping the masses in the U.S. to establish unions. I praise God for the wonderful blacks whose bloodshed gave me the right to VOTE!
"....That whole program is 'cancelled' by Republicans because there is a line in there that says the health care worker can tell them about the 'abortion' option. That is just sheer evil in its finest form...
What Bush in reality does, is cut off 'ALL' health care because that one line is in there. All those poor people suffer and have no medical facility to go to because the Republicans or right-wing 'think they are doing God a service' when in reality they are depriving those people of proper health care. How many died as a result? Only God knows...
It is wrong to cut off a good program because that one line is in there. What's more, those people have different value system over there and as said, usually walk miles just to be treated for the rampant 'AIDS' and other diseases that afflict them and there poor children...
When Bush signed off that document all of that stopped. Yet, he's proud of it. In reality, what they did was cruel. They punished those people from receiving any medical care because that one line about 'abortion' was put in the document...."

Well this takes us back to why I think its ridiculous to have any worldly governments flag sitting on God's altar. How in the world can we give the glory to some nation that does funky things like this?
It looks all righteous but it's pharisaical ----> it looks righteous but its from the pit of hell.
I dont care if the flag is Israeli with white and blue threads of the priestly garments - it should not be on the altar to share what is holy with that which is profane.

The things this country does to live the American dream have nothing to do with God or His holiness.
As wonderful as America is - its profane next to our holy God.
As wonderful as America is - her ways are corrupt - and that is profanity.

There should be No flags on God's altar - no matter how hip and modern we all want to fashion ourselves.
No matter how much we would like to bring God down to our level because its all 'seeker friendly-ish'.
Can you imagine Jesus walking in the Temple and seeing Rome's flag sitting there - even in the outer court?
Let God be true and every man be a liar.

God is holy and any nation's flag should not be sitting on God's altar.
No holy with the profane. None None None.
All I can say is, 'Amen and Preacher Sis, preach!'

See the thing is, we've all said, 'we do not want anyone to abort their child.' Obama has said that, and reached out to create a program to that end.

Now, here's the real reason tax funding for the option to tell about abortion came into existence. It's twofold really.

Back in the 80's when this whole pro-life, right-wing republican railing against Roe. V Wade began, they didn't focus their railing against 'abortion' in and of itself, rather, they chose a demonic, ungodly strategy that called for hurling 'hate and division.'

They became right-wing, republicans because the republicans would hypocritically utter that, 'I'm pro-life' statement and accuse Democrats of being 'pro-death', if you will.

That's where the so-called Christian right, including the Catholic church unleashed 'divisive evil' throughout the world that would catapult in America becoming 'divided,' and as we know, 'a house divided cannot stand.'

Yes, the so-called Christian right began to hurl hateful aspersions on Democrats while breeding their gullible followers to make political 'godliness' (an oxymoron of all oxymorons) as that which is synomous with 'republicans.' Yes, that's where the SATANIC EVIL BURST FORTH. The so-called Christians did this.

Here's how the Holy Spirit would have had us handle the matter of abortion. Since It was legalized all the so-called 'loving Christians' in high places had to do was sensibly TALK with the so-called PRO-CHOICE people.

All they had to do was call for a conference among pro-life and so-called pro-choice. They could have brought forth the astronomical stats with regard to the amount of women recklessly committing abortion. If they had, they would have accomplished a truce as human beings labelled 'Leftist' would have agreed that "yes, there are too many abortions. In fact, they openly do that today.

THE SOLUTION: Let's work together to start programs to put an end to the vast amount of reckless abortions. Let's put aside our political positions and do something about it.'

In fact, many Democrat voting black, white and in-between were already cryiny out against excessive abortions and how to end them without striking down Roe V Wade.

The so-called Christian right conservative should have seen God's mercy working with the decent among the Left and worked with them to create programs amidst the law being on the books. That, would have been the godly thing to do but they didn't.

As said, they declared war. "You vote right wing and you are of God." "You vote Democrat and you are of the devil."

Oh yeah, you're going to get a whole lot of resistance against such lunacy, such satanism that passed itself of as 'of God.'

As a result of their wicked actions, human beings referred to as 'The Lef' just naturally dug in their heels at the impertinence of it all. Who could blame them?

Political war had been declared upon them and ofcourse, the 'Left' rebelled at ths cruel assault. Hey, I rebelled, and Democrat, blue collar voting folks rebelled as well as practical believers everywhere. This was hateful and all who had 'eyes to see' knew it.

By the way, their sinister evil went on to expand to as that Kansas political person proclaimed, 'this is a white man's country built for white men.' Remember that?

The United States was now a 'house divided that could not stand.' The Republicans went on to cause hatred and divisiveness which ended in the economic collaspe of the U.S. until President Obama stepped in to put a stop to it.

Anyway, that's the set-up scenario for the 'International Funding' political rift. Democrats are for it. Republicans are against it and amidst all the fighting and pulling away of the funding, the poor women in poor nations suffer the most.

Anywhere from Africa to Mexico women are suffering immensely. The Bible tells us that 'Satan has enmity towards the woman and the woman towards Satan' (Gen. 3:15).

As so, in every country women are beaten down, raped, murdered, kept illiterate, forced to subjugate themselves to some worthless brute, etc. etc.

Women in poor nations need to know about 'birth control.' That's another part of the International health care programs.

They don't want to have all those babies but they are many times forced to give themselves to males. As you know, multiple wives are sometimes forced to behave in unison for his pleasure and since he goes astray as well, HIV is a collective disease. Unwanted pregnancies also results.

However, those women can do nothing but stay with him and except the pregnancies. Health care funding around the world can end their misery. The call for 'birth control' is the main step that such programs should offer. However, if funding is stripped, how can the women affor to get the free birth control our tax dollars afforded them? They can't. Ergo, pregnancy again and again amidst abject poverty.

Now, had not the right-wing, conservative, republican Christian right hurled hate, instead of the line about 'abortion', it could have been all about 'birth control' in the form of pills and other ways in which to stop the excessive, unwanted by the poor women pregnancies. That coud, and, if Christian love, compasion, and sincerity had been shown that would have been the sum total of it.

However, even birth control pills were seen as a 'sin' by the Catholic Church and other male church run organizations. Still, those poor women that we often observe on documentaries don't want all those babies. Not because they are cruel and heartless, rather, because the male that is many times forced upon them is cruel and heartless.

Not only that, poverty abounds and the mortality rate is sky high in those regions. Remember the article I posted on 'Africans attacking kids as witches?' That's what you get in a deprived, poverty stricken region.

Oh yeah, I would love international funding for a compromised birth control pill dispension but the bad old Left had no one to compromise with as the so-called 'Christian'Right, Catholic Church' and other selfish, beings declared war i.e. 'vote and be Republican or be of the devil.'

Bottom line, the reason funding is asked for to inform women of proper health care is because women the world over are suffering. Satan is un-mercifully working through fallen, demented males to make those women's lives a living hell.

Well, if as the so-called Christian right proclaims, 'all the Leftists are bad, then I guess the Leftists solution for the poor women to have the option to abort is just that, 'bad.' Be it unto them according to their words and actions.

Still, we all are against abortion being an option but we are also against all those poor women being raped and forced to carry the children they would not have if, our tax dollars would be allowed to go towards 'birth control' for those poor young mothers.

Bottom line, anyway you look at it, this sustained issue of abortion that could have been resolved will be charged not to the 'bad old Leftists' rather to wretched, wicked, sinster Christian right republicans


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