How much of what is current church practice is due simply to accumulated tradition, with little or no roots in Scripture? Can you think of any?

Here are a few things that come to mind:
-Sunday being the main day for worship (right or wrong) is tradition and not based on biblical instruction.
-Christmas is also.
-Pastor's wives being called First Lady.
-Spending gobs and gobs of money on the building while the saints live in poverty.
-Prayer lines based money denominations, such as $10 prayer lines and $50 prayer lines, etc.
-Paying people to play the organ

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Bro. Israel,

God's Word is never boring, it's the continuous debate that gets boring when opposite sides stand firm on their beliefs. At some point, you have to say, let's agree to disagree until someone is able to clearly hear from God with clarification and confirmation of the correct interpretation and understanding of this particular issue. It is fruitless for you and I and anyone else that I have conversed with thus far that does not agree with my understanding of this particular issue to continue in this debate.

I am always willing to consider the other side, and in doing so, I wait to hear from God for clarification and understanding. You have to allow the other person time to meditate on what you are attempting to teach them, no matter how long it may take. It's not up to you to decide that they should receive what you are saying now, especially if the understanding they received has been sown deeply into their soul. The initial reaction is always going to take on a rebellious attitude as a defense mechanism.

So, if we never get on the same page with this particular issue or any other issue, then so be it. You spoke what you deem is the truth and I spoke what I deem is the truth. The only thing we can do is move on with agape love in our hearts for one another. Our disagreement is not going to cancel out my salvation, even if you think that it will. That, of course, will be just another issue that we will have to agree to disagree on.

@ Brother Watson

Quit lying to the people. Sunday is the day of the sun. You will be worshiping another God worshiping on Sunday. The Sun God, thus breaking the first commandment.
"...You will be worshiping another God worshiping on Sunday..."

You have not proved that Hezekiah.
Paul and the saints most definately met up on the first day of the week. Even if it was just to pick up the offerings and gifts for the poor saints in Jerusalem - they did gather together.
Can the saints pray to God on Sunday?

The point really is not when you are worshipping, rather, the point is which day is considered the day of REST :). We can worship on sunday, but as long as we keep Torah, and REST on saturday.
Thank you, Bro James.
traditions become bad, when ones make a law of them.

The account of the Samaritan sums it up, he could help the man suffering, because he didn't have to worry about being sanctified for being near the man's blood, at that time the law. Christ has redeemed us from the law

If you can't acknowledge the pastor's wife as First Lady, without disrespecting the other ladies in the church, you have made it a law in your heart.

If you can't pay the organist for his WORK, the ushers are volunteering, in your heart envy has set up.

IF you don't understand that OUR REST in Jesus is everyday, you are still under the law and cursed

If you are giving gobs of money to elaborate churches, and your family living is in poverty, you are in sin

Money designated prayer lines are wrong, you need to study your word

When these things come to mind make sure the word has renewed your mind in Christ Jesus
"...If you can't pay the organist for his WORK, the ushers are volunteering, in your heart envy has set up..."

But why dont the ushers get paid for their work? Most seem to be dedicated at what they do. Especially the women that have to throw sheets over the legs of women that fall out on the floor and are kicking their legs up in the air.
That takes skill to do it so quickly.
Although I think - it may come down to paying everybody in some churches.

I can't see James and the apostles allowing money to set aside to pay the talented harp players.
"...Does your church pay their organist?..."

God forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In our church the usher board is an auxillary that ones volunteer to work on, UP FRONT, they know they are volunteering their time.

Now if someone wants to volunteer their time playing the organ, piano, beautiful, however if the church wants to enhance their service by paying a musician, what in the world would be wrong with working in the church?
@ Brother James

That is not true. The devils designated Sunday as the day of worship through the Catholic church and passed it down generations. Do the word like it says or don't do it at all. This is serious business. The Lord will not hold you guiltless, when it comes to judgement. Nobody looks that far. I am trying to help people live, and not die.

Show me in the word of Yahuah where it says that the Shabbat is a day of "worship." If so, then you have a point. Last time I checked, the Shabbat has nothing neccessarily to do with worship, but the simple rest from your "job." I worship everyday of the week, including sunday, but I rest on Shabbat. So again, the point is not about worship, but rather about resting when it comes to Shabbat.
Isaiah 66:23-24And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.


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