Can We Eat Pork, Shellfish, And All Torah Forbidden Foods Under The New Testament?


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So Yahushua approved Torah forbidden foods in Mark 7, at the same time, kept His father's Torah?
James, you and the rest are full of games. I specifically mentioned 4 parts, and you will dodge all other parts right? Real cute......

If you want to REALLY talk Torah, then address my other parts of the original comment, because I mentioned a specific scripture from the Torah spoken from the lips of the FATHER Himself. Care to take that one on?

I asked you a question based on your above response. I shall ask it again.... So Yahushua approved Torah forbidden foods in Mark 7, at the same time, kept His father's Torah?
brutha trevor,
this was not even a convosation about food , it was about the disiples eating with out washing there hands
True, but did it mention food or not? A simple yes or no would suffice.
My sister, the texts you presented have been misinterpreted, mistranslated or mis-punctuated to make them appear as though the contradict the words of the "Most High".

Let's begin with the text of 1 Tim. 4: 1 - 5:

"Every Creature . . . Is Good"

Another passage that seems to state that all flesh can now be eaten is found in I Timothy 4:1-5, especially verse 4: "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving." The flaw with most people's understanding of this verse is that they fail to read what it and the surrounding verses really say. They lift verse 4 out of its context, not bothering to include relevant details from adjacent verses.

The chapter begins with a prophetic warning from Paul against false teachers and their teachings "in latter times." Their doctrines would be those of demons, and one of them commands their followers "to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving . . ." (verse 3). Many stop right there, but the rest of the verse is vital to understanding: ". . . by those who believe and know the truth." These pesky details change the tenor of what the apostle is saying.

Notice that the subject is foods or meats in general, not necessarily unclean meats. This must be read into the passage. If we consider only the word "foods," it is just as likely that Paul means that these false teachers would preach against eating beef as against eating pork or shellfish. However, the rest of the verse modifies the term. What "foods" did God create to be received—eaten—with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth? The list appears in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14! God has never given mankind any other list of creatures that are divinely certified as "food."

Verses 4-5 must be taken together, as they are one thought. Paul is telling Timothy not to worry about such prohibitions because God created every creature as "good" (Genesis 1:21, 24-25, 31), and a Christian should accept what he is offered to eat with thanksgiving. Does this mean that we should not refuse skunk, badger, bear, tiger, snakes, slugs, snails, vultures, rats, horses, eel, and oysters, as long as we give thanks for it? Of course not! Again, this is not the end of the story.

I Timothy 4:5 adds important, modifying elements to what this means: ". . . for it is sanctified by

1) the word of God and
2) prayer.

Sanctify means "to set apart for a specific use or purpose." The apostle is saying, then, that certain "creatures" are sanctified or set apart as human food—by what means?—by God's Word, the Bible! God reveals these "sanctified" meats to us in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

Paul adds prayer to the setting apart of these foods because we have Christ's example of asking God to bless the food before eating (see, for instance, Luke 9:16; 24:30). This further sets apart the food we are about to eat as approved and even enhanced by God, but in no way does it make unclean meat clean. Besides, Scripture gives us no authority to make such a request of God.

In summary, Paul is reiterating that 1) God has set certain foods apart for His people to eat; and 2) we should not be fooled by false teachers who claim either that anything and everything is good to eat or that certain biblically approved foods should not be eaten.
P.S: If you feel that you can pray over a pork dinner and ask YHWH to bless it and believe that He will, even though the Bible says it is "unclean", the the Gays have a point, in that they just get a minister to "pray" over their marriage and it too becomes acceptable to YHWH!
"...We must walk as Yahushua walked, which was in His father's Torah.

Surely eating only the animals that the Lord told Israel to eat is to eat healthier.
But I am not sure its a sin - because there are too many scriptures to the Church (NT saints) regarding food that does not seem as restrictive. You have the words of Paul. And you have the words of the apostles in Jerusalem telling Paul and Barnabas that one of the only things they would place on the Gentiles regarding food was not to eat things strangled and not blood...
So the animals should be slaughtered kosher-ly and cook the meat well.
"...Remember the Scripture; "ask no questions in the market about the food"? And with 'prayer and thanksgiving it is made Sanctified or Pure"? Don't need Kosher, Daddy is Kosher for all an', Newview in the study it refers to the blood of an animal or human whose meat is eaten while alive or dying..."

Thats right Abba is Kosher for all. HeeHee, thats why I said Kosher-ly not Kosher.
You are correct about the gruesome ways people get to their food. But part of the Kosher way in preparing an animal is to have it killed in a more gentle way. They also drain the blood out before cooking it. I think the designated person (dont know the proper name for it) may even bless it.
But from what the apostles placed on the gentiles - they at least had to have the blood drained out and cooked out before eating the meat.
And true - indeed life IS in the blood - thats why it had to be gone before we are to eat meat. At least that's how I understand those passages.

God bless you too, Sis.

In the Greek, it shows us to eat by examination, and not just eat anything... violating Torah. It is the anti-torahness of man that interprets the scriptures and make them turn out to be what he wants.

Re 1Co 10:25, I'd like to show you from the Greek in which the punctuation has been corrected, how it agrees with the rest of the Biblical texts regarding the diet for mankind, that we are not permitted by YHWH to eat anything set before us:

The text typically reads:

1Co 10:25
Whatsoever is sold in the meat markets eat......... not asking questions for conscience sake.

This literally means you must partake in cannibalism if human flesh is placed before you!

However we know that this is not correct, and by correcting the placement of the comma, this verse now makes sense:

1Co 10:25
Whatsoever is sold in the meat markets
eat not............asking questions for conscience sake.

Check the Greek text out for yourself:

You said that you are not sure if its sin? Lev 11 tells you "not" to eat anything. When you do what you are "not" supposed to do, then aren't you violating the rule? You place the NT over the OT, where the OT came first? Where the teaching came FROM the OT? Can you show me where Yahushua ate pork.. violating the Torah?
Lev 11 is OT, James...I am speaking of the NT


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