You do not believe Moses. How will you believe Yeshua?

Christianity has a problem with the Torah, so right off the back, they have a problem with Yeshua, although they will claim they do not. But the truth is, if you do not believe Moses, then how will you believe Yeshua?

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Our Salvation only comes through Accepting Christ Jesus, as Lord and Saviour. Moses and Saints of God , also are wateing on the Great day of the Lord. PSSS... Moses was not GOOD enough to enter the Promised Land. Point he could not save himself so how could/would he save another
Christianity does not have a problem with all of the Law.

That is true, but they must adhere to it as Yahushua adheres.
Bro Pierce -
I beleive you say the only things not necessary for the NT believer are the ceremonial laws - right?

Well, can you give me an example of ceremonial laws?
"...Well, can you give me an example of ceremonial laws?..."

My understanding is that they would d be the sacrificial laws as it relates to receiving forgivness for our sins.

But I asked if the only laws you felt Christians should ignore are the ceremonial laws - correct?

Well there are many ceremonial laws. For example, the Niddah. The Niddah is when the woman is on her monthly cycle. She must separate herself from her husband til her period is over. No sexual relations can occur. After that, you must baptise yourself in the Mikvah to be ritually clean to return.

Sacrificial systems cannot be possible because there's no temple to do it.
Bro Pierce,

What group of laws are the NT believers to not regard any longer?

Well the Torah is in the new covenant. What we cannot do now is do temple sacrifices. The food laws, sabbath, niddah, and the rest of the Torah we are to adhere to. I mean you can question me. Im glad to ask. Im glad we are speaking civil :)
"...The food laws, sabbath, niddah, and the rest of the Torah we are to adhere to..."

Are you saying that once a month a Christian woman should go get baptized?
"...Sacrificial systems cannot be possible because there's no temple to do it..."

More importantly because our bodies now are the temple of the Living God and Jesus is that perfect sacrifice and He lives in us.

So temples built with hands are nothing any longer.


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