In part one, I discussed the Biblical canon and debated along the lines of if the Biblical Canon was closed. This time will be a bit different. I was in a few discussions before and have heard what they teach in many churches and what they teach in many seminary schools: "The Bible canon is 66 books and the books are sealed, with no new revelation to come." Where did we come up with the teaching that there are only 66 books within GOD's Word?

The Church has been physically divided by man's differences, and have fallen into the following categories with the following Biblical Canon:

Protestant Churches: 66 books
Lutheran Churches: 66 books (however, Martin Luther made an attempt to remove the books of Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation from the canon)
The Roman Catholic Church, & Eastern Catholic Churches: standard 66 plus the deuterocanonical books
Ethiopic Churches: 81 books (contains Enoch, Jubilees, and three books of the Meqabyan)

...and the list goes on....

Full dogmatic articulations and the closing of the Church Canons were not made until the Council of Trent of 1546 for Roman Catholicism, the Thirty-Nine Articles of 1563 for the Church of England, the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647 for British Calvinism, and the Synod of Jerusalem of 1672 for the Greek Orthodox.Is it biblical, traditional, or just an assumption? Is it accurate or deceiving?

I guess my question is this: Who decided your Bible's number of books, and was GOD involved in this?

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Yeshua said,"ye that work iniquity." I'd love for you to look up the word iniquity in Greek, tell me what it is, and then tell me what Yeshua actually meant. Better yet, I will do it for you, and then I want you to tell me what Yeshua meant.

459. anomos an'-om-os from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively) wicked:--without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.

460. anomos an-om'-oce adverb from 459; lawlessly, i.e. (specially) not amenable to (the Jewish) law:--without law.

So, WHO are those workers of iniquity(anomos) that Yeshua will condemn to eternal death????
James, you just don't quit do you??????
Sis, the Book of Jasher was mentioned in the bible along with other LOST books. But for the Jewish elders and for Christian elders - they dont hold water.
The infor that you give me about whats IN that book or the other LOST books mean nothing since they were LOST - there are no copies in existance.
Now what you are probably reading is from was written in the 1300's and the 1500's.
These lost but now found books Sis, are a hoax.
I am not interested in any of them.
Interestingly enough, these are the same Jewish Elders that wanted to do away with alot of the writings of the Prophets. With total ignorance to such matters, people don't even realize that the Books of Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah and others were under the same attack for OT times. The books of 2nd Peter, Revelation, Jude, 3rd John, and James were under attack for NT times, ad most probably don't know it. Jude and 2nd Peter were nearly taken out of your precious "66" by Martin Luther himself for the very reasons that the Roman Catholics and other denominations had an issue with it: they both quoted the Book of Enoch!

With that bit of knowledge, I do see "lost books", I see sabotage.

Come out of Babylon!

I am confused by your statements. . .

How is it that Trevor is in Babylon when all he is doing is sharing information about other biblical writings?

What did I miss in this conversation?
Its not the info that he's against. Its the fact that he wants to go from blog to blog arguing a point that I have disagreed with for the last few months: the Torah. Therefore, he accuses me of being all sorts of stuff:

-false Prophet
-Roman Catholic
-Free Mason

James and Hezekiah both are merely hijackers of this Forum.

I've been called a few names as well, and challenged both of them to prove it. And, of course, I'm still waiting on the proof. . . .
Nobody is hijacking anything. It is a free forum, and we are merely bringing the truth.
The truth? Or your doctrine?

Hezekiah, the TRUTH is everything must be done in decency and order. You are OUT OF ORDER if you try hijacking forums for what you feel to talk about. Write your own blog, and if people feel to talk about it, then fine. However, you look absolutely stupid and like a true heretic when you do otherwise.

I have respect for you and James as far as debate wise, and the chance to gain some understanding on things that I may not know. HOWEVER, you two can be absolute idiots at times with your tactics. For that, I was glad that Bro Watson had made that blog showing the video clips of Black Israelites acting the fool, because thats exactly what you often look like. I wouldn't be surprised if that was you in one of the videos.

You call me an idiot because you cant really attack the mesage I speak. FYI, I am NOT a BHI.
This is comical.


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