Polygamy... Is it scriptural, or does Yah forbid such?

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Polygamy does not violate anything in the world of Yah. If that is the case, then Yah would not have given David, Saul's wives. Agreeing with ZealotX, polygamy is not everyone. Yah simply allows it to happen. But of course, there are things one would need to discuss with their first spouse. For example, similar to Abraham & Sarah, the first wife should approve her husband to take a second wife.

She can also unapprove of it. This is simply ethics here. If a man, according to the Torah, takes a second wife, then he must provide her the same provisions he provides for his wife. The difference comes in inheritance. The son of the first wife always get the inheritance, and also the first wife should have a say in the affairs of her husband's relationship with the second wife.

This lifestyle is not for everyone, neither is it preferred for everyone. This is general conversation, and not a conversation of trying to figure out who on here has multiple wives. We are discussing polygamy, and whether or not Yah forbids it, or does he allow it to happen. In scripture, it shows us that Yah indeed allows polygamy, but again, each man should discuss that with his first wife, and see if she approves or unapprove of it.
In scripture, it shows us that Yah indeed allows polygamy,

My point still remains . . . although God did not forbid polygamy, He did not institute it either. If this was to be the ideal marriage, He would have given Adam multiple wives. We read all through scripture where God did not forbid things that man has implemented on his own for whatever reason, be it cultural or not.

God gave man the Ten Commandments and later the Ceremonial Laws. The Civil Laws were instituted by man and was allowed by God for the purpose of trying to live in harmony within their respective communities. If man could have kept the Ten Commandments as commanded, the Civil Laws would not have been necessary. This also shows you that if man has lived perfectly by the Ten Commandments, he would have no desire or any reason to take on multiple wives.

The 10 commandments have nothing to do with polygamy. You're speaking very bias. Yah gave David, Saul's wives lol. Was he not following the 10 commandments at the time?
The 10 commandments have nothing to do with polygamy.

The Ten Commandments is about man's relationship with God and man's relationship with one another.

Does not polygamy fall under the category of a relationship among mankind? Where in the Commandments does God address man's relationship with his multiple wives? Nowhere, because polygamy was not instituted by God but instead by man. A lot of things that God has allowed was not intended for the ideal marriage and relationship among mankind that we could have had in the Garden of Eden.

Yah does not reject polygamy. You can agree to that, right?
Yah does not reject polygamy. You can agree to that, right?

The scriptures do not show where God has forbidden polygamy.

The scriptures also do not show where God instituted polygamy.

I think the point really is: If the individual man can handle it, or he cannot.

I think the point really is: If the individual man can handle it, or he cannot.

This is really your personal opinion of which you are entitled.

Actually, thats the only answer. because, Yah never forbid a man not to have many wives, and he never commanded it. HE GAVE DAVID MANY WIVES. Obviously, YAH IS NOT AGAINST IT.

ADMIT it and say,"I am having a hard time accepting the word when it comes to this topic."

Do you have a hard time accepting the fact that Yah told Saul to KILL women and children?

Did I not state in agreement that God does not forbid polygamy?
In other words, I accept the fact that God does not forbid polygamy and I also accept the fact that He did not institute it either.

There is nothing further for me to admit.

therefore, this is valid: I think the point really is: If the individual man can handle it, or he cannot.


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