Here are clips of the Lexi Show where she interviewed Tonex.
Check them out and give us your opinion on the interview, and Tonex doctrine

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I do not know what you mean, but he is out he's gay. Now the church should take the time to minister to this man, WOW!
When you step out of God's word,will,and way. The person has aquired his or her own doctrine. I know that he has devolped his own . I don't judge the man , but i do judge the action. I pray that he will turn again unto a loveing God. Who cares and Loves us all so much. I not only pray for tonex, I pray for all of US who have issues with sin.
Amen brothers Amen
This is no new doctrine. This is what is called the "Inclusive Gospel".
of course its not new to those who have heard of it before, but to those who have never heard this line of doctrine it is "new" to them.
that is why i asked the question at the beginning of the post.
Hey, I just had a thought! I hear somewhere thatTonex goes to Carton Pearson's church now! If so that explains it, the Inclusive Gosple. I remember that he (Carton) said that many pastor and signer believed like him.
I just saw this, and my heart aches. This is what the churches of Old have produced confused, misguided young adults. We have strayed so far from sound biblical teachings, and made up our own brand of religious ground rules, until we have lost sight of God. This man is so confused, until he thinks he's ok. He is no different from the super saints who have become so self righteous and they feel they have a perfect handle on what God wants, does and says. It's truly scary that there are so many truly confused believers.

We need to pray.
First, let me say that I do not condone homosexuality because what I am about to say I already know some of you hypocrites will just know that I am defending homosexuality- but I am not.
I see people going hard on Tonex but do you also feel the same way about Rev. James Cleveland, the father of Gospel music who was well-known for his affections toward young boys and turning them out?
I know he has passed on but some of you sing his music, play his music and throw your hats off to him- however he was a homosexual.
How about Donald Lawrence? Hezekiah Walker? The beloved Bobby Jones? Byron Cage? Dwayne Wood? Ricky Dillard? All these men ALSO are homosexuals (although closeted) but do you also pray for them as well?
Do you also feel sorry for them as well?
Do you also feel as though they have created their own doctrine?
Oh, and the list can go on and on.
Donald Lawrence songs are played and sung every Sunday somewhere in America.
Bobby Jones is the highest rated show in BET ever.
Hezekiah Walker is now a bishop.
Is Byron Cage even married anymore?
Dwayne Wood sang a song called, "Let Go" however he hasn't "let go" of young men pleasing him sexually.
Ricky Dillard? He is just a plain mess.
The hypocrisy of the black church is astounding to me.
One poster here stated that she prayed, cried and travailed for Tonex.
Did she also pray, cry and travail for these undercover brothers listed here?
I am not understanding how your "gift" can seem to know one's sin but when it sees someone in the same sin your "gift" seems to lose its power.
Maybe someone can help me understand?!
DO you know that the above men are truly homosexual? You called out a list of names are you sure that they are homosexuals? I have never heard them confess that they had sodomite sex with another man.
Tonex has said it and still pastors a church, and spreads the message that you can be gay and saved at the same time.

Now if the other guys you mentioned are sodomites then being in the closet lets me know that they know that it is wrong.

Do you sing Donald Lawrences songs or songs from any of the men that you mentioned? Be truthful now.
Have you ever song a song that was written by anyone of the men you mentioned, you have haven't you.
First, being that I lived that lifestyle for MANY years its a small world so yes I know facts. I wouldn't dare ruin a person's life with an accusation like this- especially with church folk.
You have not heard them confess?
My brother do they need to confess?
These men live there homosexuality OPENLY however because of who they are people turn their heads to what they've seen and say the most overly and wrongly used scripture in the bible, "Touch not thine anointed."
I'll even be as bold as to tell you to sit around some "church queens" (homosexual dudes that are much involved in the church scene) and throw out some names and see what information you get back. You'll be greatly surprised at the mess you hear.
Tonex, didn't just wake up next to his wife one day and say, "Hey, I'm going to be gay from now on."
Tonex's business surfaced when his wife started divorce proceedings and started telling his business. Then, all of a sudden the trouble started. However, the trouble didn't truly start until he ADMITTED that he enjoyed sex with men AND women THEN all of a sudden he became a "cancer" to the body of Christ.
Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
I mean he was okay as long as he kept it to himself (and I've even heard church folk say this out of their mouth) but as soon as he told the TRUTH he is shunned? and nobody sees the issue in that?
Is the church saying as long as you keep your issues (sin) to yourself, and make us "happy," we good?
Is that message that was given with this whole Tonex situation?
Honestly, I believe so.
There are PLENTY gay/bisexual pastors (some married even) yet pastoring and leading churches isn't it more detrimental that these closeted men are leading people?
Who kills more sheep?
The wolf in sheeps clothing or the wolf that just walks into the pasture?
When I began to TRULY study the Word of God and realized that supporting them also meant that I supported their beliefs then I NO LONGER sang their songs, nor purchased their projects. I was never a Donald Lawrence or Richard Smallwood fan anyway so that didn't matter. Hezekiah Walker was one of my favorite artists but when I was told about his shenanigans (with proof) then I stopped purchasing his products as well.
Lastly, just as a drunk (or former drunk) knows a practicing drunk and a drug addict (or former drug addict) knows a practicing drug addict a homosexual (or a former homosexual in my case) knows a practicing homosexual.
I take issue with you calling specific names. Yes the men you mentioned seem to have a homosexual spirit but is it fair to out them. Because you were in the homosexual lifestyle, I'm sure you ran in the same circles. I just do not think calling out names is fair because they may be trying to change. How do you know Donald Lawrence and Dewayne Woods are not former homosexuals? I did not mention the others because of; well, I won't say. I do applaud your fire for truth and honesty when serving God. If these men are living a lie, it will come to the light.

For some reason, Donald Lawrence seem genuine in his love for Christ. I've met him on several occasion and interviewed him on his latest Law of Confession CD and he seems God fearing. He discussed how he would love for artist to be honest and not phony with their minstry. Just my humble take on him but the others I really do not know.

Tonex, I had the opportunity to interview him as well and I could tell he was struggling with something. The eyes tell everything and he has issues far beyond homosexuality. I pray that he will find the truth in Christ. It's a sad day because the church can't get it right. It seems that the people of the world are far more muture and honest about who they are than the people of God.

You proved my VERY point.
You interviewed Donald Lawrence and he seemed so "genuine" but you interviewed Tonex and "you could tell he was sruggling."
How can you discern one and not both when they BOTH are living the SAME lifestyle?
I did that to prove a point and my point was well made and you came in and proved it again.
Believe me, I know what I know- honestly I know too much.
I am just tired of church folk with their "selective" discernment.


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