We all know that the criminal and juvenile justice system is broken. At present there are over 2 million men and women incarcerated in the United States. Juvenile incarceration is not counted in these numbers.
Our Church hasn't published anything that unites the various ministries that are in place.
I'd like to know who is doing what within our church. Send your ministry name and how you are fulling Matthew 25: 31-46. Particularily the prison visitation element. I will create a data base if one does not exist. If I'm off base will some please set me straight.

In His Service,
Elder D.R. Allen

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We must move quickly to get something going. The prison incarceration and recidivism rate is out of control. What do you suggest?

Elder Allen
My husband and I are founders of 2nd Chance Jail and Prison Ministry here in Texas, we have 12 team members and we are the founders, we have been taking in worship services to male and female inmates in over a dozen units in Texas.

Our contact information is
2nd Chance Jail and Prison Ministry, Inc.
PO Box 1042
Sherman, TX 75091
First, I am all for prison ministry however why are we not doing what needs to be done to keep these young men and women OUT of prison and jail?
Why are we not teaching about fatherhood, manhood, motherhood, womanhood and family?
The MAIN reason why we have issues with prison and jail in our community is because of the breakdown of the family unit.
Why not start there?
My brother, you sound like a broken record. Absolutely the teaching of honesty and integrity should come from the home. It is then reinforced by the Church. Since the family unit is broken, (but not entirely) we have the biblical mandate to feed, clothe, and visit the sick and those in prison. It's not right to generalize to the point that we condemn every church, in particular those who are fulfilling Matthew 25:31-46. The problem is that while the Church focuses on building bigger buildings and fostering prosperity America incarcerates more of its citizens than any nation on the face of the earth. Statistics show that between 2.1 and 2.3 million men and women are incarcerated. Juvenile incarceration is not included in these numbers. So, judgment will begin at the house of God. Many people talk about the problem, then refuse to do anything about it. We invite you and as many as will read this note to join the fight and refuse to do nothing. Friends Empowering Life On New Sources is one such effort. View the details at www.dannyallen.net. If you know of someone who is incarcerated and you'd like for our ministry to communicate with them simply provide his/her contact information and we will begin communicating.
I sound like a broken record?
THAT is how you begin your response?
If I am a broken record then maybe one day someone will listen.
I believe what the church needs to first be promoting is family.
How can the church reinforce something that is does not even abide by?
I hear more abour prosperity and blessings than I hear about family.
Prosperity and blessings have their place but when will I hear more messages about family?
The problem of incarceration won't change until we get to the root of the issue- FAMILY!!!
I've met plenty pastor's children, bishop's children and member's children alike who are on drugs, alcohol, even in jail and prison and others refusing to go back to church or God for that matter because instead of paying attention to home and family their parents were too busy in the church house.
I know we want to grow our "ministries" but at what cost to our own homes and families?
Apparently, what I have said doesn't matter to you but I would hope that someone would catch that revelation and realize that if we don't kill the root of the issue it will continue to grow!!!
My use of the phrase "broken record" wasn't to make light of the situation. You are absolutely correct, it begins and ends with family. I also agree, as stated in my last response, that the Church (at large) is now focused on everything except building family. I am careful not to cast a shadow on every congregation. Many are fulfilling the Word and many go unnoticed because their aim is to rescue and not receive the glory of man. Now, having said that, what do we do? We must speak the truth everytime we mount the pulpit or stand in from of a group of people, or stand on the street corner proclaiming the good news. Our obedience to the scripture is paramount. We have the responsibility of ministering to our sons and daughters who are already locked up. Eating the whole role includes ministry to the whole man. So, be not dismayed. We're saying the same thing. The focus must return to the family unit. In the interim, and while we speak truth, we recognize that it's the truth and only the truth that will make us free.
My question is how many on this sight have been incarcerated or impacted or effected by a loved one going to prison. The issue of prison is deeper then the family. It is an attack of the enemy on the family. I am a survivor of domestic violence as a child. My father was a womanizer , alcoholic, batter of the family. When I was six years old my mother finally had the strength to inform my father that he had to go!
My father in the middle of them fighting turned to me and point as he spoke death to my life. 'You never wanted her ( Me-Heloise ) any way!
Just that quickly the spirit of fear and rejection came into my life. I stood between my two arguing parents and pleaded with tears rolling down my face. Mommy you never wanted me? When I entered my room after all the fighting had stopped. I made a promise to myself that I would never give anyone a reason to get rid of me. I became perfect!. With perfection came mental health issues as I allowed people to say anything they wanted to me. Many times suffering in silence as I was now being verbally abused. People pleasing, no self esteem, self worth, lack of trust in others.
I graduated college, I am a Veteran of the U.S. Army. I had my own business . At the age of 36 I decided I wanted to get married. I was not saved. I meet my husband. Six months into the marriage I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, " Look into his trunk! " For several hours I was being urged to look in his trunk. When I finally got tired of hearing look in the trunk. I opened it to find out that my husband had many many hidden secrets.
I learned that my husband had married me for my money, he was making porno movies and what sent me into 15 years of crack addiction. My husband had a male lover for over 4 years.
Who could I tell this shame and guilt too. I had arrived as society said. I had the college, business, but I did not have Jesus! How do you deal with a down low brother?
To help with the great pain of betrayal and failure,I began using the crack to medicate the great pain and the PSTD.
This cost me 3 felonies.
Today I am 11 years clean and speak of the attack on the family of the enemy. Out of the heart flow the issues of life. In the state of New York we have a coalition of 250 organization work of policy and prison reform. I am an Advocate and a Re-entry Specialist that assist the many who do not have life come home to navigate the many new challenges. Parole is conditional release . If you do not follow the various stipulations you will be sent back.
Take a look at www.seekingmyremnant.com

See how God is using this once foolish thing of the world to confound the wise.

Wow, the testimony of this servant speaks to the awesomeness of God. Praise God for His mercy. To fully understand what a person goes through when abused one has to have walked either in their shoes or followed near the same steps. To speak with authority concerning the incarcerated, I had to walk in those shoes. God instructed me to keep a daily journal. The raw material is entitled "Three Hots and a Cot" and can be ordered from our website. (www.dannyallen.net) The edited book is presently at the publishers with a title of "One and a Half Inch Mattress With Three Feet of Priivacy." I advise all who have gone through a storm to write it down for all to see that God is not sitting around scratching His head trying to figure out what's going on. I don't proclaim to understand the whys. I just know that God is able. Check the word testimony. Everyone will be tested. Thus the I in the middle of the word. Mony is a noun suffix indicating result or condition. So, Jesus' testimony of victory in the wilderness came after He went through.
What is the next step in alerting the Church of it's biblical responsibility? Have we forsaken the family unit for the temporary pleasure of acclaim, riches and fame? I see now what God instructed me to begin a program of confidential counsel, job preparation, and pen pals for inmates. What is so interesting is that many of my own colleagues use the pulpit as a therapy session for their own ills. The congregation provides feedback as we almost command that they say amen when we speak. God help us. So, I'm done ranting right now and close my eyes to ask God to help me to set my watch so that I am prepared when He comes to reprove me.
Lastly, I have given a voice to men and women incarcerated. On our website there is a page call LETTERS. I post their material there, with prudence.
We are available to minister in the area of deep hurt. Distance is no problem.


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