I must be getting old. I see black children falling out in the market, pulling away in churh and talking back to the people that cloth, feed and shelter them and THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT TOO !!!


It must be me...I wanna know has the rod been retired? Are Black Folks so charismatic that an appropriate spanking for the cause is no longer valid?


We have a runaway generation growing up with no respect for order at all and I'm troubled and I need to know what are the protocols for discipline. If we don't discipline our children how do we in leadership address issues when they arise when what we deem appropriate is not an acceptable norm in the house where trouble resides.


For the record I grew up in the COGIC and even my Pastor the Late Mother Irene A. Oakley would discipline us and she when needed took the strap out...I miss her dearly because they instilled in us order and respect and the fact that like we say SOME THINGS ONLY COME THROUGH FASTING AND PRAYER...SOME SPIRITS ARE ONLY BROKEN WHEN MOMMA AND DADDY CRACK THAT BACK...SAY AMEN SOMEBODY PLEASE !!!


Help me out. I find myself in conflict with parents when I check their child and then when these children end up in court on robbery, assult, rape, and murder charges then I gotta get on the witness stand and speak for them but when you should have let me speak for them was when I wanted to check in Sunday School, at Youth Retreat and in Sunday Service.


Let's talk about shall we...  

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Amen, Preacher Teacher, there are those who have submitted to another authority as parents and the children suffer. There is a discipline that must not be ignored in rearing children. I too come from an era where a child speaks when spoken to. The responses that were needed do it as I said do, it's not up for debate. I am seeing what you are seeing and yes the courts are multiplying with juvenile cases. Within the penal system they are learning a discipline that is not Godly nor Holy. Had they receive true training for a righteous life prior the courts would not have our children and MEN!!! Our people are out of order...

Bishop, I so appreciate that because I thought it was me. I got neices and nephews carrying on and when I go to speak on it they go to blocking me as if your ability to block me on social networks means that in real life that I will not remind you that I am your Elder who is a blood relationship with at the same time. Our sparing of the rod has resulted in accellerating our society's downward spiral and our races deepening grove resulting in a less God society from a systems perspective. God has not decreased in His Power and Effectiveness, Man has dimished God's capacity and as a result when God has to chasten it's not going to be pretty and God is calling for the Church to arise and shine in this area and begin to SET THE HOUSE BACK IN ORDER...We used to say "AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD" but we have taken a charismatic stance on discipline in Christian households. The only person that should be taking time outs is YOU while you consider what type of rod you gonna use and these children need to have a healthy fear of adults. Your children should also know that anyone in authority should be able to check them and it is understood that they become subject to those in authority. I am a former school teacher who felt compelled to just as I did with my own children give THEM LOOKS and my kids knew to tighten it up. I set the expectation. My students parents knew that I ran a tight ship and they also knew that I expected to be supported and in turn I support and advocate for them as well. I know how kids act at home by how they conducted themselves in school. I had a parent confront me once and I simply told her to meet in the supermarket parking lot and I'll talk to you but don't come up in here throwing your weight around because you send your monsters to school for me to baby sit. I told here that I refuse to be a high paid babysitter not when teaching MY CHILDREN...yes they are mine too. I spend more time with them in a day that you so they are MY CHILDREN but I need a partnership. In my youth they knew I knew how to act because I HAD HOME TRAINING...



PASTORS...preach the whole truth !!! Tell these children to HONOR but finish the lesson...PARENTS DON'T PROVOKE...See the reason kids got rights is because grown folks yielded their authority to their kids and the streets. These kids respect the local drug dealers more than they do their parents...HEALTHY FEAR. I said discipline not beat. There is a difference and I am reminded that you don't take your bad day out on your kids but I mean Child Rearing. If you play with fire, I tears them fingers up so that you know that fire hurts and fire kills. If you steal, I takes it to the hind parts and you lose privileges, If you lie, cuss, or just lose your mind...I'm putting you in your place. My Daddy would say I had a chip on my shoulder and he was gonna tighten me up...How did he know? That shake up would set me right for at least six months.


If you are a parent...Your childs teacher should know that if they have a moment that a call to you will yield corrective action. They should also know in church that anyone can correct them and they had better act right and any adult family member should be able to correct them as well.


We need to champion your cause.



I agree wholeheartily with the posts above.  I was raised in a home where the rod was not spared if needed.  I used it on my own children who did not get too many whippings because they were great kids.  I didn't have a lot of discipline problems but used the strap when needed.  Now that I am raising my three grandchildren its a different story.  The rod works on the 7 yr old twins but with my 13 yr old granddaughter it's taking the rod as well as much fasting and praying.  The rod doesn't seem to phase her.  I know prayer works but sometimes I feel like having her committed somewhere.  Those who are reading this post I solicit your prayer to pray much for me.


Children these days are so disrespectful and rebellious.  I believe it comes from the fact they are born to very young parents who did not have the correct guidance, discipline, and home training when they were growing up.  The parents don't know how to be parents.  Some of them are doing things with thier children that friends would do with each other and not what parents would do  with their children.

My mother is always warning me about abuse laws.  I feel like if you discipline them where they act up it will be more effective.  I have discipline my grandchildren right on the church pew.  Even one night I had to take my granddaughter to the ladies room and get her.  Then she went back in church, sat down and attempted to try me again.   After getting home I prayed about it and the spirit spoke these words to me:  This kind will only be broken and destryed by fasting and prayer.

You got me in tears Sis...I'm praying but you also need to speak to them forces at work in her and BIND THEM IN THE NAME OF JESUS...THE WORD SAYS WHAT SO EVER IS BOUND ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN. You can fast and pray but please, oh please CALL THEM SPIRITS OUT OF HER and Yes, YOU GOT TO PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS ON YOUR LOVED ONES TOO.


See you came clean and went to the Elders and we taking it higher in HIM but you get your oil and anoint her and tell her that in her rebellion will come problems later in life and that the world will not be so kind to her. We need to stop being so cute with these kids and scare the JESUS into them. Hell is a real place...they think that because their Momma and Daddy fell short that they can use that as an excuse to take it out on the world but they need to see Grac and Mercy at work and Love abound.


Here is a tip. Walk her through the cemetary and tell her one of us will end up here...One sooner than the other...If you keep pressing...You may be calling this home sooner than you think. Tell her you got a reservation in heaven already. If she lose you who gone take care of her and is she ready to MOTHER them TWINS since she think she so grown. Talk real to them. Foster care ain't cute let her watch Antoine Fisher and see what it's like.


Find her a Mentor to talk to. First Ladies usually have compelling stories. If they take off them big hats and tell their truths you might see Ministries flourishing even the more. YES I WENT THERE BECAUSE we looking for mentors and God called these women to work not look cute. That's another discussion thread too. If you a first Lady and you got offended...THEN TAKE THE TIP AND HELP THIS SISTER OUT !!!


I'm praying in Pennsylvania !!!



So true !!!


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