Should a person who has been a Believer for many many years get involved with a "new" Believer? What would be the pros and cons of that type of relationship?

Should a Pastor or ministry leader date a "baby" Christian?

Should a two person's who BOTH say they are Believers, who read the same bible translation yet believe different things (doctrines, worship styles,etc.) get involved romantically?

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Do you ever get out of the teacher mentality and just blog something that can be answered or commented on? Just kidding! Your first quiz, I mean question, is I would think that is up to the two individuals to decide. I mean as long as the believer for years doesn't play the "holier than thou" and "I know something and you don't" attitude and have patience in the new believer's learning, why couldnt' they. I think I answered what would be the pros and cons. Second question about a leader dating a baby christian is again something that is between the two individuals. There has to be patience on both sides and understandings and no expectations but let the Spirit go to work. You're last question, if doctrines are different you better make sure you have the same bible again. LOL Then again we have christians on this site that read some bibles but have different understandings and I'm sure worship styles. It may be a challenge and could still be ok as long as you give each other the space to worship individually and when you come together talk about the doctrines and pray on it togehter to ask the Holy Spirt to guide and teach you both. What's love got to do with it (a little Tina Turner humor..LOL)? I'm tired of being in school!

Now biblically, 1Cor 7: 12 - 15 though Paul says it's him talking and not the Lord could fit this also. Then in 2Cor 6:14 it's a different story, what do you have in common with bible fellowshipping? You tell me Teach! LOL
Why are you always picking on me John John… I just ask a few simple questions. Now why in the world would you think I am giving pop quizzes??? LOL

I tend to blog what is on my mind and the things that I have posted.. well, they were on my mind…. that’s all (smile).

Ok, now let’s see what John John was talking about:

1 Cor 7: 12 - 15
12But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
13And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
14For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
15But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

Hmmm… verse 14 says that the unbeliever is “sanctified” by the believer. What does that mean?

Well, in this passage it is the Greek word: hagiazō
Which means:

1) to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow
2) to separate from profane things and dedicate to God
a) consecrate things to God
b) dedicate people to God
3) to purify
a) to cleanse externally
b) to purify by expiation: free from the guilt of sin
c) to purify internally by renewing of the soul

The presupposition being that the “stamp” of sacredness passes over from the holiness of God to whatever has any connection with God. But how can this be when only that which is pure and without blemish can be “offered” to God? Well, simply put, through His apostle who was appointed to the Gentiles, (Paul), GOD SAID SO! Even though Paul was remarking that it was “his” words. LOL.

I mean, after all John.. you brought up the scripture so you must believe it is so as well right? (smile)

You see, those “unbelievers” who by marriage are “drawn away” from a heathen lifestyle and brought under the saving influence of the Holy Spirit who is at work both in the lifestyle evangelism of the believer to effect change in the life of the unbeliever. The unbeliever is therefore indeed “set apart”. They just aren’t saved yet. (smile)

As for your second passage….2Cor 6:14 It is INDEED a different story all together. NEVER, take a passage out of context. While one scripture may say something quite poignant, it must be explained in context.. not just all by itself. (for example, Jesus wept… there’s more to his crying then Him just crying… there is why did He cry and what did He do after He cried. Etc.)

There is no mention of romantic relationships exclusively in this passage. The key to this entire passage are two words.. “yoked” and “agreement”:
14Be ye not unequally YOKED together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16And what AGREEMENT hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

John.. since you say I’m always quizzing folks.. LOL your “homework” is to give me biblical descriptions of the words yoked and agreement.

What was the purpose of a “yoke”?
How did people come to “agreements”

Luv ya! (smile)
I'm not bringing you any apples either! LOL Think I'll become a drop out. Ok:

Yoke in the bible is about 40 times in the OT and only once in the NT.

The OT position of yoke was obvious for animals that worked but never an ox and a mule yoked together something like......never mind! For humans yoke referrs to those being slaves or servants. In the bible when Solomon went after strange women which always led to idolatry which led to God taking the kingdom from him but for the sake of David two was going to remain with Solomon's son. His son Rehoboam didn't follow the advice of the old men to serve and speak good words to them but listened to the youngsters instead and spoke harsely thus making their yoke heavier than Solomon did for his falling away. It was God's plan of course but the people felt they had not portion or heritage. So now a division and then a revolt between both houses of Judah and Israel. Thus a burdomsome yoke on them. There is Isaiah 9 and then the Messiah's coming to bring us from dark to light thus taking our yoke we have put on ourselves from youth. Not what you want to hear maybe that's what you're getting from me.

People came to agreements through peace and friendship. I'm done and have a headache. LOL

My second question was how did people in the BIBLE come to agreements? I know you have a headache my I will digress on that question for now.

By the way....did I mention you did a very good job on "yoke" (SMILE)

Thank you Teach, have an apple. LOL

I thought they reached agreements by giving presents and making vows with one another. You look it up! Just kidding!
Ironically, I was reading something last night about leadership dating parishioners and how some organized bodies have guidelines for that. On a relating level, how can two walk together unless they are agreed? Many young believers have a lot to learn about developing in their spiritual maturity and need some time to grow before becoming overwhelmed with someone else. That would be in the natural as well as in the spiritual. There is also co-dependency where the new believer would view the older Believer as being their guide and miss God because of the short comings of a fellow human being. It's complicated. Not something that I have found, by experience, to be very fruitful.

Rev. Wanda
Rev. Wanda.. I ask you the same questions that I asked John

What is the purpose of a yoke and how did people come to "agreements" in the Bible?
Should a person who has been a Believer for many many years get involved with a "new" Believer? What would be the pros and cons of that type of relationship?

I do not think there's anything wrong with a veteran believer being involved with a new believer. The pros outweigh the cons here like no other. When you are dating, or want to marry a new believer, you can teach them God's word. Their mind will be fresh, and hooked on wanting to learn about their new faith, so they will be open to understanding, and taking heed to what you have to say.

What are the cons? Umm.. I can't really recall a con here. What can possibly happen is that the new believer gets so frustrated with what they have to learn, and they give up the faith all-together. The possibility is there, but there is a way to combat that con, and that is to teach the word in a way that they can process quickly, and efficiently. if true love is there between the 2 parties, then there should not be any destructive problems here.

Should a Pastor or ministry leader date a "baby" Christian?

It does not matter at all.

Should a two person's who BOTH say they are Believers, who read the same bible translation yet believe different things (doctrines, worship styles,etc.) get involved romantically?

Now this is where the dogs are prepared to fight. This is a great question. Much difficulty can arise from this situation. I mean, If the 2 parties are willing to listen to each other, then they could see where things could go. I think it depends on the doctrines at hand. I mean, who would break up if the 2 differ on tongues, or prophecy?

I believe it depends. It also depends if the party is willing to have his/her mind open to learning a new doctrine. This is why most Christians prefer to date, and marry inside their denomination. It really depends on the people.


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