why are some members of the body thinking of staying on earth Forever? they tend to forget all about Heaven as a home...why?

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The body Christ tends to worry about leaving the earth, and going to heaven. Little does the body know, that our objective is to make down here a reflection of up there. Our goal is to prepare this place for the Lord, and his kingdom. We get so caught about going to heaven, when we are neglecting the earth.

Another thing is that no one is going to heaven, but staying here on earth. Even when Jesus comes back, he will come here on earth, and rule from earth forever. In the meantime, let us carry out the Lord's prayer that says," Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." And that, my friends, is placed on our part. Whatever you are called to do in the ministry, forget about waiting for get outta here. You are on earth, so GET TO WORK!


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