Feel free to answer all questions or just one question or as many as you desire. I only ask that you share which question(s) you are answering.

Below are a few scriptures strictly pulled out by searching the word adoption. Of course there is more to each of these scriptures and I welcome your sharing even more than these:

Romans 8:15
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

Romans 8:23
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Romans 9:4
Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Galatians 4:5
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Ephesians 1:5
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will...

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Staff lunch... brb to reply....
This is where we are going to have some great discussions! It was to the Israelites first but remember they made it possible for the Gentiles for being a stiffkneck people and continue to be so. Jesus came to them first and they still (not all) didn't get it as most still dont' get it today. The apostles (disciples) also went to the Israelites until Jesus chose Paul to go in to the Gentiles and then it was neither Jew nor Gentile but ALL in Christ. You say if people don't get it is the Israelite and then the Gentile they don't read the bible and I find some things that are from the bible that I see some Israelites don't get so maybe they dont' read the bible (all of it) and are stuck in the OT mostly. I truly believe that I have been wrongly educated about so much in history and have known that from coming up in the 50's, 60's when we were hungry for knowledge and found out things that went against mainstream and most Blacks in this country but find out it was truth. God is bringing many things that have been hidden in secret by man and revealing His hiddden secrets to we that believe also. He said he would and He doesn't lie. I'm still waiting to see if God want's me to change me name and if He does then I will but right now He hasn't put it in my heart to show that it matters to Him. I only get what matters to Him is that I follow His Son Jesus Christ. I know this is digging in Moreh by my use of names but I"m going to wait as I said in the other post what I find out about names and other things. I'll put it out there and we'll all have a good old discussion and each prove it but by the Word and not by our word. Much love my Brother and Sister. I've been out of pocket because of a back injury and today is the first day in a while I've felt good enough to move around. Been lying on the floor and just relaxing to let my back heal and prayer of course. Talk soon.
Please understand though I share in Brother Moreh's understanding of nationalities, we still have not come to agreements on all things. I hear what others tell me but do my own research with asking God's assistance and guidance. It was just an eye opener for me to find that in fact we are not all Africans in the sense of what we have been taught. It is something I have been praying to God for a long time. I thought we all came from Ham when in fact we may have come from Shem instead. I do understand that I am mixed with Shem, Ham and Japheth and that doesn't make me less than anyone or more than anyone. It's just something for me to understand about me and providing me a better understanding of things. Moreh and I have disagreements when it comes to names and that will probably be unless God puts that in my head. I still see men's traditions even with the Hebrew Israelites though they say it is scriptual. I disagree with everyone coming to God through the Hebrew Israelite because we come to God through Jesus Christ. There are some things that on my research that I disagree with Brother Moreh on and I'll blog that as I'm putting it together and some things I agree with. My last name Estell is French and what ever it means is irrelevant to me. What is relevant to me is that I have myself right with God so when my Saviour comes I'm ready. I truly believe what Paul says when he said there is neither Jew nor Gentile when we come to Christ. Though I'm going to blog here for all to see (my research on some things Moreh and I have talked about) I still feel some of the Brothers finding out their heritage whether they know for sure they are African or Hebrew Israelite, I see some of the same zeal for the OT and not much for the NT as the Jews (Israelites) in the Bible that refused to believe the changes that took place because of Jesus coming into the world and I'm going to speak about that to get others views and opinions. However I have come to know that no matter what Moreh and I or anyone else agree or disagree on there will still be love for one another. I do my best to get my understanding from God's Word and not man's because I can see traditions that come from man rather than God's truths and meanings. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but I do my best.. Much love.
Pisteuo is Greek for faith, or to believe. In fact. The o(omicron) is the equavilant of the english personal pronoun "I". so its saying,"I believe", or,"I have faith".
Thanks Busby... that is very interesting info.

And Romans 4 is most helpful in this topic. Especially the words law / faith and father.... I find this chapter in Romans... (well the entire book) quite interesting.

Thanks again for posting a comment.
Abraham a Gentile??? hmmmm I need to put on my Berean hat on that one.

And it was God who called people Jews??? hmmmm... interesting statement

What is the significant difference in name reference of Jew and Israelite?

Who in their RIGHT MIND would say that today's Christians are Jews? There is no replacement; there is adoption but the Israelites aren't nor haven't nor ever will be done away with. Faith is not replacement...LOL

Anywho... lemme get back to work before I get started...

Again, thanks for your comments. Let's continue to dialogue... I love conversations.
Actually, Abraham was gentile, being that he was born in mesopotamia(Modern Iraq). But to answer the question of the created discussion," Are we adopted into Judaism or Christianity or Both?

Essentially, Christianity was Jewish in beliefs, and in practices. It was only through the centuries when Christianity begin to lose its "Jewishness", and began to take on paganistic, gentile beliefs and practices of Rome, and other places.

The Messianic Jews & Gentiles of the early apostolic era kept the commandments of God, including the holy days(Sabbaths & Feasts), just like the apostles did.
LOL silly bro
I thought the word Christianity came from the Babylonian Mystery King, Constantine of Rome who had been persecuting the Christians and in battle saw a cloud resemble a cross and won the battle so stopped persecuting the Christians and mixed Babylonian Mystery beliefs with the beliefs of the Christians (it was fine with them because the persecutions stopped) thus Catholocism was born. Maybe that's why some call Constantine the father of Christianity. Anyway Christianity is a religion and something I don't adhere to myself.

True the early Messianic Israelites kept the Law, Holy Days and forced the Gentiles to do the same. It wasn't until Saul (Paul) was spoken to by Jesus that things changed and Paul was the first to go to the Gentiles and stopped the rituals that were being done by Peter and the other Israelite believers. Peter and them didn't understand what Paul understood and was told by Jesus. Galatians is a good book for that and a lot more scripture to that fact. I know Moreh will disagree because he is of the Law. I'm not saying the Law is of no effect but look what Paul (from Jesus, God) say the law was. You can be in bondage to the law or free in faith in Jesus Christ. I know this is going to start something but let's get it on. LOL
The Messianic Israelites did not force gentile Christians to follow the law as a whole, but mainly, the circumcision. It was a big issue in that day, and Paul had to remind them that the day has come when men will be circumcised at heart, and that Jesus Christ was the one to do it.It is true that Some of Paul's work is misunderstood, and galatians probably being one of the most understood books concerning the law of God, and its place in Christianity.

The truth is that it was not only the Messianic Israelites that were following the law, but the Gentile believers did as well. They were of the law, not in the sense of it saving them(the law cannot save, galatians 3), but in the sense of showing their love for God. In biblical days, Israelites were bond by the law in the sense of--- if they break it, that means death.

We have a better covenant now, for when we sin, we have a lawyer that stands in our place, and defends us. Praise God!

John 14:15 - If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

John 14:21 - Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.

John 15:10 - If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.

1 John 5:3 - For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.

1 John 2:3 - And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments.

Paul stated that faith does not abolish the law, but it upholds the law of God, and we should uphold, and keep the law--as proof of our love, and obedience to God

be blessed
Do you know the two commandments Jesus and Paul, Peter, James, John were referring to that incompase the whole law? It is about the love for God and our fellow man. When I said force Peter in Acts 21: 19 - 27 and Peter told Paul in verse 21 how Paul was teaching the Gentiles to forsake Moses and then for him to show them differently by purifying him self with four other men. It may not be force but as close as it gets. LOL
Love the Lord your God with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself. Then Jesus said these is what the law and the prophets hang on.

How does one Love God, and man? By keeping the commandments! LOL


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