Masonic Lodges & Eastern Star - Are these lodges for Christians?

Masonic Lodges & Eastern Star - Are these lodges for Christians?

I have heard that they are not rooted in Christ, but reflect the religious flavor of the local members.

I'd love to hear any comments, and please back them up with scripture.

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The following is from a Christian site:

Masonic Lodge Membership Requirements (from their Manual and Lodge Members):

Membership Requirements

The key membership requirement for Freemasonry is well known. Literature produced by the Grand Lodges makes plain the fact that faith in Jesus Christ is not required as a condition of membership. Faith in God is not required, contrary to the claims of many Masons. /b>b>What Freemasonry actually requires is faith in the existence of "A Supreme Being." Freemasonry is willing to accept faith in Vishnu - a Hindu god, Buddha, or any other pagan god, as a valid expression of "A Supreme Being." Freemasonry teaches that all men, of all religions worship the same God, knowing Him by many different names.

The truth is quite different. The Scriptures clearly reveal that there is only one God and also reveal that the gods of pagan nations are idols. (Isaiah 45:5, Psalms 96:5) The objects of idol worship are demons, rather than God, according to Scripture. (1 Corinthians 10:19-21). When Freemasonry accepts the Christian, Jew, Buddhist and Hindu as having met the requirement of faith in the existence of "A Supreme Being," it holds pagan gods as equal in nature to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible. The nature of Masonic worship is documented in Grand Lodge documents:

. . . Freemasonry is non-sectarian. Before its altar Christian, Jew, Mohammedan, Buddhist, Gentile, Confucian, may kneel together.

Masonry accepts good men who are found to be worthy, regardless of their religious convictions, and strives to make better men of them by emphasizing a firm belief in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Immortality of the Soul.

Mentor’s Manual, p. 17
Grand Lodge of Indiana

The Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of Man doctrine teaches that all men of all religions are children of God, whether they be Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, Jews, or Christians. The Scriptures teach something quite different. Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. (John 3:16) Man may become an adopted child of God through faith in Jesus. Even Jews who reject Jesus are not children of God, according to Scripture:

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

John 1:11-13

Scripture reveals that a person becomes a child of God by ADOPTION through faith in Jesus Christ.

Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Romans 8:23

If Jews, like Paul, and the members of the pagan nations who accept Jesus are already children of God, adoption would not be possible. One cannot adopt his own child.

Masonic worship within "Christian Lodges" is identical in nature to worship in all other Lodges; they practice the same ritual. Prayers in ritual are prescribed. Many are found in Masonic documents. Freemasons do not worship God in Lodge, but rather a SYMBOL.</</u>b>

One fundamental of Freemasonry is its non-sectarian character. Any man may offer his devotions to the Deity he reveres, under the Masonic title, no matter what name he may use in his religious worship. . . Thus, Great Architect of the Universe (or any of its variations) is a symbol of Deity as named and worshiped in all religions.

Mentor’s Manual, p. 49
Grand Lodge of Indiana

Worship of an idol, symbol, or false concept of God is idolatry, even if offered by a "Christian" Mason.

The Scriptures reveal that a Christian is able to approach the throne of God with confidence because of faith in Jesus, (Eph 3:12, Heb 4:16) Freemasonry teaches that all men may approach God at the Masonic altar on a common level:

To the altar of Freemasonry all men bring their most votive offerings. Around it all men, whether they have received their teachings from Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed or the founder of the Christian religion--just so long as they believe in the universality of the fatherhood of God and universality of the brotherhood of man--meet upon a common level. The Jew returns to his synagogue, the Mohammedan to his mosque and the Christian to his temple--each better prepared for the solemn duties of life by the associations in this universal brotherhood.

Louisiana Masonic Monitor, p. 150,
Grand Lodge of Louisiana, 1988

Part of this Masonic teaching is actually true, but not in the sense that they meant it. Anyone who believes the doctrine of the Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of Man has not embraced the Gospel. On that basis, he is as lost as the Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Hindu, or Jew who rejects Jesus Christ.

Quite clearly, the myth of the "Christian Lodge" is not true. Any man who has thoughtfully listened to Masonic ritual, or studied Masonic Grand Lodge documents knows that it is not true. Simply put, it is a lie and a Mason or studied person offering it generally knows it is a lie.
Dearest Sis,GOD Bless you ,your article to me is a must,and truelly need teaching,in our congreations,but you know as well as i,that wont happen,too many of them have,infiltrated or churches,in so many forms,of its lie,and they are in key positions,;it makes me sick.thank you ,and GOD,KEEP YOU,IS MY PRAYER.


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