This article is those who have been erroneously told that we cannot know what day is the Seventh Day Sabbath:

Has the Calendar been changed?

Yes, the calendar has been changed but it was never changed so as to affect the weekly cycle of days or confuse the days of the week. We can be one hundred percent positive that our seventh day is the same day Jesus observed when He was here. Pope Gregory XIII was responsible for a calendar change in 1582, but it did not interfere with the weekly cycle. Our present Gregorian calendar was named after him when he made that small change in 1582.

What did Pope Gregory XIII do to the calendar? Before 1582 the Julian calendar had been in effect instituted by Julius Caesar about 46 B.C. and named after him. But the Julian calendar had calculated the length of the year as 365 1/4 days, which was incorrect as the length of a year was actually eleven minutes less than 365 1/4 days. Those eleven minutes accumulated, and by 1582 the numbering of the calendar was ten days out of harmony with the solar system. Pope Gregory fixed the problem by simply dropping those ten days out of the numbering of the calendar. It was Thursday, October 4, 1582, and the next day, Friday, should have been October 5. But Gregory made it October 15 instead, dropping exactly ten days to bring the calendar back into harmony with the heavenly bodies. Were the days of the week confused? No. Friday still followed Thursday, and Saturday still followed Friday etc. The same seventh day remained and the weekly cycle was not disturbed in the least. When we keep the seventh day on Saturday, we are observing the same day Jesus kept, and Luke 4:16 tells us Jesus did this every week.

Ten dates were omitted from the calendar following October 4, 1582. What would have been Friday, October 5, became Friday, October 15. A new system of leap years was inaugurated after this change.

The U.S. Naval Observatory has also reported that there has never been any change in the continuity of the weekly cycle.
If after reading this documentation, and you refuse to even accept even the information from the US Naval Observatory, and you still have questions, there are many other references, so please ask.

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Good word sister!


My Sister, I have asked the question many of times and no one has been able to give me an answer has to when the Sabbath was changed according to Scripture. I believe that the Sabbath begins at sundown of Friday evening unto Saturday at sundown. The Word states that Jesus came to fulfill the law...not change nor do away with. The commandment is for the day, while the sanctification is for the heart (spirit of man). Bless you.
Blessings dear Annointed Sister... I do appreciate your comment because we must worship Abba in Ruwach (Spirit ) and in Emet (Truth). If only we would do both ... there would be less confusion and greater Harmony and believe me beloved, we as African descendants would find ourselves of Y'Israel Redeemed :)

Now, here is my response to your comment. On my page, I addressed when is the Sabbath in terms of time of day.... I also addressed a little as to what we do to honor it. What I did not address and our Achotee (Sister Anna) also failed to address is what you are addressing ~ The blending of the two- Besorah of Yahushua (Gospel of Jesus) and Torah or the Commands of Abba (Father). As a Christian, I honored Abba in Spirit. I was Pentecost and I still am in Spirit :) As a Hebrew Truth Seeker, I honor Him in Truth. This is how I see the difference between the two believers... Christians vs Hebrews. Both are wrong because Abba wants to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth. You must remember and obey Torah but without Love we are nothing and will not see Abba when the last Trumpet blows. Yahushua fulfilled the Torah with Love and we need both to be chosen by Abba. The Chosen People shall be the ones who Honor The Father in Spirit and in Truth. So we can do all the Shabbats we want but if we fail to cloth the naked and comfort those who are hurting and heal those who are wounded as my Pentecosts family does, then we are still blind with all of our Truth. Also, if we do all those things and refuse to do the commands of Abba (Truths), we too may be lost - particularly, if we are taught the TRUTH!

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