Where are the demons today, Working through Roots, Root working and Hoodoo, Witchcraft?

Over the past 23 years I have seen and experienced the bad results of Witchcraft and it's effects on the families and lives of many people. I have seen witchcraft be instrumental in the break-ups of marriages, family relationship, friendships, business's, churches and church relationships; I have seen the ugliness of death induced by witchcraft. I have seen the devasting results of internet witchcraft, sex witchcraft, elemental witchcraft, roots, ancestral witchcraft, new age witchcraft, cultural witchcraft and religious witchcraft and if I had to say, the one thing that that I have learned about it all is that the end result is always some sort of death, be it spiritual death, physical death, mental death, emotional death and or material death.
The really sad and hurting aspect of this is that the Church, Christians in America in particular are not taking it seriously as it continues to sweep across this country bringing torment, misery and devastation to the lives of believers.

Where are the demons today?

Mark 1:32 “Now when it was evening, after the sun had set, they brought to Him all who were sick, and those under the power of demons.
Why do we find it so easy to believe that demons were so very active in doing the work of the enemy when Jesus ministered here on earth, but somehow they have taken flight and no longer afflict and control people today?
Many people believe in demons when it comes to their activity in Africa or other foreign countries, but not in America, Canada, or Europe… what?
They explain that the reason we see the demons manifest there is because they practice witchcraft and worship false idols.
Have you taken a close look around us today in America? Many in America, including many Christians serve false Gods.
We serve a God called self.
To please our God called self, our nation aborts over 3,000 babies a day. 50 Million + have suffered genocide “legally” in America in the last 35 or so years.
To please the God called self, we pour out sexually explicit information all over our TV and radio airwaves, tickling the ears and seducing the appetites of the internal God of self.
We ignore the commandments of God, either out of rebellion or in the name of “grace” and we instead worship greed, lust, and control. Oh, but there are no demons here we say… that is only in Africa or other poor countries. Let me explain that poverty is not the atmosphere that draws demonic powers that bring affliction and turmoil.
It is sin and can be summed up easily it is the rebellion of God almighty that invites in the demonic realm!
It’s time for repentance and it is time for
If you really want to see revival, Cast the demons out of the people!
If you really want to see signs, miracles and wonders in the Church, Cast the demons out of the people!
If you really want to see a demonstration of power evangelism, Cast the demons out of the people!
If you really want to see a manifestation of God!
Cast the demons out of God's people,
In the name of Jesus

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Comment by Eric Hancock on February 10, 2009 at 6:40am
Sis,Tara that was the key what you said,,GOD DID NOT TOLERATE THEM AND WHY SHOULD WE,,I grew up in the Dc area and my grandmother was a VERY spiritual person like,Sis Shepherd,,One day we were having prayer and a Deman rose up in a woman and we were about seven years old and SCARED ,,Never seen this thing and it chased us around the dinning room until my grandmother cast it out,,I witnessed the foaming of the mouth and everthing else,,but I learned form that ,,1.never try to cast out a demand if you dont have the HOLYGHOST,,2.never try to cast out a demand if you dont have a relationship with Jesus,now I have been in some debates about the name YAHSHUA OVER JESUS,,my grandmother called out JESUS and that demand understood clearly that it was not welcome,,3.never try to cast out a demand if your prayer ans fasting life is not matching your WALK after you leave church on sundays..the Bibles says that after demands been cast out they seek DRY PLACES to rest,,what is a dry place ? a place where there is no WORD OF GOD,,4. the only power the devil has is what we give him,,and NO church Taught me this it was my grandmother from DC by way of South Carolina..be blessed
Comment by Tara Robinson on February 9, 2009 at 8:34pm
You are so right my sister having had my experience with contending with witchcraft in my own family line and others trying to kill me with it they are real and alive and i find it in the church a great deal covered up as something else. When you have trained in spiritual warfare and dealt with high ranking demons you learn real fast. I call it as i see it and i don't care what others think God did not tolerate them and neither should we.
Comment by Erica Joseph Shepherd on February 7, 2009 at 2:51pm
I live a life that is consecrated to God everyday my ministry requires it and I especially consecrate the Sabbath as Holy unto the Lord God,In the name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit as best as I am humanly possible, with the help of the Lord, to answer your question yes, I do!
Comment by Anna on February 7, 2009 at 2:46pm
You stated above:
"We ignore the commandments of God, either out of rebellion or in the name of “grace” "

Do you keep the 7th Day Sabbath of God Holy?

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