Do you still observe the passover? And if so why??

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Honestly, most "Westerners" / "Americans" take the Bible at face value forgetting that it is not about an "American" God. It is not to be understood from a Western paradigm but from in Hebraic historic context. And the only way to do that is to dig into Hebrew history.

Ask questions about the obvious like... why was Paul talking about races?
Why are festivals mentioned?

Is there a use of some form of literary device?

Paul was known for using Greco-Roman literary devices to communicate to his Gentile audience.

I mean look at Acts 17:16-31

A typical person would read this passage and have no second thoughts.
But the questions that should come to mind are:

verse 16 - what kinds of idols were there?
verse 17 - was this heated debates?
verse 18 - who are the Epicurean philosophers and the Stoic philosophers and what is the distinction between the two. Why would they be there in Athens? (the same question should come to the mind of the reader when Pharisees and Sadducees are mentioned. Doesn't anyone want to know the history between those two sects?)
verse 21 - whoa... the Athenians and strangers spent MOST of their time telling and hearing something new. interesting.. where did they do this...
verse 19-20 in a place called the Areopagus.. a place of debating
verse 22 - now we see Paul at this place of debating doing with the Athenians and strangers the thing they do all the time... telling them something new (but not quite new)
verse 23 - it wasn't new because they already knew that there was an "unknown God". Paul just helped them understand that they should remove the false Gods' and then gave them info on the one true God... he made the unknown god known to them

And here's the kicker. when I learned this I almost fell out of my seat

verse 28 - for in Him we live and move and exist (hae our very being), for we are his children. Man we sing songs about this and praise God with these lyrics. Did you notice what else Paul said in this same verse "as even some of YOUR (Greek) poets have said. Paul was quoting Greek poets. So who were these famous "Christian" lyrics REALLY about... they were about ZEUS!

Paul just took what they already knew in worshipping a false God to reveal to them or make known to them them the "unknown god".

Verse 29-31.... well this is the altar call... the call to repentance... to change your way of thinking.

Verse 34.. oddly enough a man who is named after a false god "Dionysius" - the god of wine... repented and joined Paul.

But how many people delve into the scriptures like that?
We have so many "all I need is the Bible" Christians walking in ignorance because they refuse to extend their studies outside of the text to gain understanding of the historical, socialogical, archeological significance of those God-inspired words that govern their lives.


I feel you sista. I was just showing brother John the same thing.
My goodness. Is that the same John that you and I know? I haven't heard from that brotha in a hot minute. How is he doing?
lol yeah its him. I believe he is doing well.
Part of the ancient passover feasts were wine and bread so Jesus actually continued the passover feast. If you look at the meaning of Passover and the early life of Jesus, they are the same. Both were children who had to be hidden to escape the wrath of Pharaoh from killing them. The blood was placed on the door to save them. Christians call it the blood of Jesus to save them. Christians and Hebrews both use it as a testament for the same thing. There is much deeper symbolism here than meets the eye. It is essential to stop looking at these things for their literal meaning and realize much of the same thing is being said over and over again to articulated a deeper truth.

I agree minister Tracy. If people only look at a room through a halve closed door they will never gain full understanding of what the room holds in it.
WOW.. looking at a room through a "half closed door"... now you dun up and said something there LOL
I agree Dr.Sarita

People have failed to realize that the Blood atonement is the same as the original passover which is why Yahshua Died during Pesach. Consider this, Yahshua is the Blood Atonement and every year we celebrate the Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur. So we celebrate the death of Yahshua during this time. But Back to Pesach. You have to have a replacement for the original. At the same time as the origiinal. The covenant was renewed by the blood of Mashiach. So then why would you not celebrate Pesach? But the entire christian community celebrates Easter which is the pagan holiday of fertility, which is the reason for the easter bunny and the eggs(rabbits represent fertility). It really baffels me of the doctrine of man and not the will of Adonai.

And for the record i am not a Hebrew Yisraelite. I am a Sephardic Yisraelite a decendent of the Levites, a son of Aaron. All people cannot trace their line but they make this claim. All of Abrahams decendents are Hebrew. But only one of his children became Yisra-El and his decendents are Yisra-El. People forget that Hebron was already a populated area of people who called on the One True Elohim and they were called Hebrews. Adonai never called us by that name. HE always said Yisra-El.
I have just a few questions for you Brother Navi in regards to what you said in your response

1.People have failed to realize that the Blood atonement is the same as the original passover which is why Yahshua Died during Pesach.

Can we really say it is the "same thing"? One needed to be sacrificed every year, and one was the sacrifice for time and eternity never needing to be sacrificed again. So if you do observe the passover are you still killing a lamb?

2. So we celebrate the death of Yahshua during this time. But Back to Pesach. You have to have a replacement for the original. At the same time as the origiinal. The covenant was renewed by the blood of Mashiach. So then why would you not celebrate Pesach?

As a Christian I do not celebrate passover, because I believe the passover was closed out when Jesus redirected the disciples focus that night in which he was betrayed. I observe now the Lord's Supper recognizing the fact that Jesus said and Paul reinterated to the church at Corinth "this do in rememberance of me" and the this do was not the entire feast but the specific instuctions about the bread and the cup. So when you say why not celebrate passover again this may sound repetitive but exactly what aspect of passover are you continuing to observe? The deliverance from the bondage of Egypt or deliverance from the bondage of sin?

3. But the entire christian community celebrates Easter which is the pagan holiday of fertility, which is the reason for the easter bunny and the eggs(rabbits represent fertility). It really baffels me of the doctrine of man and not the will of Adonai.

Understanding that the translation of the word Easter in the bible in Acts 12:4 can be debated over wether or not they translated it correct, but that is not the basis of this question my question is this taken away the bunnies and the eggs because not all christians participate in this because we understand what those things represent if the name of the day was changed to resurection Sunday instead of Easter would you still raise a fuss about it?

4. Last question and this is not to attack anything you have stated but out of my own curiosity I would like to know how you were able to trace your heritage all the way back to the tribe of Levi? Thanks in advance for your respone!
Actually this question was was to brother Navi.
First off All Praises to the Most High Yahweh.

I am only going to touch on a broad point in the topics at hand. your questions as a minister vex me. I learned all these things studing the same Bible you have. Although I can read Hebrew and have studied the historical aspect as well for over 20+ yrs this is not and should not be foriegn policy to the likes of anyone. As Yahshua said: what makes the vine any better than the original? Answer: They aren't, They are a graft of the origianl, assimulated into the original. So if we do not celebrate the holidays of the world why should you?. If we celebrate the feast days why don't you? It is not to make you into a Jew. But those days of the gentil ways are over. Like many in America, you were probably born into a Christian Family. So, are you not already grafted in? So you should have always worshiped without the holidays but the Feast days.Shaul stated things to Gentils. You were not born a Gentil. Or were you? If so then the things that Shaul wrote to the pagans is for you.

Easter is not a transliteration. And this is just a historical aspect of the day.And yes they have changed the name to Ressurection sunday. Which is still incorrect Yahshua was raised on the sabbath day. Scriptural fact. Theres a discussion on TOO MUCH "TRADITIONAL TEACHING already going on if you need further proof on that subject. You can open a calendar converter on your computer, put in the year that Yahshua died on the Hebrew calendar, and you will find that THE 14TH DAY OF NISSI (THE FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR) FELL ON A WEDNESDAY IN THAT YEAR! It was the High Sabbath and the day of his death.

Yahshua himself had to aligne to the Mitzvot. Why would we, who follow His example be any different? He said that.. He did not come to destroy but to fulfill. In the christian faith they have destroyed the Mitzvot. But what is funny though we still like to keep the Ten Mitzvot. and do away with the rest....LOL..Wow, thats mans doctrine. How can you acurately say they are all done away but still follow some. Yahshua said that there are two above all else. NOT only two. How can one abolish the Mitzvot but do it himself? Would that not be a contradiction?Also did not Yahweh say that His word would not come back to Him void Yeshayahu 55:8!

Now your first question is very ignorant. You tell me what Jew does do sacrifice? The last sacrifice was in 70 A.D. The same year the Temple was destroyed. I already stated that The Mashiach Is my covering. So you ask a redundant question. But to apease your frivilousness. Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, the day of sacrifice, not Pesach. Pesach is when you eat unleaven bread, like on communion sunday. The rememberance of the deliverance from the hand of the enemy. Bridging the Gap in the Sea of Reeds(not Red Sea). just Like Yahshua does for the sinner man He bridges the gap between Yahweh and man. These are all scriptual prophesies you should know! He is the Lamb. But you question as if you know not?? How perplexing. All Ministers who have a formal Education in Theology know these things. These are not Foriegn Policy.

Now your Last question. Ask Yahweh El Elyon He will guide you into all Truths by the Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Again a very Ignorant question!!! Would you ask a caucasion their ancestory and then insult them by asking how? If you would then heres your answer from me.

For Generations My family has passed down the traditions of our people. I am not a convert. So obviously we would know where we came from. FYI we were immagrants to America this is why we know and kept our culture. We were not slaves and have not that mentality. I am not Black. African American, or any of the like. I have a people and a heritage. So remember that not only will you insult someone but will incur the wrath of that person also. Israelites/Jews love who they are just like Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Brithish etc... But if you were not born with it you wouldn't understand.
WOW!!! DOnt have time to deal with everything you said just now, but how in the world is asking a question that I genuinely wanted to know an answer to ignorant, or insultive. Matter a fact i kind of knew you would get all uptight about the question that's why I prefaced it with assuring you that i was not attacking you. I guess you did not really read it or you thought I was being sarcastic, I wasnt. You either could have given a simple answer or stated you did not want to answer. If I met someone who was white and they were able to say they could trace there family line back to the first Alexander the Great I WOULD ask them how were they able to do it! It had nothing to do with color! Now that was ignorant!!!! Simple question, simple answer would have been "My family has passed down the traditions of our people. I am not a convert" all that other posturing and poing out your chest as if someone did something do you to harm you was not nessacarry! I'll respond to the rest when I have more time.


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