In Proverbs 18:22, Solomon says "He who finds a wife finds favor with God."

In Ruth 3: 1-5, Samuel tell the story of Naomi's instructions to Ruth on how to find a husband.

Should we only consider Solomon's words and dismiss those of Samuel?

All scripture is God breathed. Let's have some feedback on this subject for singles.

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The man and the woman should be in the relationship process. If a woman stands back and waits on a man to "find" and she gets overlooked several times in the process she may begin to have insecure feelings about herself.

It's not important for a man to sweep a woman off her feet. Any man can sweep a woman off her feet, but not any man can "help stand" so that she can walk in the steps God has ordered for her life.
Amen to that, Minister London!
I know from experience that God will show you the person that you will be with or the one that you are not going to be with. I think so many people ends up being hurt because they are not with the person that God has chosen for them. God has to show the individual first then He sends a confirmation.
I agree with this Minister London. I think it is acceptable for both to search for a mate but people like to add it's not ok for a woman to find a husband to what the scripture in proverbs says. No where in scripture does it say a women "can't" find a husband or that it is a sin or unfavorable to do so. This partly why so many christian women are single. There is fear that introducing yourself to, or sparking conversation with someone you are attracted to, or even asking a guy out on a date is against God's Word but that's not true! A women intitiating something more than friendship with a man is not un biblical (Ruth).


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