One morning I awoke with a song repeatedly playing in my spirit, but the lyrics weren’t correct. Have you heard the song “An incredible God deserves incredible praise”? Well that was the song but the lyrics were different. The lyrics I heard were, “An American God deserves American praise”. The song wouldn’t stop. I asked the Lord why that song and why change the lyrics. He said that is how a lot of Americans think. Some think that THEIR praise is the only acceptable praise. He said, “WORSHIP ME IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH”.

John 4:23
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

John 4:24
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

You see, as Americans we often forget that our “American” God is LORD OF ALL. We forget that the way we express our gratitude towards Him is OUR expression based on our tradition and customs and culture. And even within our country there are different expressions of worship.

Do you shout?
Do you dance?
Do you have a “spiritual shouting dance”?
Do you lift your hands?
Do you weep?
Do you sit and reflect within yourself all that God is and has done for you?
Do you laugh?

You’ve heard Americans say, “Oh the spirit moved in worship today”. That statement is relative. For you that may mean, shouting the victory for a breakthrough; but for another that may mean thankful weeping because of the victory and a breakthrough. For some it is gospel music and nothing else. For others, it is Bill Gaither or I’m GONE!! LOL. And for some it is hymns alone. Do you know how many forms of gospel music are out there? Do you know just how many forms of music are labeled “Christian or Contemporary Christian”? Some can’t worship without music, while others mandate that instruments NOT be used in worship services! And that is just in America !! Can you imagine how other nations worship the Lord? If their praise doesn’t look like our American praise…is it not praise? Think about this question, can you cook chicken more than one way? And how it is cooked, depends on who is doing the cooking doesn’t it? American cuisine is not the only thing on the menu!

So, don’t worship and praise God thinking only as an American. Instead, worship and praise Him as a citizen of His Kingdom and you will be worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth.

Ephesians 2:19
Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God

Philippians 3:20
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ

To view the video on YouTube, click on this link:

May God add a blessing to this word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

~Minister Tracy Curtis~

T.A.G. Ministries, International

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Comment by HOPE - Psalm 43:5 on April 19, 2009 at 11:44pm
LOL... exactly... I ususally write that way so as to see: who is ready to argue a point without fully reading the blog.

My point was that there is no such thing as an "American" God but we treat Him as such.
Comment by RevZ on April 19, 2009 at 9:41pm
I understand your sentiment but there is no such thing as an American God.
God is God of the universe not just this little ball of rock.
People love to claim God as if God was a piece of property. We belong to God in terms of ownership.
We do not make demands of nor claims on God. God is Lord, Master not we.

Again I appreciate you sentiment but be careful of the ideas and ideals you propagate. The enemy loves it when we misrepresent it keeps believers in ignorance.

God is God of those who believe and those who do not God is God of all.
Can you imagine how other nations worship the Lord? If their praise doesn’t look like our American praise…is it not praise? Think about this question, can you cook chicken more than one way? And how it is cooked, depends on who is doing the cooking doesn’t it? American cuisine is not the only thing on the menu!
I read the title and stopped there, you argue contra to the title. How an argument is put together is very important and folks like me need to read first and spout of later.

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