What about Job’s Wife?

We are not given her name, but we are all familiar with her infamous words “curse your God and die” But before we point that accusing finger, let’s just think on some things. Job was said to be a perfect man, mature, now we have to think that a perfect man would at least have a near perfect wife. Now some husbands have been called saints for putting up with some wives, and vice-versa, but perfect is a whole different level.

1. Within a days time Job the richest cattleman in the area and his wife lost everything. First was their security, enemies drove
away their animals and killed all their farmhands except for the messenger.
2. While this messenger was still speaking, another came and told of how a fire had burned up all their sheep and herdsmen.
3. Before he was finished another told of how another enemy had driven off all their camels and killed their servants.
4. Then after all of that one comes with the news that a great wind has caused a roof to fall in on their ten children.

The ten children that Job’s wife had birth into the world, the ten children that she carry for a total of ninety months, each one that she only could define by their different labor pains. They were gone.

Job, wether his trials and tribulations, his persecutions from friends, however he still blessed the name of the Lord through these trials, The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. A faithful man indeed. We don’t hear of an opposing remark from his wife at this time. Tragedies happen everyday to families, Job had the Lord and his wife, and she had the Lord and him.

With the pain still fresh, Job’s wife saw her perfect husband struck with a terrible case of boils from head to foot, research suggest that he was afflicted with a form of leprosy complicated with Elephantiasis, one of the most loathsome and painful diseases known to the oriental world. Job for whatever reason, took a broken piece of pottery and started to scraped himself, then went and sat among the ashes in a state of depression.

Alright, that was it Job’s wife lost it ?“curse your God and die” Job’s reply was “woman why are you talking crazy, like a heathen?” it wasn’t her normal conversation, how many times have any of us said, “Lord, I can’t stand it anymore” yes, a far cry from “curse your God and die, but why that particular phrase? No one knew of the conversation between God and Satan but them. “No wonder he worships you, take away the hedge of protection, and he will curse you to your face” a coincidence?

Or could it have been Satan that was speaking to Job through his wife? As he spoke through the serpent in the Garden, and through Peter and others…? Did he use this opportunity and her as a vessel to speak the words to Job that he wanted Job to speak?

Thank God! Job was a perfect (mature) man, a man strong in his faith. God blessed them, with twice as much as they had, They were given seven sons and three daughters and in the land there were none any fairer than them. What about Job’s wife? there is no indication that Job had those children with anyone other than his wife, that he did not share those blessings with anyone other than her. Job stood and spoke protection over his wife who was going through right along with him and his faith saved them both.

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Comment by T.L. Hawkins on May 4, 2009 at 4:12pm
AMEN! GREAT post! Very enlightening!

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