1 Tim 4:4-5,"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer."

This scripture has been misunderstood when it comes to Yahweh's dietary laws. Christians always read into this text to fit their denominational, or personal beliefs.

The only foods that are "set apart(holy) by God's word, are the foods that are outlined in the Torah(Lev 11). Most Christians think that God has now let all Gentiles eat pork, shellfish, and all unclean animals, while his Jews adhere to his laws. This does not make Logical sense. If Gentiles are grafted into the Olive Tree with Israel, does that mean we are to adhere to the same rules that they do? Of course, for Jew & Gentile are ONE in Yahshua.

Again, the only foods that are set apart by the word of God are the foods outlined in the Torah. Christians only read into the text whats actually not there. Foundational wise, its not their fault, for they were not taught Torah foundations.

The vision that Peter had is another misunderstood scripture. Christians will tell you that God was telling Peter, a Torah-Observant Jew, that all unclean foods are now good to eat. That cannot be further from the truth. Those unclean foods that God showed Peter represented the Gentiles that God has called out as people unto himself, just like he called out the Jews.

I have to say that ALL followers of Yahshua are under ONE LAW. 2 law theology, in my opinion, is heresey. To say that the Jews follow this, and the Gentiles follow that, will always cause dividance among God's people. But, Yahshua's body is ONE, we are under ONE TORAH.

Galatians is probably the most twisted, to their own destruction book in the New Testament. The book of Galatians is about Judaizers that were forcing "Rabbinic traditions" on Yahshua's followers. One tradition, which was also the center of debate in Acts 15, was that one had to be circumized to be saved. Paul was not debating these men for telling them to observe Torah, rather, he was debating them because they were telling Yahshua's followers to observe man-made traditions. To my knowledge, Jewish dietary laws are not even mentioned in Galatians.

To be a follower of Yahshua and say," I think we should eat anything in moderation", sounds convincing, but in true exegesis of scripture, It does not hold water. As Yahshua's followers, we are to eat the foods that are holy by God's word(1 Tim 4:4-5). And yes, too much Pork can cause many health problems, but since Yahweh said do not eat it period, I think we should adhere to his Torah, for there are huge blessings for doing so(Duet 6, 28).

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It is the carnel mind that refuses obedience, but accept rebellion and lawlessness.
Well then you cannot be talking about me, as I do not accept rebellion and lawlessness. I believe in the reality of the law, not the rituals which are no reality at all. They have no power to purify, nor defile, but only symbolism a presence reality that has made such practices of no value any long. The law is love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Love and violation of the Decalogue cannot co-exist. .

The interesting thing is that even the so called "shadows" were still practiced in the 1st century among early believers, including Paul.
Sure they were still practiced, as in the first century the church was transitional. One can hardly expect rituals that had been practiced for better than 1500 years to go away over night. It took at least a generation to before these things set in. The book of Acts transitions the center of Christianity from "Jewish Jerusalem" to "Gentile Rome." Then God judges the Jerusalem and destorys the temple signifying the end of the Jewish age. What do you think all this NT talk about the "last generation" was about? It was the last generation of the Jewish age.

The reason the Church left Judaism was because, as Paul said in 2 Thess 2, the mystery of Torahlessness is already at work. This mystery caused huge splits between those who wanted to obey, and those who did not.

How can the church leave anything given by God; that is impossible. Jesus said, the gates of hell shall never prevail over His church. Jesus is no liar!

Jesus never ordained Torah-keeping for the church, but only the keeping of the decalogue through love for God and man.

If Jesus never gave Gentiles his father's Torah, then He is not the Messiah. The prophets always said that ALL nations, namely. those of all nations that walk in his obedience to Torah, will be on HIS mountain, Keeping Torah. We are not referring to salvation per se, but simple obedience to the Lord. You cannot claim to love God and keep not his commandments(1 John 2:3)
...but only the keeping of the decalogue through love for God and man.


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